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Posts posted by DiversiOrgan

  1. Hello to all, this is my first posting here, so I'd like to introduce myself: My name is Christian and I am working with Carsten at KeyboardPartner in Burgdorf, Germany. I will be here from time to time and try to answer questions related to KeyboardPartner's products.


    @hardware: I'm glad you like the HX3 sound like we do. Sustain and Sostenuto is tied to the MIDI channel. So if it is sent on MIDI 2 it will affect the lower manual only.






    Hi Christian,


    I second JohnDoe - it is nice to know that KBP is involved and interested in customer feedback. Welcome!!!


    The HX3 forum (and people like MG that are always extremely helpful) is a great tool but it is very difficult to navigate and consume due to the language barrier.


    One issue that I continue to have with my HX3 Expander is that there is no "master"/overall volume. I am driving a GSi BURN rotary speaker emulation pedal and the HX3 clips the input of the BURN. As an alternative I do switch the output option to (internal) rotary so I can set the 122 amp level but that colors the sound. My request has been that an "overall" volume parameter be added right in the menu. Is that not possible??? This is very important to me as I need to continue to use the BURN instead of the internal rotary.


    Thank you, Luis.


    There is a software update coming soon that will add this ability plus a couple of other improvements and changes. See my reply to Dave, for more information. Also, if you want info about updates simply go to the Divers WebSite and REGISTER your HX3 with us and we will put you on the HX3 owners email list.



    Tom Tuson

  2. One issue that I continue to have with my HX3 Expander is that there is no "master"/overall volume.


    I second this request. I want to run my HX3 straight into a Leslie preamp, and gain staging is difficult the way things are set up now. I would like to bypass the 122 amp emulation but have a way to control the HX3's output volume other than expression pedal.


    Dave. There will be a new software release "soon" that will allow you to have a master volume / gain control and it can be used with MIDI CC#7. Plus there will be a more flexibility with Split and some refined Rotary Simulation Parameters. If you are registered with Diversi we email HX3 owners when updates are posted to our website for download.


    We hope this is of help.

  3. What a picky little bitch I am 'eh..?

    We all are. It would certainly explain why a lot of us are on our eighth or tenth clone.


    Yep. We're all very picky in our own separate ways. Some want the classic jazz or rock sound from the 70's. Some want a more churchy sound while others want a totally different type of Hammond sound that was on some records of the past.


    The problem of course is there is not now and never was one Hammond sound. Everybody and their dog modified both the Hammond AND the Leslie and nobody knows exactly what mods were done at the time then of course somebody decided to change it for another album and so it goes. There are as many variations of a classic Hammond sound as there are variations of a Gibson guitar sound. What model Gibson? What amp. What pedals. What strings. How high are the frets, etc, etc.


    I think it's great that the new stuff like this HX3 has the capabilities to not only match all that but to create new variations.




    Bob! You couldn't have put it better. When I worked for Hammond Suzuki some of the people in Japan wanted the LSI Hammond Sound. (Concord days) How about the H-100, X77 or X66. They are part of the Hammond Sound as well.


    Thank you for saying what you did.

  4. I have it on good authority that Diversi is introducing two new products very soon. I can't swear by it but I think one is a drawbar controller. If priced reasonably this should be a great selling item. I have a virtually new NIB4D in the mail at the moment but am interested in what might be in the immediate pipeline as an alternative.




    Yes, it's official. KeyboardParter released two new products and Diversi did as well about noon time today. For more information about these two products please visit our website http://www.diversi.us/hx3modules.html


    To everyone on this group. May you have a Happy Thanksgiving for all of us here at Diversi.

  5. Don't worry, the foldback is there, every dedicated B3 clone from the last 20 years has it. Only some workstations without a dedicated organ section might not have it.


    Foldback means a B3 doesn't take the highest drawbar, the 1 footer and have it sound up the scale through the top octave. It duplicates the second highest octave, ie it "foldsback" that 1' tone. I assume they thought it would sound too shrill. With all the control you have with this HX3, I'm sure you can change that if you wanted. You probably also know that the percussion turns off the 1' drawbar so if you're using percussion you would never notice the foldback.


