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Posts posted by Ulf

  1. I worked in the TV industry for 9 stupid years of my life. I had come from the audio world (and promptly returned from whence I came), and thought "Hot = good, as long as it doesn't clip". Let me tell you, the airwave TV industry is S*************TTTTT. I have never seen a bigger load off BS than television. Digital television...self-imposed...a hard limit...of -12dB. Say that out loud. Now go drink until your blood alcohol level matches that level of stupidity. That's over half of 16-bits GONE. TV deals in 8bit audio, because they don't know any better. I guarantee, every sample of TV audio begins with "0000 0000".


    Care to explain your math here? If I'm not mistaken, the -12dB down from the ideal 96dB (at 16 bits resolution), would mean "wasting" ~2 bits.


    If you don't believe the math you can easily listen for yourself by recording at -12dB and compare to a 8 bit recording.



  2. But aren't we on the verge of 3.0? (or long overdue for it)
    Nope, we've been on MIDI 1.0 all this time. 2.0 is the imminent upgrade, with the first controllers geared toward it hitting the market this year.


    Probably the longest running, widely used, 1.0 standard of all time. With all its flaws, I'd say "well done" to the original authors!


  3. Here is the link for Gig Performer. Highly recommended and the developers are great to work with.




    Agreed. I have a lot of bad experience with using computers (i.e. Mac Mainstage, NI) instead of "real synths" for playing live, some really embarrassing and expensive failures...


    But the developers behind Gig Performer may actually be able to convince me to try it again. Super responsive and nice!


  4. Superb transcription!!! I don"t think it"s in the right key tho,,,

    A good percussionist can play cowbell in any key.


    Not like those wannabes who will only play a cowbell with a transpose button.

    I only use the transpose button on my cowbell when they call a tune in some weird key like Eb. I can play cowbell in most keys without transposing. But sometimes at the performance they call a key that's a half a step lower than we did it in rehearsal. That's when I use the transpose button. If I have the cowbell part figured out in one key, it's safer to transpose than try to play in the new key and mess up.


    Yeah right, and then you'll forget to reset the transpose for the next song! Cowbell noob!

  5. I use the Stay single tier slim keyboard stand. I like it because it's very lightweight and packs into a slender canvas bag. It takes up less stage real estate than my table stand. I wanted this stand because I play standing up (double on sax) and i needed a stand that goes high enough. My main negative about it is that it's hard to position my volume/swell pedal under it, but I manage to make it work. It's pretty stable but if you're at the same level as the audience and somebody walks by it, they could accidentally hit the keyboard and potentially knock it sideways. They couldn't do that with the table stand.


    That seems similar to the model I use for playing bass synth. Packs away quick and easy, relatively lightweight.

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