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Posts posted by DiversiOrgan

  1. I am sorry to say that the XK2 doesn't fully work with the HX3 do to the NRPN and SysEx of the XK2. Most buttons work, you need to dial in the Rotary (Leslie) Control CC number and then the Drawbars do not control the HX3. Only Presets for the Upper, Lower/Pedal. Split works. I have an XK2 here that I sometimes use for testing.
  2. just updated to 4.21.

    DAMN !!!



    My HX3 is at our rehearsal space so I won't be able to update until next week.


    So is this new key contact update the virtual 9-key contact compatible with Fatar actions they have been talking about or just a higher trigger point?


    The 9-key contact for the Fatar Keyboard TP/O8 requires the keyboard scanning board be replaced by the new scanning board that KeyboardPartner makes. If you own MIDI keyboard that uses a Fatar keyboard you will need to change that out. As to the price of the board I don't have the US price yet but should soon.


    Regards to all,

    Tom Tuson


  3. For those of you that are here in the US or Canada.


    No mater if you purchased your HX3 from Germany or from someone privately we are more then willing to help you. We offer Live Remote desktop sessions at no charge and if you need or want to have us update or reprogrammed it all you have to pay is for the shipping both ways.


    Using the US Postal Service round trip for an HX3 using Priority Mail is pretty inexpensive. In MOST cases we turn it around the same day. We get it in the morning and back out around 4pm ET.


    Also, if you are here in the US or Canada and own an HX3 please register it on our website. We have an Private Email that goes out to our owners that gives you information about Update Releases and anything specail that is going on.


    As to Carsten in Germany. I have worked for a couple of manufactures and will tell you, Carsten listens to requests for new features and refinements for his product. And he responed to many of them. Some things take longer than others. FYI when we recev a suggestion here at Diversi we forward them to him.


    As always thank you for your time,

    Tom Tuson

    Diversi Musical Products, Inc

  4. Note to ALL owners of KeyboardPartner products in the US and Canada.


    Please! No mater if you purchased your unit direct from Germany or anywhere else in the US or Canada please go to the Diversi website and register your unit(s) with us or use the following link. https://form.jotform.com/51235176260146


    If you have or are buying a used unit from someone please register with us as we have a small email list that we send out informing owners about current updates and anything that needs to be passed on to you the owners.


    In addition, if you purchased the unit used we want to cover you by moving the Software Licenses over, to you, from the old owner. This way if you ever need to obtain the Licenses, do to some problem, we have them on file here and can get them to you.


    Also, we never share your information with anyone other them KeyboardPartners, if needed. This email list is for you the HX3 owners as a service. OH! There is one other reason. You get advanced notice of anything special or events.


    One more item. For HX3 owners here in the US and Canada. I can provided a Live Remote Desktop session with you via LogMe.In. It's FREE! However, you have to contact me so we can setup a day and time that is convenient for both of us.


    I thank everyone for their time.



    Tom Tuson


  5. Here is a message from Carsten posted in the HX3 Forum concerning update issues:


    'Windows allows start of applications directly in explorer ZIP windows. This procedure will run into problems as HX3 Flash and HX3 Remote expect additional files to be present. IMPORTANT: Be sure to extract all files to a local hard disk folder before running HX3 applications. Update will fail if started directly from ZIP window.


    If the update has failed, you should re-install firmware and licences with HX3 Remote for a complete parameter reset. Download


    ZIP file


    and extract contents to a lokal harddisk folder. Start HX3 Remote and connect to USB device. HX3 Remote will show your board info. Uncheck all "Auto Restore" boxes. Install HX3 firmware by clicking "Update FW" and open file appropriate to your device. Old boards prior to 2015 will need "mk2" versions.


    Install new FPGA configuration by clicking "Update FPGA" and open file "fpga_11042016.bit".


    Click on tab "Advanced" and enter organ/rotary licence numbers in "Create/send new HX3 board Licences" fields if "Board Info" does not show valid licences. Then click "Send Licences" and finally "Finalize".


    A new HX3 Flash version is online from April 23rd, 2016. Please only use this version. It will create two text files "hx3_board_info.txt" containing your current licence info and a log file named "hx3_update_log.txt". In case of emergency, please attach these files to email requests. We can create new licenes for you at no cost when we know your serial number.'






    Although I am sure the problem described here is an issue. This was not the problem I had. The issue I experienced with the flash was after the first part of the update completed, the USB connection timed out and left the update partially done and the licenses invalid.


