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Posts posted by Morizzle

  1. 1 hour ago, Bobadohshe said:

    Hey Morizzle.


    Catch the jam session on Wednesdays at Panama 66 8:00PM-10:30PM. It's hosted by Gilbert Castellanos, our resident patriarch of the San Diego mainstream jazz scene, and you'll see some of the best stuff there.


    There's also Tuesday nights at Madison on Park (just a few blocks from my house) which is a killer restaurant with live jazz on Tuesdays. 7-9.


    I think they have a Thursday night jam at Blind Lady Ale House as well.


    And there's plenty more if you check in during the time. Shoot me a message closer to your time in town and I'll check to see what's happening in the scene.


    Cool stuff, I'll look it up, thanks!


  2. If you're a full timer whose house payment depends on your next gig/tour/session and your musical resume, of course it's a phenomenal gig.


    But I'd start practicing saying, "Yes Mr Waters."


    Because Roger Waters (or literally anyone executing an international tour) will be hiring weekend warriors with attitude :rolleyes:



  3. Hi everyone,


    the side panels and the mod & pitch wheels on my Moog Little Phatty SEII have become sticky and gross. Dust and lint are just baking into it and it's no fun playing it anymore. I've searched the interwebs and it looks like it's a common problem once the plastic gets a couple of years old.

    I just ordered wooden side panels but I wanna try my luck with rubbing alcohol or some other type of cleaning agent to salvage the wheels. It looks like it would be best to get them out of the housing to be able to clean them thouroughly. Has anyone ever taken their LP apart and gotten to the wheels? I only found videos of people opening up other parts of the Moog.

    Looking forward to your replies! :cheers:

  4. Guess I could add my two cents to this as I just went for the Sibelius upgrade after going from Mac 10.8. to 10.14. First of all, I think Avid sucks for not allowing me to upgrade my Sib 7.5 to a current version. In comparison, porting my legacy versions of NI Komplete 10, Melodyne and other apps over to the new computer was super easy and cost me nothing but a little time. Avid also suck for buying Sibelius and outsorcing the staff, and for only marginally improving the product (sometimes even making it worse) with each upgrade.


    So naturally, I thought about switching over to Dorico. I dowloaded the demo, and, to make a long story short, I had trouble figuring out the most basic stuff. I've worked with Sibelius for about 15 years so its idiosyncracies are baked into my head. Note input in Dorico stressed me out. I followed along a few tutorials, but as I have a big project coming up for that I need to be working efficiently, I'll pass on Dorico for now. I'll definitely come back the next time I upgrade my work computer.


    My secret hope is that MuseScore will be ready for professional use in 5 years or so. A lot of my students use it and I see good things, plus its development is in the hands of a talented composer/designer now. You can check his stuff out on YouTube, his moniker is Tantacrul.

  5. Nice.


    Ive looked on his website and no mention of where these are made.


    I assumed europe by most of what i saw and read on website but the weight is only mentioned in pounds so i am assuming America as i cant imagine thered be no mention of metric weight if made in Europe. Can anyone elaborate?


    It's really weird that it's mentioned nowhere, not on his website, facebook, or official instagram. I found what looks like his personal instagram account and it seems he's based in Sao Paolo, Brazil.


    Re: the keyboard... it looks fantastic! Personally, asthetically I'd give it 6/5 stars. The sound as presented in the videos doesn't make me half as excited.

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