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Everything posted by Griswold

  1. Hey johnchop or anyone else who purchassed the Gig Performer 4 upgrade from Plugin Alliance: I contacted customer support because my "Full" version (which can load all VSTs) kept installing the "PA" version (which can only load PA VSTs). I heard back from them that there installation links got mixed up so until this is fixed you need to load the version you didn't order! Again this is only for Gig Performer 4 upgrades. BTW after this confusion, I am back up and running the full version 4 after a $99 upgrade fee. I hope this helps someone who may have been equally frustrated. Larry
  2. I have the PA unlocked version and received an email today for a $99 upgrade. I've had great experiences with Plugin Alliance & their customer support is fantastic in terms of quickly addressing any issues I've had.
  3. I have the Plugin Alliance unlocked version 3 and it looks like you can upgrade this to current ver 4 for $99
  4. Not exactly keyboard news but I thought many of us have spent countless hours forwarding & rewinding to learn our tunes. https://people.com/human-interest/lou-ottens-inventor-of-cassette-tapes-dead-at-94/
  5. BTW I was wandering around the PA website & learned that it is possible to get an additional plug-in at this sale price. You simply create a new account and buy another plug-in using the same discount code. This gets installed as before but activation is a bit different. You can pug in a USB & now activate this with your new account. This is explained fully on their website. Additionally, after 30 days you can combine items in both accounts if you like for a small fee or just leave the USB plugged in. Larry
  6. I received another email today indicating that there were 24 hours left to use that code LYS2-2999. Tomorrow there will be another code valid for a few days. I believe the same restrictions will apply. They are marketing this as a 'Leap Year' which funny enough had me checking my calendar. Then I remembered we would never have a leap year on a year ending in an odd number. I really didn't want to be distracted by any more synth plugins but Analogman got me looking into Knifonium last night. After watching the demos I decided that would be my purchase tomorrow with the new sale code. Thanks, Analogman for distracting me even further from what I am supposed to be working on! I also wandered around the PA website & found some new presets for my SSL console plugins. I have to say they do have some cool stuff on their site. Cheers, Larry
  7. Hey guys, in case anyone is interested, Plugin Alliance is offering 'any' plugin for $29.99 with code LYS2-2999. The code is for one-time use, there are a few products not valid for this promo & the deal is on through March 1. Then they will have one more code valid for several more days. I picked up BX_Oberhausen today and have my eye on their site to see what else I might snag with the next coupon. From PA: Choose ONE of our plugins and get it for $29.99, except for the subscription bundles and the products below. Please share this code with your friends! Products NOT included in this promotion: ADPTR AUDIO Streamliner, bx_console SSL 9000 J, AMEK EQ200, Bettermaker EQ232D, Gig Performer 3, Shadow Hills Class A, dearVR PRO, dearVR MONITOR, Neold BIG AL, Lindell Audio 50 Series, Gallien-Krueger 800RB Cheers, Larry
  8. I'm glad to see someone else having problems with the FC7 rebooting a PC3. I thought I was losing my mind when it first happened (okay I might be losing my mind anyway but...). I've read many debates/ analysis of expression pedals & all I can say is use what works consistently & feels good to you. Only my experience, but I keep coming back to the EV5. Cheers, Larry
  9. Dave, I can't believe your son is FIVE already. I guess he has outgrown that Sesame Street guitar I gave Him:) Save up your money because Berklee is not cheap. Btw I still use your custom organ patches extensively & almost always receive compliments on the sounds. Thanks man for your continued hard work & generosity. For anyone that doesn't have Dave's Kurzweil sets, just reach out to him. You'll be glad you did. Cheers, Larry
  10. A good friend texted me this a bit ago & I just didn't want to believe it was true. Chick was truly one of my musical heroes & I admired his creative genius, adaptability & of course his chops. The world is a better place because of his contributions. He may be gone but will always be remembered. Peace brother.
  11. I just wanted to shout out to Dave for turning me on to this & especially to Carlo for his generosity. I recently acquired the Hydrasynth keyboard version & I have to say it's about as much fun as you can have with your clothes on. I'm looking forward to spending some in-depth time with it. Peace, Larry
  12. Thanks for posting this! I've been wanting to try Gig Performer. Larry
  13. Thank you for posting this. I did download it & it installed easily through Native Access. While I was on the SC site I downloaded the Thunder Drum & it is pretty wild!
