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Posts posted by cgiles

  1. Thanks for the reply and suggestions.  Yes, the keyboard worked normally before the 'squawk'.  It also works after the squawk if allowed to totally cool down.  It seems to happen when the keyboard warms up and the time from startup to 'squawk' seems to be getting shorter and shorter.  The 'sqiawk' is ear-splitting and enough to blow two 15" EV's.

  2. Mostly because even though I'm not much of a pianist or Rhodes-type player, it's depth, presence, and expressiveness  tends to minimize those weaknesses.  Right after opening the box 4 or 5 yrs ago, and without yet knowing the instrument, I just started to noodle to see if I could deal with the somewhat 'stiff' keyboard action.  I found a registration I liked and played (or misplayed)  this little tune (Christo Redentor).  It sounded ok, so I added a vocal patch from my Roland G8 to add a little more drama.  I still like it even though I do it completely different today.  The second tune (NY State of Mind) would probably make Billy Joel throw up, but I just wanted to see how it would sound as a solo instrument with a 'lite' backing.


    Like I said, ignore my playing but tell me how you think it stacks up against some of it's competitors.




  3. Just downloaded the firmware update, the manager and the new sound files. Not a whole lot of doc but it's useable. I like that they finally did it and the new piano and mellotron are welcome but all in all not too thrilling. From my perspective, it'll live and die on the availability of a lot more new sound content.


    This pretty much mirrors my feelings about the update which I also installed. One new thing that I like though is when you select a category, the sounds in that category don't immediately go away, IOW, you can audition any or all the sounds in that category before selecting one. BIG improvement. The sounds themselves though, except for piano and (tweaked) organ, are barely record-worthy IMO. Still struggling trying to play expressively with that keybed, especially softly.

  4. Thanks all. No, I haven't put it up on ebay yet because I can't find the darn controller/switch. I know it's packed up in a box somewhere in my storeroom but just the thought of unpacking all those boxes (the result of a move three years ago :) ) has brought out one of my worst characteristics, laziness. I peck away at it a little each day but keep getting distracted by the discovery of all sorts of interesting things from yesteryear :).
  5. What was about the sound you didn't like? At one time that was a very popular rotary speaker.




    Mike T.

    At the time, the description sounded like a dream come true, so I bought it without ever even listening to it. Sounded way less like a leslie than the onboard sim played through good powered monitors (even after upgrading the woofer). Also, didn't like the footpedal controller. I immediately got a 3300 (for gigging) and used the powered monitors at home. Never turned it on again. Too bad too, as I still love the concept. Thanks to Delaware Dave for that suggested starting bid; that's sort of what I was looking for.

  6. Cleaning out some jun..., uh excess gear. I bought this about 5 years ago, didn't like it, upgraded the woofer as per recommendations, better but still didn't like it. Tweaked the heck out of it, still didn't like it. Came with the remote and a very nice custom padded cover. Since I've owned it I have put, at most, 5-6 hrs. on it. Haven't turned it on in several years but it's stored in a heated/air conditioned environment so I assume it's still in the like-new condition I bought it. My question is, is it worth anything or should I just give it away (if I were in the market for anything, I'd try to use it for a trade-in). What do you think it might be worth? It really is in like-new condition cosmetically and also mechanically/electronically (AFAIK). Would probably be costly to ship.
  7. Darren, thanks for the information. The more you know........ Still, in the end subjectivity is the keyword and ultimately the ears will be the final arbitrar. I admit I have only listened to the module on my 8" studio monitors but I'll drag out my 3300 and see if they tell me something different. For the record, I've never been unhappy with my MkIII (just the opposite). It just wouldn't fit in my studio and I wanted the same (or better) sound in my studio as in my rehearsal room (where the MkIII resides). The Ledgend Exp sounded like a cheap solution. BTW, I still haven't figured out how to get that (slightly) percussive bass out of the module. Any suggestions appreciated.
  8. AFAIK, Legend and Legend Live and the module are the same hardware running the same software.


    So, is that official? It's what I assumed when I bought the module BUT, 3K sounds like a lot just to add a keybed with some dedicated controls (Legend). Plus, after more critical listening, that module just does not sound as authentic or 'ballsy' as my KeyB Duo Mk111. Good, but not AS good. JMO, though (and at least one other person here who owned both).