    With the latest package for the remote ( available now diversi.us ) I was able to complete the update and resend the licenses using the remote software. Not going to attempt the flash again.


    It is important to get the latest version of the ALL package.


    You don't need to get the ALL package. Just what you need for your unit. HX3 Mrk2 (older unit), HX3 Mrk3/4 (current) or the DB-e (Drawbar Expander). However, there are some people that have both the Module and the Drawbar Expander so rather then download two files they grab the ALL zipped package.


    One other note. There is now 3.924. There was a bug in the Expander version that prevented the Percussion, A/B and Split buttons from sending the control information to the turn on or off these functions as well as a couple of minor things. Carsten updated everything.


    As to unpacking the Zipped package. I also suggest that you either Move, Rename or Delete the Subdirectory of your older version before unzipping and using the newest version. I still find that Windows sometimes picks up the old folders of the previous release. This isn't unique to the HX3 software as I have it happen with other Windows programs.



    Tom Tuson


  6. Just my two cents.


    Having worked for Hammond Suzuki and being involved with the V5+ when we introduced the Diversi DV and then then the Beatrix Based Computer software I can tell you that there are some differences between what people from around the world consider "the" tonewheel and rotary sound combination.


    Having worked with Suzuki's Japan based engineers, U.S. Based engineers and then European based engineers. There are what I would say a number of differences in opinions between all of them when it comes to the sound. Even in different parts of Europe I have noticed some variation in opinions as to what "the" drawbar sound is.


    I can say this much in the case of Japan they like a brighter sound. I even had one tell me that he still thought the B-3000 was a GREAT SOUND to him. That also might be because he was involved with Hammond of Japan when they built some organs there before Suzuki became involved.


    Most of Europe is very close to the US. And Britain is even more so. (Just my observation.) When it comes to the Rotary Simulation that is another issue. Even here you see people that have used the Venti with the HX3 and then after the recent Updates by KeyboardPartner some people say they just use the HX3 others still like their Venti.


    As I have suggested before, it really comes down to what YOU have as an audio mental image. Even doing a direct A/B has it's own factors in how it is done. The great thing with the software ability today is it's allowing users to have more control.


    I also think some of this sound we search for has do to with the Style or Form of music you are playing and have heard for many years and even the organ you may have played or are still using. Even how our ability to hear higher frequencies can changed over time can add to this trying to find the right sound.


    Improvements are still being made and your comments and wishes help not only KeyboardPartner but the other clone makers as well.


    And one last thing. I had a close friend many years ago who play night clubs for many years. He had very basic equipment and packed the clubs he played in. He never seemed to be worried about adding new gear to impress people. He said this to me in a conversation, "If I have 100 people in the club only about 2 or 3 really know what I am doing. The rest only want to hear the music and dance. Who should I focus my playing for?" Yes! You have to be happy with your sound but remember most people your playing for don't hear what you hear. They only like or not like the song or songs your playing.


    Regards To All.

  7. Carrying Case for the KeyboardPartner HX3 Products.


    I don't know if it was here or on another thread but someone had asked about a carrying Case for the HX3. I just came across this page on the MCM Electronics web site and they seem to have very affordable water tight cases. Even if you have other needs you may want to take a look.




    Have a great weekend,

    Tom Tuson

    Divesi Musical Products, Inc

  8. The SK- and XK-Hammonds are excellent controllers for the HX3-Expander!


    Big plus is that they have the Fast Trigger over Midi !!!

    (Nord and Numa don't !!!!)




    Would this apply to the XK-2 as well? I love the build quality , controller features and keyboard action of the XK-2, but the sound quality itself and phasing issues are getting to me lately.....


    I am sorry to say that no. The XK2 uses some SysEx/NRPN control codes that are not translatable at this time. About the only things that do work are the Modulation Wheel, the Presets, Split, Volume pedal, Rotary Speed control and of course the keys. The only thing in regards to the Rotary Speed control is you have to change the MIDI control in the System Menu of the XK2.



    Tom Tuson

  9. Since I also have a NIB4D lying around: does it give you full control over the HX3 or are there some functions it doesn´t reach?


    One of the list members has one of the NIB4D's and he said everything works with the HX3.


    His name is Bill and here is what he sent me in an email when I asked him how he made out with the one he bought.



    The NIB4D works flawlessly with the HX3. It also gives you the option of using any midi keyboard as a controller. I was fortunate to find this unit as it is like new."