  14. Dave Weiser turned me onto the FV-500L years ago as they were using that on the Broadway shows. I had several of them and they were very sturdy but pretty heavy for lugging around to gigs with all of the other stuff I need to carry.
  15. I hear you - I can't sleep either. Maybe because I slept through a really bad movie earlier. I have a Forte & PC3 both of which use the same CC pedals and I can tell you that the FC7 does not work well. I even tried with the adapter that is supposed to work, but that messes up the response curve of the FC7. I currently use the Roland EV-5 pedals & couldn't be happier.... well I'm sure something could make me happier.
  16. Fascinating reading and in particular thank you Dr Mike for such a well-informed post! This all got me thinking about the history of my keyboards and what I liked/ disliked. I'm also thinking about all of the crappy keybeds/ actions out there that even with aftertouch, are just miserable to play.
  17. He definitely made a musical impression on me. I've seen TOP dozens of times & even though Rocco hasn't been there the last few gigs, his musical legacy & style will always live on. Godspeed Rocco.
  18. Wow! Thank you Kwyn for posting this. I do have the same question as Improkeys regarding latency. Let us know what your experience is. Larry
  19. From a musical perspective, I was blown away by some of the musicianship during this service. I saw at least 3 keyboardists and personally loved hearing so much B3. I find this gospel style of playing very inspiring. In case you're interested here are links of a few tunes. (Sorry I don't know how to embed a youtube video) Peace & health, Larry
  20. Linwood that made my day. I really enjoyed that one! Larry
  21. Thanks everyone for organizing this. Even though I didn't contribute much it was so nice to join the meeting & see some friendly faces! Larry G
  22. Many of the stock sounds in the Forte don't do justice to this keyboard's potential. However Dave Weiser's custom sounds really shine & he is very helpful in answering questions. I have been using his organ programs first with the PC3 & now the Forte. In a band situation these organs are second to none (IMO) plus they are very editable. Actually the same can be said for Dave's APs, EPs, clavs, strings etc. Wishing you all the best! Larry
  23. Thanks Pim for the inspiration to further dive into the SEM. I hadn't spent much time with this but felt motivated after your suggestions. It really is a nice software emulation. I also really enjoyed the video & what I realized many years ago was confirmed - that imperfections in sounds intrigue the brain & create more stimulating sound palettes. Likewise, a synth with good solid sound generation does not need a lot of bells & whistles to become a classic. Personally I'm glad I lived through the era of live performance twisting, sliding, switching & tweaking sounds. It made me one with my instruments at the time & also made me more appreciative of future simple things like the ability to store & recall a patch. Today I feel spoiled that I flick a power switch on any of my keyboards & literally have thousands of sounds at the click of a button. Cool yes, but it's nice to remember what I went through to get here! Cheers, Larry
  24. Thanks for posting this Geoff. I am in & hope they raise some much needed funds.
  25. Sorry in advance if this offends anyone but I thought it offered a gentler view on a horrible situation... Brother Richard Hendrick, a Capuchin Franciscan living in Ireland, has penned a touching poem about coronavirus. Lockdown Yes there is fear. Yes there is isolation. Yes there is panic buying. Yes there is sickness. Yes there is even death. But, They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise You can hear the birds again. They say that after just a few weeks of quiet The sky is no longer thick with fumes But blue and grey and clear. They say that in the streets of Assisi People are singing to each other across the empty squares, keeping their windows open so that those who are alone may hear the sounds of family around them. They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound. Today a young woman I know is busy spreading fliers with her number through the neighborhood So that the elders may have someone to call on. Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples are preparing to welcome and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way All over the world people are waking up to a new reality To how big we really are. To how little control we really have. To what really matters. To Love. So we pray and we remember that Yes there is fear. But there does not have to be hate. Yes there is isolation. But there does not have to be loneliness. Yes there is panic buying. But there does not have to be meanness. Yes there is sickness. But there does not have to be disease of the soul Yes there is even death. But there can always be a rebirth of love. Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now. Today, breathe. Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic The birds are singing again The sky is clearing, Spring is coming, And we are always encompassed by Love. Open the windows of your soul And though you may not be able to touch across the empty square, Sing.
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