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Everything posted by Paughrock

  1. Truth be told, I still use my CP300 as my main DP for my touring gig. For local, I was too cheap to buy a second CP300 so I paid a couple hundred and had yamaha replace the entire keybed on my P200 (there was a known defect in the keyboard...for a while they would replace it for free...) It is a super dated sound now, but not so much that it is unplayable. It is still great for live IMO...no matter who is mixing FOH, or though any amp, it seems to have a certain' je ne sais quois' that I don"t understand, but appreciate.
  2. smart...I never had one fail.., I was always just worried about losing it, or damaging the thin wire.
  3. if you use the piano patch on a gig than it"s a DP.... I loved the s70/90 series, as well as the p90. I would still use either on a gig.
  4. I"ll accept 2006! I dragged my old P200 up to a cottage where I am currently self isolating. At first I was like 'is this really all I will have to play for the foreseeable future?' Now, two weeks in, I don"t even think about it anymore. The thing about the cp33 that bugged me was the same thing that bugged me about the P90...amazing instruments but I was always wary of those power supplies...either you could lose them, or damage them. The two 30W speakers in the P150/200/CP300 make the shlep worthwhile, if you"re in a situation like I am now. i.e. no acoustic.
  5. I think that 'snobbiness" is in every jazz scene where there are colleges/universities with jazz programs churning out students year after year. The next time you go to Starbucks, start talking jazz theory with you barista...chances are they have a masters and you may end up getting a free theory lesson with your latte! ð
  6. Yamaha P200 for me...or CP300 if it is older than 15 years...is it? Might be.
  7. If you had to do a gig today on a DP that was at least 15 years old, what would you choose? Reliability needs to be considered as much as tone and touch...
  8. Hold on..just making sure this thread is not construed as a diss against Winston. It"s not. It"s a diss on the misuse of the word genius. To your comment, you can have an educated, trained jazz musician who knows theory inside/out who is still a terrible player due to a number of factors that are consistent to every musical genre: i.e. good meter, knowing when to step up, or when to step down, ensemble awareness, etc. In defence of Winston, I would say he knows to play within the limits of his own musicianship which is something a lot of younger, educated jazz players really do not get...everything I see on youtube now of younger players is 'look at how good I am at reharm!' Hipness is a disease if you don"t keep it in check.
  9. Here is my cup of tea for old school 'new age' [video:youtube]
  10. I just think the term 'genius' needs to stop being used when describing musicians. Everyone and their 6 year old are now suddenly all 'geniuses...'I can"t remember who the reviewer was (used to write for the times...) but there was a story about him meeting a woman at a party who kept going on about what an incredible pianist Winston was. The reviewer told her 'lady, give me 15 minutes and I can teach you to play like Winston, and I don"t even play piano...' Now if Winston could play Liszt but chose to dial it down to what he does, maybe the argument could be made that he is a genius for deliberately delivering a relatable product in which people hear themselves in his playing ('I could play that!), but that is not the case...Winston simply loves what he plays, and enjoys connecting to his audience. That is called being a 'good musician' in my books. Whether you"re playing Lizst, or whether you"re being paid millions to vamp on a Vince Guaraldi theme with no improv section, it"s the same thing. Enough with the genius. I doubt Winston himself would be comfortable with being called that as he does seem incredibly down to earth.
  11. A true genius can control how long to take it outside. Not sure if Winston even knows how to play outside. This guy certainly knows how to take it out with total control and balance...[video:youtube]
  12. Not only a genius Adan, but a supremely gifted one... https://washingtonlife.com/2011/12/09/music-notes-george-winston-humble-genius/
  13. This guy has made millions and only records/plays solo...kinda makes me question why I dedicated my life to studying and performing improvisation...I was doing this when I was ten. Should have quit studying then...
  14. I continually hear his name being used in conjunction with terms/phrases like 'genius' and 'string of masterpieces?' What am I missing here? These are not youtube commenters, fans, etc., but NPR interviews, major publications. The guy has sold out top tier concert halls for thirty years and counting.,. Sorry, just not getting it...someone like Jarrett or Meldhau, sure, they will start with the same basic folk/pop motifs in a solo piano setting, but then take those ideas and develop them to the stratosphere and beyond...Winston will play the motif, and that"s it...it is cocktail piano...not that there is anything wrong with instrumental solo piano, but I just don"t understand the 'genius" moniker. [video:youtube]
  15. anyone recommend a simple chart/notation app that works well with an i-pen? Writing jazz lead sheets, i.e. either straight changes, or changes/melody, would be nice if there was a real book font/template option....thanks.
  16. I live near a roland repair facility. Going to have them deal with it...I doubt it is under warranty but I have some nostalgic love for this board as it was the first pro board I ever owned. My late father bought it for me as an 8th grade graduation present in 91 or 92. I sold it in 98 to get a vk7...my entire career has involved only organ, accordion and piano. I have become fascinated with synths and this repurchase is purely a hobby...
  17. I really like the sounds on that vintage synth card...now I am back to getting the JV 80
  18. take a stock ambient pad for example...I am not knowledgable enough to know why a pad on an O1/W or M1 is 'worse' than a stock pad on a triton or kronos for that matter. The early 90s korgs were on a lot of albums and they all sound nice to my ears, even today.
  19. Nice. In 25 years maybe I can grab a Kronos for around the same price, lol. What were some of your fav presets from the O1/W?
  20. i would rather deal with replacing an led/screen than red glue. I am looking for big pads, leads, fretless bass, and interesting soumds and textures. I do a lot of freely improvised piano shows and am looking for a board with interesting textural soumds to compliment the piano. I think I am leaning towards the Korg.
  21. For $400 what is the better option: JV-80 expanded with a "vintage synth" card, or a korg 01/W? Which one sounds better, which one has a better build quality?
  22. imagine how great new country would sound if instead of trying to figure out how to make a keyboard sound like a banjo or fiddle, they just used a real banjo or fiddle played by a real banjo or fiddle player...
  23. I didint like some of things I said when I had that name, so I was going for a fresh start. Who doesnt like fresh doughnuts?
  24. you know what else is a mean thing to do? Call someone a troll who was only trying to generate an interesting discussion on a relevant topic. Thanks to everyone who answered candidly. For the record, I job all the same gigs that everyone here does. I got lucky and landed a full time position in a major touring act. Been going on ten plus years. That gig will go one day, and when it does, Ill have to figure out how to live off regular jobs/teaching. Grass is not always greener. The road cost me a marriage, and I already had a kid when I got the gig. Didint lose my marriage from banging groupies or becoming an addict, or any of those cliches. The one who had to stay at home just got fed up being alone. Day job and stable family life with a great hobby is a pretty amazing combo. Good on to those who have that combo going and appreciate how great it is. Dont ever lose sight of that. Outkaster- its not a dumb thread. Youve admitted you hate your day job and play music to survive it. Its easier to find a less hateful day job than it is to get the dream gig, and if my experience counts for anything, even if you land the dream gig, the dream comes at a very real cost. Thanks again to everyone who took the time to respond in a constructive manner. p.s. with my support payments, my take home income is half of what I stated in my OP.
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