  10. How do you guys think this module compares with a Hammond SK series through a Vent?


    FYI - A large number of the people buying the HX3 are using it with either the XK and SK series keyboards. If I remember correctly Rich Budesa has not only one of our Diversi Duos, but and SK and a Nord. I think if you read most of the posts in regards to the Vent it becomes personal choice. Rich stopped using his Vent.



    Tom Tuson


  11. Jason: Just for the record. The issue with your HX3 was a single 2nd party USB to FTDI board/ This board has no effect on any sonic characteristics of the HX3, it simply is for data transfer between the HX3 and the computer. There was nothing wrong with main board, which is KeyboardPartners design. Carsten's boards are very well designed and manufactured.


    I would like to reminded everyone that since August Carsten has made a large number of changes not only from the sonic standpoint but also new features including being able to play outside of the 61 note range when using up to 88 note keyboards. The Tube Amp, Vibrato Chorus, Rotary Simulation, Octave shifts while in split mode and adding Sostenuto to mention a few things.


    Again, I will say that Carsten is one of the most responsive engineer / developers I have worked. Christian is also a great help in allowing Carsten to focus on improving the HX3.


    Tom Tuson


  12. Updating to 9.2


    I just wanted to make everyone that is about to update there HX3 that they should use the FLASH TOOL to do the updating. I have had a couple of people contact me that when using the Remote Software they have had issues. It's seems that the Windows OS is picking up files from the older subdirectory (folders). If you have an issue and your here in the US or Canada we will do what we can to help.



    Tom Tuson

  13. 9.2 Firmware update about to be released.


    Below is a list of changes and additions to this release.


    * Extended transpose range plus/minus 2 octaves (FatarScan, MIDI input)

    * Foldback for notes outside of 5 octaves keyboard range 88 notes (FatarScan, MIDI input)

    * New filter and adder design, less prone to overflow distortions

    * New triode simulation in AO28 block - try the AO28 tube age parameter

    * Higher bass and organ output levels

    * Fixed some bugs in beta FW: Menu entries, defaults saving, factory reset

    * Fixed rounding error on some parameters in MIDI custom CC set

    * Added version for old XB2 mk2 kit. Rotary output jack and headphone amp must be rewired to obtain stereo simulation


    The foldback for notes out side of the B3/C3/A100 range now allows for 88 notes. So if your using a keyboard with more then 61 notes and your playing and get above or below the range of 61 notes you will not have any drop off of notes.


    Thanks to those of you who have contributed this and all suggestions.


    Have a great weekend.

    Tom Tuson

    Diversi Musical Products, Inc

  14. I have both the Mojo and the HX3 module, and I think that these two are definitely top of the heap, when it comes to hammond clones, IF you listen to JUST them by themselves without any assistance from a tube preamp or a ventilator pedal, or whatever people seem to have to add to Hammond SK's to get them sounding good. Maybe this will change when NAMM rolls around (some hints have been dropped about something new from Hammond, but Hammond has been disappointing me for quite some time now)..


    However, I think that in the future we are going to start judging hammond clones NOT on how close they can come to the sound of a Hammond, but more based on the variety of Hammonds that you can sound like.. So basically on their "tweak ability". So not just on how authentic they can sound, because all clones can be made to sound authentic, but how many people can you satisfy with the editing options you provide and how easy it is to achieve the different sounds that each of us want. In this regard, I think that right now the Mojo is way ahead.. The Mojo windows editor is awesome the way it sets out the various parameters, starting with choosing your tonewheel set right through to adjusting the matching transformer (something that no other clone has, which is like a drawbar offset).


    To be honest I have not spent as much time editing my HX3 as I have with my Mojo, but my impression is that the Mojo is superior in this regard. Also, there is a warmth that is characteristic of the VB3 software (upon which the Mojo is based) that I hear in no other clone, including the HX3. My HX3 is not up to date, and I will be updating it and spending more time with it over the next few weeks.. So we will see if my opinion changes once I've tweaked it a bit more..


    That said there is an complexity to the tone of the HX3 that gives it a very authentic sound, and I do really like the overdrive, and the HX3 is very satisfying to play. My comments are about things that some others might not hear, and I recognize are quite subtle things. There is no question in my mind that the HX3 module is going to sell quite well.