    And there's another trick of B3 playing. You can keep the 1' drawbar out all the time and control it with the percussion on/off switch like another preset.



    Correction on the FoldBack... It effects the LAST or lowest octave. From the CV/BV/RT up into the B3/C3/A-100/RT3 and D-150 the 16ft or first brown drawbar that last octave folded back up and octave. Pre CV/BV/RT the lowest note with the 1st Drawbar out was F# in the lowest octave. Some first BC's and D's went ALL the way down the last octave as Hammond was using up the last of the A and BA TGs. So that is where NO or NONE Foldback stems from.


    I was working for Hammond Suzuki when the XB2 project was started and I had a hand in the advanced features. I and along with Steven Eaklor requested that ability and it was assignable. We also asked for the adjustable keyclick, and even the drawbar voicing for those who thought that the Concord MMD organ drawbar voicing was cool, I wasn't fond of it. And to the best of my knowledge it was the first clone that had that ability. None of the other products we had then, did that. I know the home organs didn't have that.


    The idea was to try and embody the variety of Tonewheel organs more from a historical stand point. Also, Steve and I where friendly with a few of the older pros like Jimmy McGriff, Shirley Scott, Jackie Davis, Eddy Layton (more of the popular organists.) One of the things that came up when talking with them was how many of them liked the lower end of the Model A... McGriff loved the A as he was a Bass Player before being an organ player so when he was playing the XB3 he had "no foldback."


    Sorry, if someone thinks I am stepping on toes, as I don't mean to, but None or No Foldback is for the lowest octave or bass end. And yes ,the EARLY, EARLY model A's upper did go higher and those early A's higher octaves weren't tapered as they did that later. And on the very first model A's the pedal drawbars where on the left side of the drawbars.... Bass, Upper A#, Upper B, Lower A# and Lower B. Pipe organ lay out.

  6. Finding the ToneWheel Ghost.


    First the comments I am making below are not to be taken as me speaking for Carsten Meyer or Diversi but my own personal feelings. It is also not intended to start a flaming session or tick off anyone.


    Again, some of you know I worked for Hammond Suzuki USA. I can tell you that when the XB2 was introduced the ONLY way to update it was via changing out two EPROMS and doing a hard reset. It wasn't simple. The same thing held true for XK2 update and in both cases you had to send the unit to a tech or HSU and they would update it.


    I along with Steven Eaklor, at HSU, use to document in coming calls and emails when it came to customer requests for changes and features. We would send those to Japan and we NEVER knew what they would or wouldn't use. However, one of the often requested things, in those early years, was for software to make changes and updates. It just wasn't able to be done as everything was programed at machine level code or code that was compiled from another language.


    Today USING a USB thumb drive is ok but it still doesn't give you the flexibility of "tweaking" things like you can with the HX3. The Remote Software isn't just for updating but for trying to find the Tonewheel Ghost. It must be clearly understood that the UPDATES are just part of what the Remote Software is for. And yes as a Mac User I would love to have it native to my Mac but thankfully having a Mac lets me run Windows at the same time.


    I have said this before, The "Remote Software" is almost developer level. This again is rare to be able to do this with a product. Granted many people want plug and play. However, as I have seen time and again at some point many a user starts asking, "Is there a way to change XYZ or I don't like this percussion level as it goes up the keyboard or can I refine the upper horn rotation and so on. Factory settings and advanced features, in most of the clones, are not as detailed as you can get with the HX3's Remote Software as there are extra parameters in the Remote Software that aren't all available from the front panel of the HX3. This is the advantage of the HX3 in trying to find that Tonewheel Ghost.


    I stress that if someone is technically challenged they shouldn't use the Remote Software. However, the world is going in this direction more and more and we either learn it or we learn to be content with what we know. I for one want to learn more and I love to refine things to my taste.


    Also, I think everyone of us that have played the vintage tonewheel organ and rotary speaker rig will agree;


    1. No two tonewheel organ setups are the same.

    2. Some tonewheel organ setups are better then others.

    3. We all know that the tonewheel organ rig that we have in our home or studio or in the basement is the BEST tonewheel organ ever and if only you would cloned it I just know EVERYONE else will love it. :-) (Except for that one person who says their rig is better.)

