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J. Dan

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Posts posted by J. Dan

  1. I feel stupid doing it but then sometimes wonder how much some random person has in their home, most of what I've beenasked to sign over the years has been in the context of cover bands which makes it that much more weird. We're a local band playing other people's stuff and you want my autograph? Ok. But I was reflecting on exactly HOW MUCH I've signed over the years, and it's a lot. It dawned on me how weird it would be when I'm decades gone from this earth after my passing and my grandkids randomly go to a friend's house and see some random cover band tshirt autographed by me, lol. Just feels weird.
  2. Not sure about the A800 but I have a much older Roland A-70 that needed the bender recalibrated. I found the service manual and there was a procedure. I had to power it up while holding a combination of buttons and it went into a service mode where you could make such adjustments. See if you can get your hands on the service manual, I would assume it has something similar.
  3. Direct, 1/4" TRS balanced when I'm at home. In our rehearsal space it's Radial Pro 2 DI into the Studiologic RM18AI.


    However, another interesting thought, hopefully not to hijack.... If you have a combination in your keyboard with effects and such, to you just record the stereo out or do you split up the parts into separate DAW tracks.


    I've done a combination of both. In particular on the last couple songs we recorded where I was running lead sounds into a Line 6 pod, I instead recorded them clean and used a DAW plugin for the amp sim. Also parts that I had layered in the Kronos I played separately on different tracks of the DAW so that as the mix came together, they would have more control. But sometimes from home I'll just put it all together with effects and everything and email my keyboard mix as a single WAV file for them to drop in.

  4. I agree with MOI that in most cases if they're really a pro, I will either know them or enough of the same people to be able to verify. Stuff like earning money and having experience and a minimum capability are sort of bare minimum expectations. To me, being a pro means you're going to do your job professionally and have experience doing so. It means you're going to show up prepared, on time, perform to expectations, and conduct yourself appropriately, as well as be able to commit to the expected schedule.
  5. We had a zoom happy hour over on the keyboard corner a few weeks ago and are planning our second one for this Friday. It was a lot of fun "meeting" folks from the forum. It ended up lasting 4 hours! We had attendees from US, Canada, Belgium, Rome, Australia - trying to pick a time that works for everybody was the toughest part because it may be midnight for some people and 6 am for others.
  6. I forgot to mention that based on a Korean study, while farts can transmit the virus, they don't do so through clothes. Your nose has to be planted in the uncovered butt crack of the farter, and that person has to be infected with the virus. So don't put your nose in your bandmates butt cracks while they fart, and that, in combination with the other measures you outlined, should keep you safe.
  7. I think given the opportunity, the market will find ways to adjust.


    I am a fan of some of the various restaurant and bar rescue type shows on cable channels and was very interested to see some interviews on news outlets with John Taffer of Bar Rescue, and Robert Irvine of Restaurant: Impossible. Both made some very good points, suggestions, and predictions about changes that must occur in restaurants and bars along with what impact it will have on their business models.


    Among other things, one has to do with distancing. One point made was even when all this is over, restaurants will likely have to remove tables/seating to keep distance between tables, which would result in far less seating capacity. One result could be the end of "lunch hour". In order for a restaurant to stay in business with limited capacity might mean turning the whole crowd 3 times instead of 1. That coupled with just the time and logistics of getting lunch in might mean a staggered lunch schedule that spans a few hours where everybody doesn't go to lunch from 12-1 but instead splits between 3 shifts, or something along those lines. That was mainly Taffer talking about that but Robert Irvine touched on similar points in a separate interview.


    Irvine went more into some of the changes that the restaurants will have to make to give warm feelings, safety, and security visiting their establishment. He went into detail around additional measures they would have to actively take in terms of cleanliness, disinfecting, etc as well as officially documenting their procedures and expectations for the customers. It will be about the customer feeling secure that he restaurant has proper measures in place and are in fact executing those measures.

  8. My take on it is this: the guidelines are there as a stopgap to prevent the stupid people from spreading infection. Instead of looking at it under the scope of the letter of the guidelines, look at it under the guidelines of common sense and the reality of how the virus is actually spread.


    It is not airborne in that it exists in the air, it travels through the air via droplets of human fluids via cough or sneeze. Even someone who is infected will not give it to you through the air unless they cough or sneeze, or maybe you're right in their face inhaling what they exhale, especially outdoors.


    It doesn't absorb into your skin and infect you. Somebody who is infected could literally blow snot into the palms of your hands and as long as you thoroughly wash and disinfect before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth, you're ok.


    That said, you have EXACTLY the right idea in not handling each other's gear. It can survive long enough on surfaces that if somebody was unknowingly infected and rubbed their nose, picked up an amp, then somebody else moved the amp and rubbed their nose...boom, infection,


    It helps that data is showing that the virus survives much shorter times in warm envirionments and in direct sunlight. To your detriment is that high humidity shortens it and you have a very dry climate.


    Just use your common sense keeping these things in mind. You're a smart guy.

  9. With gigs canceled and stay at home orders preventing rehearsal, we decided to make a video. This is a song that was already just recently recorded but not yet released, so we shot our own video and sent it to the singer to edit and produce the video. Even though the song was written before Covid-19, the current events seemed like the perfect background for the subject matter of the song.


  10. Until they test all the dead people we will not have any idea how many die from this disease. And with the shortage of test kits, we aren't going to waste them on dead people


    Testing positive doesn't mean that was the cause of death. Many people test positive with no symptoms and can die from any number of things. If somebody gets shot in the head and the coroner performs a test and they test positive, did they die from coronavirus? They can determine cause of death without a test via autopsy. They know what the lungs look like in a person who died from coronavirus.

  11. His loss is something kind of unusual. I forget what the condition was called. It's not like normal hearing loss. He also had bouts of vertigo and at times sudden loss. He had about 80% sudden loss in his right ear something like 20 years ago and has been getting by with his left ear but then had something similar happen with the left. It doesn't effect everything the same. He can hear speech but music and especially bass frequencies really mess it up.
  12. Some artists just put ads on your stuff to get income, others stick it to you and you get a strike from YouTube, I think I'm at 2 out of 3 strikes right now as far as my account getting suspended for posting videos of my band playing covers. Don't try doing a supertramp cover, I can tell you that much.


    If you want to make a reasonable guess what the response will be, start by searching for the song on YouTube. If there are other covers out there, your probably safe, if you can't find it, run away.

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