    Crig. Very well put. This is from my posting about "Chasing the Ghost"


    I think everyone of us that have played the vintage tonewheel organ and rotary speaker rig will agree;


    1. No two tonewheel organ setups are the same.

    2. Some tonewheel organ setups are better then others.

    3. We all know that the tonewheel organ rig that we have in our home or studio or in the basement is the BEST tonewheel organ ever and if only you would cloned it I just know EVERYONE else will love it. :-) (Except for that one person who says their rig is better.)

    4. We are all chasing a ghost that is in our reach and if ONLY they (Fill in the blank) could just change this one thing I can catch my ToneWheel Ghost.


    This is the great part of what the HX3 as it's allowing many of players to dial in what they want. Also, some of the advanced features requires some knowledge of the history of both the Tonewheel organ and the Rotary speaker. As an example, a lot of people don't know that the RotoSonic Leslie (6x9 speaker on a drum) was Don Leslie's favorite Rotary Speaker. This is because he was a Theater Organ lover. Those sounds of the Tibia Tremulant. Even back when he started he was chasing a Ghost, Theater Organ Tremulant. Going back and hearing many early recordings of people like Milt Buckner using Vibrato with Tremolo (fast rotor) It dates the recordings.


    Also, I know from first hand experience that the Sound we like here in the US (for the most part) is different from European Sound and for that fact Japan. As an example, while working for Hammond Suzuki, a couple of models of Hammond Suzuki organs had different turn on default settings for here. This was mostly in the home organs. But none the less there are differences in what we are looking for.



    Tom Tuson

  15. I wonder if Carsten would be open to releasing a "kit" or package to have current HX3/Expander owners upgrade to the HX3 Drawbar Expander? Does anyone (HX3 Expander owners perhaps) even think that is a good idea?


    When I first ordered my HX3 Expander I actually had a bunch of the components (drawbar and button boards) on the cart with the idea of building some kind of DYI Drawbar Expander (such as what is now available). I ended up not buying the components because I wanted to first understand the HX3.


    Hopefully such a "kit" or upgrade package would be less expensive than buying each individual component (for which many are not even available for sale).


    Any thoughts?


    How about a trade in program?



    Tom Tuson

  16. Just a hint: Firmware 3.91 will be ready for download on Friday. Among other features the rotary sim is refined. May make sense to wait for the update before comparing.





    I just got an email at 12:00 noon here in Philly that the software for 3.91 is almost ready but is taking a little longer then expected. For those registered with the Diversi website we will email you all.


    Happy New Year All.

  17. Not final but worth a look!

    Beta 3.90 !!!




    Leslie front stop and Master Volume!




    Hello everyone and Merry Christmas.


    Has anyone updated to 3.9?


    I typically wait a while but I was so looking to leverage the new overall output level function that I just updated. The update using the Flash utility went as normal. However, no sound comes out and the screen keeps flickering between different menus and the encoder or the up/down buttons do not do anything. As I touch keys on the keyboard controller he drawbar levels change values without moving the drawbars on my NI B4D.


    I have rebooted the HX3 but no help; I then re-ran the flash utility to install 3.9 again; again no help. Finally I reverted to an older version of the firmware and FPGA using the HX3 Remote utility. Going back to 3.851 no longer results in the screen flickering between menus but there is still no sound and when I press keys on the keyboard it the drawbar values still change values as I press various keys.


    The HX3 was working perfectly fine before the update but it looks like 3.9 messed it up.


    Anyone else experience this issue. Christian, do you have any insight?


    Thank you, Luis.


    Happy Holidays to everyone. Being a Holiday weekend most of us are doing Family stuff. So please understand that we are not ignoring you.


    I did a Drawbar Expander here and had the same issue. Here is what I did to clear it up.


    1. Make sure you do not have any other PAST install of the REMOTE or Flash software accessible. Rename the Directory you have it in or move it to a Tumbdrive. Windows has a nasty habit of using the old file locations............


    Hi Tom,


    Thank you so much for your post. I just did the Firmware update using the HX3 remote and it fixed the issue of the drawbar values changing when pressing the keyboard keys and/or moving the expression pedal. The unit has stabilized dramatically but I'm still getting intermittent flickering between different menus (but nothing crazy like it was doing before after the initial 3.9 update).


    The "Master Volume" is working beautifully and this is what I really needed!!!!!


    For all others - you may not want to use the flash tool to update your HX3 for now! Updating with the HX3 remote is easy enough.


    Thank you again.


    Your welcome. I will check into the flickering.


