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Posts posted by stoken6

  1. 12 hours ago, ProfD said:

    Jim isn't spending money on another KB.


    5 hours ago, Jim Alfredson said:

    But I have a lot of synths already. I would not be spending money on anything, just using what I already have.

    Personally I'd go for the Prophet (because I can't get enough of *that* sound) - provided you can do any sequencing ("On The Run" etc.) on your Kurz. Definitely avoid the Andromeda - there's enough complexity with a Floyd show as it is (and iirc you're singing lead as well?) to risk equipment failure. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  2. That's known to me (also "Life on Mars" for any Rick-as-sideman collectors out there). Iirc Rick tells the story of how he feels he was insufficiently rewarded for his performance. However what he played was not notated/written down, so when it came to touring Rick was the only name in town, and he could name his price. 


    Cheers, Mike.

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  3. 13 hours ago, Brad Kaenel said:

    Korg Triton TAKTILE 25

    We have a winner! I knew about the Triton Taktile, but didn't know/forgot about the 25. That fits the (somewhat unusual) brief perfectly.


    Personally, I'd go for a Taktile 49 or MX49 instead.


    Cheers, Mike.

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  4. 2 hours ago, Papa.J said:

    Re: Key Largo and USB C - I think some USB C cables are for power/charging only - i.e. not carry any (MIDI) data.

    For it to stand a chance of working, a USB C to USB B data cable would need to be used.

    I've been down this rabbit hole recently. Many C-C cables don't contain data wires and are exclusively for charging. (Easily spotted, they're thin, flexible and cheap). Although I would expect a C-B cable to have data lines, and avoid this problem. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  5. 11 minutes ago, JoJoB3 said:

    Or a good-used Roland VR09 does similar (very usable organ and sounds) between $400-600 out there. 12lbs and done to boot!

    Again, no I'm not a huge (new) roland fan but w these models (like their SP404mkII) they knocked it out the park

    The VR09 is very well priced for what it does, especially it's "pretty-good" Organ. It's not in the same league as Hammond, but - as mentioned elsewhere - Crumar provides that competition at a lower price point.


    Interestingly the M-Solo is £999 in the UK, which would typically translate to $999 (+tax) stateside. That's a bit more interesting. 


    I'd like to see the M-Solo lean in to its synth capabilities a bit more, including real pitch/mod wheels, for example. That would make a nice accompaniment to say a Roland RD88 or Yamaha MODX88.


    Cheers, Mike.

  6. 13 hours ago, obxa said:

    took a deep dive into Dorico videos and I'm impressed

    Dorico really started in exactly the right place - a bunch of ex-Sibelius folks with expertise, experience of what not to do, and (probably) a grudge. I speak as a Sibelius user - like any notation software it won't be the easiest to use.

    13 hours ago, obxa said:

    I wish they had at least decided to make it open source and the let the web fix it like Bandlab-Cakewalk

    Yeah that would have been the right thing to do. I guess Steinberg's bribe contribution was more attractive.


    Cheers, Mike.

  7. 10 hours ago, Reezekeys said:


    Got it, thanks! Sounds like a good way to change or extend parts of a song. Who was in charge of launching the clips at the right times? Did they get extra money? 🙂 

    Was thinking the same thing. If a "playback engineer" is this clued-in to the performance, they are ("almost") a full band member. 


    Didn't Madonna tour sometime ago with a kind of hybrid outfit where the band were playing live, but fed into a DJ/mixer console where a producer/DJ type could mute/FX individual musician's (live) tracks?


    Cheers, Mike.

  8. 14 hours ago, Dave Bryce said:

    see if you can find one of the original Bosendorfer expansion cards.  That piano was much better than it should have been.

    Was that the sample that came on the daughterboard, "Plus Piano", and the later QS range? If so, I found that it sounded nice solo, but very quickly got lost in a busy mix. I got the Jazz Piano expansion card for my QS which solved the problem.


    Cheers Mike.

  9. 49 minutes ago, martink93 said:

    I've got a budget of £400 maybe 5

    That will get a you perfectly nice basic stage piano (Yamaha, Roland, Casio, Kawai) with perhaps a dozen sounds. If your dad wants to play a wide variety of sounds, then you might want to look secondhand. 


    Cheers, Mike.

  10. 9 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

    I get the P225 and would go from that USB to the Nautilus and 5 pin to the Stage3   Yes?  

    "Probably"! If I was in your position, I would test that the P225 can USB-MIDI to the Nautilus before putting my money down. 


    (In fact, if I was in your position I would give the P225 a swerve and go for one of the earlier budget models from Yamaha with better actions - or a Casio or Kawai. But that's not relevant right now).


    Cheers, Mike.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

    I now have a Fantom7 that I use to push Midi to my Nautilus and thru that to my Stage3

    I believe the Fantom can act as a USB Host (although from memory, it's listed as only for other Roland boards), and so can the Nautilus, but not the Stage.


