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Everything posted by Fred_C

  1. A new guitar is a source of great joy and excitement. ENJOY!!!
  2. Have a great time and try to steal a few licks!
  3. Bro. Larry, You're welcome. Glad you like it. It often seems apropos and pertinent to discussions like this one. Be well and play well, my friend
  4. "It ain't the wand. It's the magician".
  5. Welcome aboard. As requested by d, tell us about yourself. Musical interests, how long you've been playing, gear, etc.?
  6. I don't agree. However, there should be an indicator of some sort (flashing, number in red, etc.) when there are new messages.
  7. You're welcome. My pleasure, amigo.
  8. Hey Scott, Click on the little envelope in the upper right hand corner next to your login name. (I found this by accident).
  9. @P90: Is Hamer back in business? They used to make some nice guitars like the Monaco and the Newport.
  10. I stand corrected amigo you are right. I know that there are players who.use sets that are light on Top and heavier on the bottom. I think that there are manufacturers who produce light/heavy sets. Hence, my question.
  11. @DBM.Out of curiosity, what gauge strings are you using on your Strat clone? I use D'Adderio XL110's 10 through 56 on all of my guitars 10-56? Is that a custom set? The usual "10 set" is 10-46.
  12. @DBM. Out of curiosity, what gauge strings are you using on your Strat clone?
  13. I realize that my opinion is tantamount to sacrilege, but I have never been a fan of Strat tone. It has always sounded kinda' thin to.my ear. I greatly prefer the tone of a Lea Paul. The tone is bigger, better defined and more suited to the music I play. Better still, a semi-hollow or hollow body. This is simply a personal preference and is in no way intended to influence the opinion of others.
  14. Wow some folks sure do like collecting. Aaaaannnd SOME of 'em can really afford it... ! 1. "It's only expensive if you can't afford it". 2. It's not fair. NOT FAIR!
  15. Yes. I checked the box and have remained logged in
  16. This is tragic news. Doc was a great guy and a friend to us all. He will be sadly missed. Rest in Peace.
  17. Yeah man, you gotta'play phrases, you gotta' take breaths. My first Jazz teacher used to say, "play your solo like a horn player plays, or a singer sings". I tend to play slow and smooth. I use speed to add variety or emphasis. When speaking about profanity, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) said that profanity should be used for emphasis and when used too frequently, it loses its effect. I agree and think the same way about speed on guitar.
  18. @dbm, Agreed. One of the cornerstones of my "musical philosophy" is and always has been "technique in the service of music" not "technique for technique's sake". Amen on the quote; "technique in the service of music" not "technique for technique's sake" amigo, that is my focus on solos these days, more melodic melody, less wanking. @dbm: The great Carlos Santana.once said, "Focus on melody. If you focus on technique you will end up being admired by a bunch of guys and there won't be a woman in sight". I think we're on the right track, my friend and we certainly think alike.
  19. I would be very interested in reading a summary of new features/functionality in the software.
  20. @dbm, Agreed. One of the cornerstones of my "musical philosophy" is and always has been "technique in the service of music" not "technique for technique's sake".
  21. Hey gents, I was surfing YouTube and liked this vocal of If I Had You by Etta Jones. Check out the guitar "comp".
  22. A great musician. An icon. RIP.
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