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Everything posted by CmdrHaggis

  1. Hi everyone, I hail from the northern suburbs of Dallas, TX where I live with my wife and twin toddlers. I've been lurking around for a couple months while researching for a keyboard purchase. I'm in the IT business and I do computer security. I played trumpet in school from grades 5-12. Now that I'm 40 I figured my I should start prepping for my mid-life crisis! My goal is to have a modest home studio where I can create cool music. I love classical piano and synth works equally. As a computer geek, DAW will play a huge part of the studio. Since I'm just starting out, though, I'm just looking for my first board. The stuff you guys do with this gear is really brilliant; wish I got into this earlier! My other hobbies including shooting, photography, computer role playing games, and "family stuff". -Sean
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