    7 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

    push Midi

    Are you looking to play Fantom/Nautilus/Stage sounds from the P225? You should be fine with the Nautilus, worth a try with the Fantom, and no dice with the Stage (you'll need a USB MIDI Host Adapter). 

    Conversely, if you want to connect a P225 to your iPad, a USB B->C cable should be all you need (or if a Lightning iPad, USB B->A with a CCK).


    Cheers, Mike.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

    Thanks for the replies. I just wanted to know if I could use this the Yamaha to push note info to my other boards if I wanted.

    That simple question involves some nuances. With USB there's always a host and a device. Some keyboards can act as a host, but the P225 can't - only a device. So you can only connect it to a host (PC/Mac/iPad/smartphone etc, or one of those other keyboards). You can't (directly) connect it to another P225, for example - or to a keyboard which has no USB MIDI capabilities at all.


    There are several USB MIDI Host adapters on the market that will allow you to connect a P225 to a keyboard with 5-pin MIDI - and I found this one https://www.doremidi.cn/h-pd-64.html which will allow you to attach two USB MIDI devices (like a pair of P225s) to each other.


    Cheers, Mike. 

  13. On 8/19/2024 at 2:18 PM, Thethirdapple said:

    Figure that the “prompt” and agreed purpose of the video makes all the difference. Here is a slightly different angle of the same video concept for musicians to show off chops and creativity. 

    I didn't go looking and don't follow these musicians, but just an algorithmic feed…

    I enjoyed that video (Kurt Coltrane?) - to the point where I've got a Miles modal-style Heart-Shaped Box going round my head at the moment.


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Cool 1
  14. I can't answer the action question - mainly because I want a piano-action board and an organ-action board as a pair. And also because I don't really understand what "semi-weighted" means. It's not a criticism of the OP, but of manufacturers' marketing departments. 


    I'm sure someone will tell me that manufacturers add weights to the underside of the keys to make them heavier. OK, so how much weight makes "semi-weighted"? What if the keys are heavy to start with? In my book there are two types of action: spring-return and gravity-return. Each can have a range of weight, and indeed a range of quality (TP100 I'm looking at you).


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Sean M. H. said:

    formal, required curriculum

    That's kind of the point I'm making. I would be less surprised if you pluck any old Colombian 20-something off the streets of Bogotá and they didn't know 1999.


    But Jesus is not a random Joe Shmoe (Juan Perez?) - he's is in the music business. He studied at Berklee FFS - it doesn't get more "formal, required curriculum" than that.


    Agree that if you take the harmonic content out of 1999 you're not left with much to work with. 


    Cheers, Mike.



    • Like 1
  16. I have trouble believing that these top musos, who are immersed in a world of music and musicians, haven't heard some of these tracks. How can you not know 1999? It's like being an architect and not knowing the statue of Liberty.


    On a Drumeo video, Larnell Lewis hadn't heard Enter Sandman. How is this possible?


    Cheers, Mike.

    • Like 2
  17. 17 hours ago, stoken6 said:

    I'd like to know what kind of music you play:

    1. Singer/songwriter/piano player?

    2. Synth supremo?

    3. Richly orchestrated layers?

    4. Hammond Organ cat?

    5. Other?


    Apologies @kristinaxo I missed that you said:

    On 8/14/2024 at 6:33 PM, kristinaxo said:

    I'm a long time pianist and singer

    If you want "just a piano" then the Yamaha MX88 wouldn't be my first choice - it does a lot more than that, and if you feel you're "behind the curve" on today's technology I would recommend something simpler. Casio PX-S1100, Kawai ES120, Korg B2 spring to mind. Don't dismiss secondhand either, of course - you might find a bargain Yamaha P45 or P35 that does everything you need. My one golden rule would be: stick to a well-known brand. Yamaha, Kawai, Roland, Casio, Korg...


    Cheers, Mike.



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  18. 15 hours ago, kristinaxo said:

    Thanks for all the input. Correction on the speaker type - it's an Ion Tailgater, not a Penvey. Think it's this one 

    You could plug your mic into the MIC socket and the keyboard into the AUX socket. You'll need a cable that links your keyboard to a 18/inch stereo ("TRS") connector. That would almost certainly work. Your speaker is a long, long way from anything that would be considered "hi-fi" or "quality", but that's fine for the moment - the built-in speakers on almost every keyboard won't be much better, so choosing with/without built-in speakers is not necessarily an important issue.


    15 hours ago, kristinaxo said:

    The MX88 is not a bad board for what it is (a budget keyboard with 88 weighted keys and a wide range of sampled sounds). But before I recommend it, I'd like to know what kind of music you play:

    1. Singer/songwriter/piano player?

    2. Synth supremo?

    3. Richly orchestrated layers?

    4. Hammond Organ cat?

    5. Other?

    And what your budget is.


    15 hours ago, kristinaxo said:

    Regarding a mixer and an audio interface, are there examples anyone could recommend?

    I'm going to hold off this discussion until we establish the other stuff. This one is very much step 2.


    Cheers, Mike.

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