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Posts posted by SteveCoscia

  1. I can't stop watching these videos (ARP Odyssey, Roland SH-101 & TR-808, etc.). It's a good time to be a sixty something year old baby boomer with a little spare cash and musical retirement plans.


    What most impresses me about Behringer is their R & D, marketing and PR execution. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during the "Which products should we clone?" meeting(s).


    If the functionality and quality match the buzz, then Behringer's list of legacy clones will likely expand.


    How far will Behringer go? CS-80, ARP Chroma, Jupiter 8, etc. etc. etc.

  2. When I was but a wee lad, I had an Arp 4 voice on which I placed a Crumar Orchestrator

    Me too. I loved the Arp 4 Voice wooden keys and form factor. Stacked a Univox MultiMan on mine (predecessor to the Crumar Orchestrator). Eventually replaced the Multiman with a KORG Delta.

  3. I wonder if there's an arranger on the horizon from Casio to compete with Genos and PA4X?


    I'd really be surprised. Casio never offered a lofty-priced, high-end arranger in the past.



    Yes, but they did jump into the arranger game a few years ago on a $500 keyboard. So they have devoted the resources. Hard to believe they would immediately abandon that tech. Just wondering if they've taken what they've learned and are going to introduce a truly pro arranger.


    In 2011, I bought Casio's WK-7500 for about $500. This was my first keyboard purchase in more than 30 years. The WK-7500 is lots of bang for the buck - my initial intent for the purchase was to record musical ideas that were trapped in my head since the early 1980s. It served its purpose well - still does. The WK-7500's Pattern Sequencer turned out to be a great scratchpad sequencer for writing numerous multi-track pieces.


    I assume that Casio's MZ-X500 is the new direction for this product category, although I could be wrong. A weighted action, 76 or 88 note MZ-X500 would be the killer to replace my WK-7500.

  4. A few weeks ago, I posted a Casio PX-560M video that referred to a customer service educational video shoot. Here is one of the educational videos - the Casio is towards the end.


    Watch the whole video to get the entire message. Perhaps many KC Forum folks have done customer service work and can relate to the behaviors mentioned therein. Your feedback is appreciated.


    Each year, video comprises a greater ratio of my customer service consultancy's marketing and content deliverable. The intent is to keep the videos lively, informative and different. I'm always on the lookout for fresh ideas.


    Most clients don't know that I play piano so this video could raise a few eyebrows, add a likability factor and hopefully differentiate my company. Thanks for making the time to watch this.



  5. I enjoy the KC Forum and 95% of my time here is reading the insightful remarks of those who are still actively involved in performing and recording. Much is learned here - the KC Forum is a valuable brain trust.


    Some of you may know that I am a customer service consultant who serves the technical trades and educational videos are a frequent deliverable. It was during a recent educational video shoot that I needed a diversion and asked my video guy if we could take a break from the curriculum and have a little fun.


    So we invested a few minutes of me playing a tune. It's not perfect, but it's fun to play. Hope you enjoy it.



  6. Good thread.


    Many good memories of my "running years" which lasted from my late 20s to early 40s. Philadelphia has wonderful and spacious parks with miles of trails. IMHO the Philadelphia parks system is the best nationwide. Ran many half-marathons and only one marathon (Marine Corp Marathon). They were good years.


    Running saved me when I managed Ensoniq's customer service. The 1989 through 1992 VFX and polypressure keyboard quality issues were brutal. I experienced lots of emotional stress and the running helped.


    My team and I administered a factory recall, handling numerous litigious cases with customers, lawyers, State Attorney Generals, Better Business Bureaus, etc. and it was running (and endorphin) that kept me sane. Almost very day, a VFX owner would call Ensoniq's receptionist and yell, "I want to talk to the manager." It was during those phone calls that I learned about telephone therapy.


    During the "quality issue" days, Ensoniq's president, Bruce Crockett, would invite me to go running with him after work. We'd run, talk and share ideas. I believe that it was his way of learning how Ensoniq's customer service was being handled. Bruce was a terrific leader who made time for people.


    During my early 40s, my body and my schedule changed and running seemed less fun so I started biking, walking and kayaking.


    These days, envy creeps into my psyche when I see young folks running through Philadelphia's beautiful parks. Good years indeed.

  7. Speaking of ARP....



    I'd like a digital piano in the shape of my old ARP 4 voice.

    You know, with the screw in legs, and the totally flat aircraft carrier top.


    It was perfect for placing my old Crumar Orchestrator, then Prophet 600 on top. No extra stand to bring, perfect playing positions....



    Okay back to your topic :)


    +1 :thu:


    The ARP 4-Voice's wooden keys were a dream. The Korg Delta and Moog Prodigy were stacked on mine.

  8. My first reaction to the KORG Odyssey news release was good until I saw David Friend's name. Then my perception became lukewarm. It's probably my own personal bias.


    I believed Friend accelerated ARP's demise because he squandered scarce R&D resources on the failed Avatar. Those R&D resources would have been better utilized in developing ARP's Chroma (20/20 hindsight I guess).


    It's probably just me.

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