    I do think if a Control Knob on your connected controller is in between positions and not quite dead on the HX3 will go back and forth between display information. Such as a Drawbar Preset and Amp volume, the amp volume being assigned to rotary or slider on the Controlling device. Just touching the control will fix this. Then I have also seen Connected MIDI devices sending data and the HX3 is reading it an it will flicker. Since I won't be back in until Monday I really can verify anything until then.


    Tom Tuson


  18. Happy Holidays to everyone.


    As a reminder. A couple of months ago we invited any owners in the USA and Canada that have purchased an HX3, prior to Diversi becoming the distributor, to please send us and email or register your unit with us. We are here to help. Please use the following link to register your HX3 with us. Also, in the comments area would you be so kind as to included your ORGAN and ROTARY Lic. Numbers. This way we can put them on file. If you ever should need them we have them here for you in our data base.




    Again, any one that feels we can help them PLEASE drop us a note.



    Tom Tuson

    Diversi Musical Products, Inc

  19. Not final but worth a look!

    Beta 3.90 !!!




    Leslie front stop and Master Volume!




    Hello everyone and Merry Christmas.


    Has anyone updated to 3.9?


    I typically wait a while but I was so looking to leverage the new overall output level function that I just updated. The update using the Flash utility went as normal. However, no sound comes out and the screen keeps flickering between different menus and the encoder or the up/down buttons do not do anything. As I touch keys on the keyboard controller he drawbar levels change values without moving the drawbars on my NI B4D.


    I have rebooted the HX3 but no help; I then re-ran the flash utility to install 3.9 again; again no help. Finally I reverted to an older version of the firmware and FPGA using the HX3 Remote utility. Going back to 3.851 no longer results in the screen flickering between menus but there is still no sound and when I press keys on the keyboard it the drawbar values still change values as I press various keys.


    The HX3 was working perfectly fine before the update but it looks like 3.9 messed it up.


    Anyone else experience this issue. Christian, do you have any insight?


    Thank you, Luis.


    Happy Holidays to everyone. Being a Holiday weekend most of us are doing Family stuff. So please understand that we are not ignoring you.


    I did a Drawbar Expander here and had the same issue. Here is what I did to clear it up.


    1. Make sure you do not have any other PAST install of the REMOTE or Flash software accessible. Rename the Directory you have it in or move it to a Tumbdrive. Windows has a nasty habit of using the old file locations.


    2. Go to GITHUB and download the latest software package. https://github.com/keyboardpartner/HX3/tree/master/LATEST


    3. Download the correct package for your module.

    4. Unpack the zip file and go to the directory (folder) where the Flash and Remote software is located.

    5.Do not use the FLASH program but use the REMOTE program.

    4. Connect your HX3 to your computer

    5. Connect your HX3 to your computer.

    6. Power UP your HX3.

    7. Run the REMOTE software.

    8. CLICK on the "Connect" button on the top left side of the program.

    9. CLICK on the TAB "Advanced"

    10. Now click on UPDATE FW.

    11. Select the HX3mk3_boot_expander.hex (HX3mk2_boot_expander.hex if the older board.)

    12. The update will start.

    13. After it's done CLICK on FINALIZE. (REALLY IMPORTANT)

    14. CLICK Disconnect in the Upper Left corner of the program.

    15. Unplug your HX3 from the computer and power it off.

    16. Now connect it to your MIID rig.


    Now try your unit again if you still have no sound then unplug everything and start over.


    1. HOWEVER instead of UPDATE FW... UPDATE THE FPG. There is only ONE file that shows up. CLICK on it.

    2. The update will start. It will take some time.

    3. Once it's done then CLICK on FINALIZE.

    4. Now CLICK on UPDATE FW.

    5. Same steps as in the first part for the Boot hex file.

    6. Wait for update to finish.


    8. CLICK on Disconnect in the top left side of the program.


    Now see if you get sound.


    PLEASE.. Make sure your write down you Ser. Numbers and the Lic. Numbers for the Organ and Rotary.


    See if this works. If not send me and email at info@diversi.us and I will try and help you.

  20. I am still looking for someone near me who can update my HX3. I am in Martinsville, VA which is very close to NC. I use a Mac and don't have access to a PC. I don't really want to do Parallels or virtual PC. Plus I am wary of trying to do this myself as I am a little technology challenged when I risk turning the HX3 into a brick.


    Bill: If you want to ship it to us we'll update it for you.. You just got to pay for the return shipping. If you do PM me.


    Tom Tuson

    Diversi Musical Products, Inc

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