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Posts posted by b5pilot

  1. Same here. I always tip good service, and pretty well. Speaking of service, does it annoy you when they are constantly there. I mean I like it when they are properly attentive but when they are there every couple of minutes it gets as annoying as not being there at all.
  2. Melloncamp mentions Garth Brooks. I do like Garth but he is the poster child of corporate music. He is that "crossover artist" the music industry has wet dreams about. Find an artist who's music has just the right blend of a couple of generas and maximize profits.

    I must give Garth credit though to have the savy to get out before he became a sad character of himself.

  3. John Mellencamp artical on the current state of the music biz. Interesting read.


    It's funny but it almost seems as though he indirectly blames part of it on "urban" music in paragraph 3. It also seems funny that this comes from someone that was told to change his name to Cougar so he himself could be marketable.


    It's funny how he started talking about country music which in my opinion has pretty much fallen the same way the other forms of pop music have. I don't hear a lot of diversity anymore as the majority pretty much sounds like warmed over Eagles. It's all pretty cookie-cutter and they are as interested in the bottom line as any other form. Then again, I guess that's why they call it the music business.

  4. I definitely missed the thread where this animal thing all got started, but thought it would be fun to join in with a pic of my Tennessee bird dogs.


    Meet Fred, Red, and Ned.


    I missed it too and since there's a bandwagon I had to jump on. Everybody this is Jessie. My other dog Corie to follow.

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