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Everything posted by Sidrat

  1. Well good morning/evening all my name is Sidrat and I'm currently 37 years old living in England. I had some music lessons in school, but didn't really take it too seriously. I have always however listened to music growing up and always look forward to seeing live bands at local gigs. What brings me here then if I'm a listener of music, not a musician, I can't hear you ask. The answer is simple but convoluted, bare with me here. I've been unemployed for quite some time and it occurred to me a few months ago, how music and singing can be uplifting and increase self-esteem. This thought was given while listening to the congregation over the road whose vocals are great, but at the mercy of an organist who can take any hymn to the deepest of dirges. So I've been looking on line and testing out keyboard software, all free all fun, very limiting of course, but great when I 'get' and understand how that note and that note combine... Anyway, I wanted opinions on two pieces of equipment in my price range and came to a thread on this forum, and while neither items were suitable for the intended recipient (https://forums.musicplayer.com/ubbthreads.php/topics/2209511/ ) I kept browsing and thought I'd introduce myself and say Hello. Hello. PS: One thing I remember from those music classes is that every good boy deserves football. I hope this will help me to read music (again).
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