  9. Not bulky at all. It's roughly the size of a (12x12)floor tile. You will need to find a way to mount it that's comfortable to control if you plan to control it from the module itself. The memory system it uses makes live use easy but not necessarily fast. Depending on your playing style, the presets can also be useful (they change the drawbars only). Hope this helps.
  10. Hmmm, just got a private mail from a member who also affirmed my observations. He returned two Legends (consoles, I assume) after deciding that his KeyB Duo Mk11 sounded better. I'm going to take Adan's advice and check out the Facebook Legend page. Oh, he mentioned that the sim on his KeyB was better as well. I agree. In fact, I'd say MUCH better. Would love to hear DazzJazz's experience/opinion.
  11. Legend or Legend Live? I ask because I've tweaked mine in every way possible and although it sounds good, it still doesn't sound as good ('full', 'phat', 'robust', 'dynamic', etc.) as my KeyB Duo Mark 111. Also, although I haven't opened it up, it couldn't possibly hold the FOUR circuit boards that make up the four sections of my KeyB. I bought it because I thought I would be getting a Legend in module form and I'll keep it because it still sounds better than the C1 in my studio that I'm now using as a controller for it.


    If anybody knows, and specifically what, if any, differences (other components ie. converters, etc.) there are between the module and the consoles, please let me know. Thanks.



  12. Viscount Legend EXP due to arrive Thurs (5/30). I have an unused Nord C1 in my studio which I plan to use as a controller. This makes it a poor man's Legend or Legend Live for the paltry sum of $795. The midi interface between the two should work out perfectly and the C1 already has Exp pedal and half-moon switch (which I can hook up directly or send through midi). I have a KeyB Duo Mk111 but it's in another room which makes it a PITA to record (I have to maintain two seperate recording systems and merge the files). I will now use the 'Frankenstein' in the studio. Hope it works as I envision it.



  13. Happy to, Darren. My memory is a little shaky as that was quite a long time ago (during my lost years). I was fresh out of the military and either teaching HS or attending grad school so I was only their during the summer months (but that's when all the action was). I'm trying to remember all the clubs back then like Gracie's Little Belmont (Wild Bill Davis used to hold court there - but his style of organ playing was fast going out of style), Club Harlem, and a few others that I'm now trying to recall. On the other side of the tracks (Pacific Ave.) were the White clubs like the 500 Club (Sinatra territory) and the clubs were absolutely segregated at the time. I remember Grover Washington, Jr. coming in (as a teenager) and being introduced to the guys by a local organ player named Que-Que (pronounced 'kay-kay'). Then there was my good friend John 'Chops' Turner who was head of the music dept. at some southern Black college and the only one of us that was 'classically trained'. He had a sustain unit on his pedals and was the only one of us that played pedals (on EVERYTHING). I also remember being in a local eatery and sitting in a booth alone (with a plate of soul food) was a young Aretha Franklin. She was likely working one of the White clubs but eating (and probably staying) over in 'our' part of town. Those were the days. I also remember Jack McDuff getting beat up by the cops, however in HIS version, HE beat up the cops :). The most admired player (for his playing skills) at the time was Johnny 'Hammond' Smith, but aside from Don Patterson, was most heavily involved in drugs.


    Like I said, it was a long time ago and I tend to only remember 'events' rather than a steady stream of consciousness, but if I can help, I'd be happy to. PM me.

  14. ...and yet, Tony Monaco and Joey D., both of whom knew him well, seemed to hold him in the highest regard. I didn't know Jimmy Smith but I did know Jack McDuff, Groove Holmes, Johnny 'Hammond' Smith, Don Patterson, et al, from working the old (Black club) Atlantic City circuit back in the day. We talked about Jimmy, who came through once a summer, but I don't remember any talk about him being racist. But maybe it just never came up. ???
  15. If you want something in your home office for when you're bored and too lazy to go down to your basement studio, it will work for that. Piano is ok, organ doesn't do it for me, joysticks suck, the shortened keys aren't really a problem but for some reason, tick me off anyway, acoustic bass (with or without the 'ride') is not bad at all, navigation is 'funky' but features are very practical and well thought out. Okay for rehearsals but wouldn't gig with it (unless it was a charity gig). A good sound system with a high quality mixer would probably greatly improve/enhance the sound. Let's just say, it's NOT underpriced. It's a great 'grab and go' board (as long as you're 'going' to rehearsal. I always play it BEFORE I play my SEVEN or KeyB.
  16. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the NC2X. It meets 95% of the criteria mentioned in the original post and at a bargin price. It has three major options for the LH; acoustic bass with or without a ride AND an organ bass (or synth) bass. All are individually adjustable, including volume and pedal (volume) assign (on/off). Super easy and intuitive to set up and quality of sound is DECENT+. Also 88, so split point very versatile. All edits are available for whatever is on either side of the split point and 'split mode' can be turned on or off instantly. Seems like it checks all the boxes to me....unless you don't like the sound :).



  17. First MINOR problem with the SEVEN. The bottom Bank indicator light stopped working. No functional problems, just the light. So now I know I'm in the fourth bank when none of the lights are lit :). Too minor for me to pack and ship for service....don't you think? Still in love with it though.



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