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Everything posted by JeffKeys

  1. This is by far the finest sound ever heard through a keyboard amp (by me). Im playing a Nord Stage Classic through it. My gig board is a Nord Stage 3. Cant wait to hear that through it. Acoustic piano just sparkles and electric pianos are deep and fat as is organ. My previous amp was a MS KP-500SN and even though its advertised as the same wattage (250/channel) the 612 pushes a ton more volume! I love the 500, but this is in a different league! The only issue Ive had is that when I turn up the stereo expand, it started to buzz (used for organ). I think Ive found a solution, to turn up output on Nord and down on the organ channel. Never encountered that on the 500. I think this is the answer for those, like me, whod rather not bring a pair of powered speakers to every gig. Pricey at 1499 as well, but I think will do wonders for my tone and cut.
  2. To set the record straight, I got a call from Le Cover Larry today. They are not defunct after all. Just not returning inquires very promptly. Love his covers, though and will likely order this one from him. Thanks for all your kind recommendations!! Jeff
  3. Well, Im having a spot of trouble with it. Got a buzz when the expand is turned up that gets louder the more the expand is intensified. Other than that, I have to say that it is MUCH better than my KP-500SN! Especially for acoustic piano (using a Nord Stage 3). Much more powerful too (both 500 watts.
  4. Hey folks, Just acquired a new Motion Sound amp and Im looking to get a padded cover for it. I used to use Le Cover. but they seem to be defunct after trying many times to contact them. Anyone else make high quality padded covers? Thanks in advance!
  5. Just ordered a Motion Sound KP-612 S. Should have it on Wednesday. Havent got a new amp since their KP-500SN came out 10 years ago or so. Really hoping the digital technology will make the acoustic piano patches sing a bit more from my Nord Stage 3.
  6. Maybe a better version: https://m.soundcloud.com/undermind1978/jgb-1989-09-06-nassau
  7. Melvin (and Brent Mydland) are the reason I play keys today, with an emphasis on B3! Legatoboy, I'm playing with Michael Falz in a band with some frequency these days. What was your band in which he used to play?
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