    4. We are all chasing a ghost that is in our reach and if ONLY they (Fill in the blank) could just change this one thing I can catch my ToneWheel Ghost.


    After being around this industry for over 4 decades from playing professionally, working for manufactures and having my own products I will say, as a user, that having the ability to change things is better and it is going to happen more and more. The other alternative is wait for the next new hardware based unit and find those little things I wish they would change on this new product. Then wait to the next new hardware gear comes out.


    Again, I am not expressing anything on Carsten's behalf but this is my own feelings as a user of the product.


    Also, it was inferred that "we or I" blow off comments. When someone takes the time to share their feelings or wishes, I do take notes and pass them on to Germany as does MG to Uhl and to Keyboard Partners. As to what and when Germany will do or released an update is up to Carsten. But we do know that things are changing.


    Personally, I think in the last 3 or 4 months Carsten has made leaps in doing things and that seems you can only get from a small guy who cares deeply about what he is doing. This is one of the reasons why we are representing his products here in the US.


    With the utmost respect to everyone and thank you again for your purchased and to those who love their HX3.


    Now back to chasing the ToneWheel Ghost. :-)

  7. My HX3 is on the way. Time to read the documentation:




    c. Plug the power in on your keyboard and turn your keyboard/device ON.

    d. Plug the DC power supply (wall wart) that came with the HX3 into on outlet.

    e. Now power ON the HX3 by plugging the DC power supply into the back of the HX3.


    And the MANUAL:


    "It is a good idea to power up HX3 before your MIDI

    master keyboard or master controller."





    The reason you should turn on the HX3 before the keyboard or amp is so that you don't have to hear the power up "thump" through your audio system. It's only a suggestion and it's just a good practice to turn on the audio last and first off. Most pro audio people I have worked with go by, LAST ON. FIRST OFF.



    Tom Tuson

    Diversi Musical Products, Inc

  8. Recently picked up a HX3 to go with my Nord Stage 2...


    I have read several posts on this thread (now 18 pages and counting!) of people who have used the Remote software to create custom midi CC sets that work with the Stage 2.


    However, after launching the remote software i realized i'm going to need some instructions on how to do this. Do step by step instructions from creating custom midi sets exist anywhere?


    Or better yet, has anyone posted a file that i could simply load via the Remote software that will map to the Nord Stage 2?


    Also, setting up the local Nord Stage menus correctly to work with the HX3 seems to take some doing. Are the proper settings for this documented anywhere?


    And lastly, are people really finding it playable to trigger the HX3 with the low trigger point of the Nord Stage 2? (From what i can tell the high trigger point on the Nord only works with the internal organ sound.) I'm seriously doubting if that's going to work for me.


    Well, that's a lot of questions, but they are the baseline for deciding if this is a keeper or not, so any help will be super appreciated! Thanks in advance.




    At present there really isn't any step by step instructions for setting up your own CC's. Some of this is because the Remote Software has been updated to include new features. Using the Remote Software is not that hard once you start to experiment with it. My suggestion is that you Run the Remote Software without connecting the HX3. This way you can see what's there and get a feel for the what it can do.


    Also, before connecting your HX3 to your PC install the USB driver CMD v.2.12.00 WHQL Certified.exe. If you downloaded the Remote Software from the Diversi website this driver is packaged in the zip file and is in the root folder.


    As to preconfigured CC's. There are some provided with the download of the Remote Software as an example one is for the Nord C2.


    We here at Diversi sent out an email a couple of weeks ago asking any of the people that have purchased an HX3 from us, if they would like to contribute any Custom CC's that they have created. Diversi would be happy to create the ability for users to upload user created Custom CC's that they would like to share. We would create a webpage section with the information/name for the Custom CC and give an acknowledgment to that person for their work. However, we have had no response to this.


    If anyone in this group would like to share their Custom CC's please send me a PM and let me know. Again, Diversi would be happy to provide a sharing library if enough people are willing to participate.


    If we can help you please contact us.



    Tom Tuson

    Diversi Musical Products, Inc

  9. Thanks very much Dave and Markus. Amazing waking up to a response to last night's post!


    Dave, on point #4. I was referring to the "Preset II" button on the Nord.


    Hopefully I'll get a chance to dig into the rest of your collective suggestions tonight.


