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Posts posted by ElmerJFudd

  1. It provides a lot of dynamic range, which is great for acoustic music, classical music, jazz and other intimately performed styles.  I don’t think you need it for most popular styles. But if you have it why not.  If you take the time and use nice mics and pres 16bit or 24bit/48k does the job.  You’re going to dither down for video anyway.   And that’s going to get compressed for YouTube anyway.  

  2. I don’t imagine the greatest % of Pianoteq users are playing in live  bands at all. If I had to guess, the largest percentage are playing solo piano with a midi controller that is vastly more affordable than a Bosendorfer 280 VC.  The developer’s success stems from making models of unattainable instruments ever more realistic and enjoyable to play, record and listen to.  🤷‍♂️ 

    • Like 4
  3. The MI retail business has changed so much.  Derek Ash tried to close 18 underperforming stores, but that wasn’t enough for them to continue being Sam Ash.  Their model had always been to have a great showroom with quality instruments to try out.  Ditching the quality stuff and filling the shops with entry level gear that anyone can grab online for less doesn’t work for them.  

    GC is a mess.  The two that are closest to me are packed with boxes right in the showroom like a warehouse.  Staff isn’t maintaining the showroom.  In fact, other than the cashier’s desk there isn’t much other staff.  It’s packed with used guitars and amps in various condition.  Expensive vintage guitars are hung up high. They still have some big brand stuff new - Yamaha, Roland, Fender.   But they also carry a lot of cheap stuff, Williams, Harbinger, etc.  They’ll sell anything at every price point.   Somehow it keeps them afloat.  

    I’ve suggested a few times on this forum that I’d be willing to pay an entrance fee at a shop that maintained a great showroom with the latest gear to try.  But what’s reasonable?  $5, $15? Maybe $10 bucks with the option to put it toward your purchase if you buy something during your visit.  But I don’t know if there are enough people willing to do the same.   Maybe when there are 0 physical stores that will change.  

    • Like 2
  4. You need a screen, at least to program your setlists and setup your midi controls.   


    You really shouldn't invest $900 in an Intel Mac at this time.  However, at the moment everything does run on one and if you can haggle a good price on a Mac Book Pro 2018 or newer for well under $900 with 16gb+ of RAM and 512gb+ SSD storage, it would be fine for running Mainstage today.   Like a tool you use for music, not your everyday computer since it will surely be cutoff from updates sooner than later.  


    Otherwise, any M1  or M2 MacBook Air with 16gb RAM and 512 Storage.   You may be able to find an M1 model in your price range.  

  5. Excellent hardware suggestions.  Anyone own the Kemper?  Worth the price?  

    On a budget, I just saw they went to MkIII on the Boss Katana.  

    And in software?  Plugins you’re happy with?  I see the magazines push IK a lot.  I’m not entirely sure if that’s paid for or if players actually rank it high vs the others.   

    • Like 2
  6. 3 hours ago, 1203 said:

    With two people and without the lid, it's not that hard to carry...😅 And the Nord Rhodes samples aren't bad, but they're not the best either. Besides, playing a real electromechanical instrument is a completely different world.

    It’s true.  There’s nothing like the real thing. I applaud you for acquiring a willing co-hauler. 😊

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  7. Music copyright coup? All melodies for free!


    “Wait, what? Every melody ever possible has been calculated, copyrighted and then given away for free? Surely that isn’t possible? Incredible though it may seem, two musicians have done exactly that. Does this mean an end to copyright lawsuits along with outrageous court costs? Is this a music copyright revolution? Read on and judge for yourself…”

  8. 2 hours ago, Reezekeys said:



    Using the AG as a controller for a different piano sound? What am I not getting? If you're gonna use a different piano sample, why would you spend 7-10K on an instrument that has a (supposedly) world-class piano sample set, multi-channel sound system, haptic feedback, etc.? If I owned this piano I would probably want to record the sound of this piano.

    You can record the N3X audio and MIDI performances to USB thumb drive.  (Pg. 34 of the manual).

    To pair it up with video one has to use video editing software to line up the N3X's waveform with the waveform from the video recording and delete the audio from the iPhone's mic.  


    The thing about these avant grands is they are designed to replicate the look, feel and sound of a grand piano in the room.  The multi-mic sampling they did was specifically to have it play back from the amp and speaker system (80W x 2 + 45W x 4 + 35W x 5 + 25W x 4 into (16 cm + 13 cm + 2.5 cm) x 4. When recorded to thumb drive or from 1/4" outputs it just gets reduced to Left and Right - as it would if taking the outs and going to a PA system. 


    Many software vst pianos give us a lot more control over the sound with mic positions, size of room, and many other parameters that are committed to when recording direct from the N3X.  


    You can just use your iPhone's camera+mic to capture how the N3X sounds in the room - as you would an acoustic piano.  The results vary greatly depending on problems with the room, placement and quality of your mic(s).  


  9. 8 hours ago, Anderton said:

    So, would anyone listen to it twice? Or, put it this way: if that song was done by a local band, would I pay to see them? Probably not.

    From a text prompt.  A request.  
    It generates this and an alternate option in under 2 minutes.  AI music generator 1.0.   

    It’s impressive and fascinating.  But no, it’s not musical - at least not to me.  But I’m certain people less invested in music don’t hear a difference.  

  10. 4 hours ago, Dave Ferris said:

    Thanks guys. Yes I've found out I need an interface. Something like this Zoom should work, hopefully.



    On a different tangent-- it should be possible to run the AG into the inputs on a Montage M6 or M7, then go USB out of the Montage to my iPhone. Am I correct there?


    I was thinking of getting one for awhile now to play around with at home, not necessarily gig with. I would have the higher end A/D with the Montage which would make the AG (or CP88, P515) sound better as well. Am I correct there too?

    "Zoom U-44 Handy Audio Interface Features:

    4-channel USB recording interface for Mac, Windows, and iPad (via Camera Connection Kit)"


    This sounds good!


    re: Montage M6, "Connect MONTAGE to your computer with a single USB cable and capture every nuance of your creativity into your DAW. MONTAGE's powerful USB driver can send 16 and receive 3 channels of STEREO 24 bit/44.1 kHz digital audio to/from your computer or iOS device (MONTAGE is class compliant, no driver needed!), no other hardware required!"


    This also sounds good.   Montage M does have 2 A/D inputs on the rear and I assume they are intended to record with.   So you should be able to take Left and Right audio from the N3X and run it to the Montage M which is in turn connected via USB to your iOS device. 


    The video recording app just needs to be able to select which inputs to record from in both cases, Zoom or Montage M.  Otherwise, you record video and audio at the same time and pair them up later in a video editing software.  


    4 year old video, but give you the idea of how to do this.



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  11. Hi Dave.  

    I do not believe the Yamaha Avant Grand is a class compliant midi and audio device.  So it does not stream audio and midi to an iPhone or iPad by just plugging it in.  The reason I think this is because Yamaha has a USB driver for macOS and Windows - so it is apparently not class compliant there either.  You have to install a driver.   

    The easiest way to get direct audio from your N3X is to use its 1/4” stereo outs to an audio interface that is compatible with your iphone.  

    A lot of people use the Avant Grand’s action as a controller to a Mac or PC sending just MIDI over USB and using something like Spectrasonics Keyscape or Garritan CFX to generate the audio file.  

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