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About OldFingers

  • Birthday 09/14/1951
  1. Wow! What a great answer to start with. At least now I have an idea of what homework I need to do. I really didn't expect any comments on the video, but I thank you for yours. As I get further into things, I'm sure I'll ask for more info, and who knows, maybe I'll get to the point where I can engage the conversation intelligently. Thanks again.
  2. Hi, My name is Bobby and I'm a recovering .... sorry that's for a different forum. I'm now an old man with silver hair. I'm so old that I worked as a musician/entertainer professionally for 17 years, and still built a 30 year systems career. Well, the 30 year systems career is history, and I want to get back to performing again. Unfortuantely, I don't know what equipment is available and being used today. Back in the day (sigh), I worked with a B3 (including petals), a combination electric piano/string synthesizer, and a few miscellaneous toys. But now I'm completely out of the loop as to what sort of equipment is available and useful to a solo act. I'm hoping to put together what once would have been called multi-media shows combining audio and video. Right now, I'm concerned with the equipment that can be used nowdays to create a substantial solo presence on stage: prerecorded digital accompianments, singing harmonies with myself live, and -- of - course -- a good useful keyboard. For example, I've heard of keyboard workstations, but am ignorant of their functionality. Also, they didn't look particularly useful for live performances. But what do I know. Any information on the tools and methods of constructing music (as opposed to creating which is much close to composing) with today's technology will be quite helpful.
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