    Dave has had a good amount of time with his unit. And there is nothing that can replace hands on experience either.



  10. About the Remote Software being Windows only.


    While I realize that many people own MacBooks I want to share this with those who have not installed Windows on their Mac. I personally use a MacBook Pro for everything and I run Windows 7 on my MacBook to work with the Remote Software. Here are your options to run Windows 7 on your Mac.


    1. In regards to Windows. Windows 7 Home is the most cost effective purchase of Windows 7 you don't need anything higher. NOTE. You must buy a FULL Version and not an Upgrade version. I have found FULL versions of Windows 7 Home for around 30 Dollars on eBay.

    2. BootCamp Install. My advice, If you are not into computers you may find it very confusing to install Windows via BootCamp only. Be careful or find someone that can install Windows 7 via BootCamp.

    3. Parallels or VMWare Fusion. This is a great way to install Windows 7 on your MacBook. Yes! It costs more. To start with you have to purchase one of these two Applications. However, in the end it is really the easiest way to use Windows 7 on your MacBook.


    When I update, test HX3's or even when I use the Remote Software to make my own Custom Changes I just boot Windows 7 with VMware Fusion, and I don't have to leave my Mac's OS. The only thing that will happen is when you plug in the HX3 into a USB port the Mac will ask you if you want to use the USB for Mac or Windows. Click on Windows and your ready to go.


    One last thing. Windows XP. I have not tried it but I have been told that the Remote Software will work with XP. We have not tried it on Windows 8 or 10 if anyone out there has please let us know.


    Hope this is of help.


    Tom Tuson


  11. Thank you Dave. Very well said.


    Some of the reasons you stated is why we wanted to work with Carsten.


    Some of you may know I worked for Hammond Suzuki USA and had a direct hand some of the product features that started with the XB2 and still are implemented in their products today. I can tell all of you that it can be very frustrating working with Engineering departments. It's not just at HS but is true at other companies as well.


    We here at Diversi DO send Carsten customer comments as I think MG does via UHL Organs. I have to tell you that the response from Carsten is positive. Not like my experience in a large company. I think this is do to Carstens understanding of the Tonewheel organ.


    Thanks again Dave and all of you for your input.


    Tom Tuson

  12. Since Jason purchased the unit from LX, it was sent to LX with 3.83 already installed. I want to caution that pushing older versions of the "firmware" does have the potential to lock things up and even FUBAR the HX3. Again, this is "firmware" and not parameter settings, that can lock up the unit.


    As to what to do with the Remote Software? Like Dave commented, it depends on what you want to do and what are you using to control the HX3. Again, I do however strongly suggest that you NOT connect the HX3 to the software until after you play with the Remote Software a bit. The Remote Software, when not connected to the HX3, still allows you to view the settings and you can get a better feel for what it's able to manipulate. As I have said before, "It's almost a developer level application" and as someone else said at the Atomic Level. :-)


    Some many things can be done with the "Remote Software" from changing the tapers of the drawbars, tweaking the Vibrato Chorus and Rotary Simulation and much more. Most often this type of control is only in the hands of the engineers of a manufacture and not the consumer. So what Carsten Meyer has done is really fantastic allowing users that ability to get down into a level to control most every aspect of the system.


    Tom Tuson


  13. To the HX3 owners.


    A couple of weeks ago we sent out an email to the owners that we have sold HX3's to, inviting any of you to send us pictures of you using your HX3 in your rig. We would like to again extend that invitation to any of you who would like to send us a picture of you using the HX3 with your gig rig and a little bio about you and or your band. If you have a web site please provided the URL and/or a FaceBook link so that we can highlight you on our Diversi website. We want to help promote you and/or your band.




    Diversi Musical Products, Inc



    PS.. Even if you bought your HX3 directly from Keyboard Partner or someplace else we would like to hear from you as you are invited as well.


  14. When dialing in or setting any parameter simply push in the Rotary Dial and HOLD it and the unit will say something to the effect of "SAVED". Even the CC setting can be defaulted this way. Every time you turn the HX3 on it will remember your settings. You don't need to use the Remote Software to save settings. Even drawbar and vibrato settings can be done this way as well.






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