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Mitch Towne

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Posts posted by Mitch Towne

  1. I've also got my eye on the KP-610 for the reasons you mention Dave...nice to see you're happy with it...



    The 610 is a great amp! If I didn't play organ trio with bass pedals so much, I would probably use it instead of the 612. But, the cool thing about the 610 and 612 is the passive sub out. If you attach a passive sub via a speak-on, you get access to an additional 250 watts in the amp for the sub!

  2. you've test driven all of them .how does the tone compare to the previous kp 500 ? i had one briefly , the stereo effect was impressive for sure



    The KP700x seems to have just a more round and full sound. This is probably because of the increased speaker surface area. But the 500 is a fantastic amp. However, I traded up to the 612 from the 500.

  3. Forgive me if this has been explained elsewhere, but I assume there's a difference between these newer models and the clean-stereo 12" speakers on an older KBR-3D? Inquiring minds...



    Updated amp technology, better speakers and updated crossover, for starters. It has a ton more power as well. It is an all around better amp. (No rotary included like the KBR-3D). I think the KBR-3D was a cool idea in theory but never really achieved the goal in practice.

  4. (Disclaimer: I am an endorsing artist for Motion Sound amps. Please take my comments with how ever much salt you feel comfortable with.)


    A couple weeks ago, I got a call from Jeff at Motion Sound. "Want to test drive our new amp?"


    "New amp?? Of course."


    A few days later, this Goliath showed up at my door. This is the new Motion Sound KP700x. It has two 10" speakers, two 12" speakers and two tweeters. It is, essentially, a KP610 on top of two 12" speakers that act as the built in subs.


    In the regular KP series, the KP610 and KP612 amps are 500 watts. Each of these amps have an extra 250 is reserved for a passive sub that you connect via a speak-on cable if you need even more bass. The KP700x uses this extra 250 for the two 12" speakers.


    The short review...this is the best sounding and loudest keyboard amp I have ever heard. I have run organ, Rhodes and piano through it. They all sound fantastic and the full Motion Sound stereo separation is present as always. And there is SO MUCH BASS! I have not been able to test it on a gig because...well...there are no gigs. But I have no doubt that this thing will crush live.


    Is it big and heavy? Yes. It is about 70 lbs. However, there is going to be an attachable dolly option and possibly a road case option. But every pound of this beast is present in the sound. Did I mention it was loud and clear?


    To me, this answers the question as to whether powered PA speakers have made the keyboard amp obsolete. This may be heavy, but it is still quicker set up than two PA speakers and it has a smaller on-stage footprint. I would never go back to separate speakers because I already use a KP612.


    Once I get the exact specs from Motion Sound, I will post them. I added the photo with my dog for scale.


    I will try to answer any questions you have before I get the specs.



  5. A question for folks with close ties to Crumar? Is there an upgrade coming that'll allow the lower manual (of the M61) to be able to play the piano voices? I'm not talking about dual timbral. Just when I switch to piano, I'd like the lower manual to work too. I just think it would be more comfortable to play piano on the lower manual.


    Not that I"m aware of.

  6. I have been seeing a counselor for this very reason for two years and she"s helped me immensely. The funny thing is that I never thought a non-musician could help me but she has really unlocked some things in me. I feel better about myself both as a musician and overall than I ever have.
  7. Mitch, do you use the default Rhodes on your Mojo 61 or do you like using one of the other Rhodes models in the Mojo 61?



    I think I use the default but with some minor tweaks. I will look the next time I have it set up.

  8. Mitch,

    What are your thoughts on the Rhodes in the Mojo 61?


    It"s the exact same engine as in the Seven. The main difference is the organ action vs weighted action. It plays great on the Mojo61, and the wurly plays better because of the light action, but the weighted action of the Seven is what separates them in Rhodes playing experience.

  9. Argh, was hoping it was info on the "desktop" whatever that actually is!


    Not mojo-related, but Crumar-related: my buddy LOVEs vintage-looking stuff, to the point where he is thinking of ways to build a shell around his keyboards. He didn't know about the Crumar Seven, he's still cursing me about it days later (since now he has extreme GAS for the thing!) Like many of you, he used to go around with an actual rhodes so a lot of nostalgia there!



    The Seven is the most satisfying Rhodes clone I have ever played.


    Mitch, is your feeling about the Rhodes also true for the Wurly tones in the Seven?



    The Wurly tones are fantastic, but, as I am sure you know, a Rhodes and Wurly feel much different. A Wurly has a much lighter action. There is something magical about the Fatar TP-100 (which I have always hated in other boards like the Nord Electro HP) and the Crumar Rhodes modeling. It feels and responds like the real thing. It's almost eerie and extremely inspirational to play.






  10. Argh, was hoping it was info on the "desktop" whatever that actually is!


    Not mojo-related, but Crumar-related: my buddy LOVEs vintage-looking stuff, to the point where he is thinking of ways to build a shell around his keyboards. He didn't know about the Crumar Seven, he's still cursing me about it days later (since now he has extreme GAS for the thing!) Like many of you, he used to go around with an actual rhodes so a lot of nostalgia there!



    The Seven is the most satisfying Rhodes clone I have ever played.



    I am pretty sure the real reason some people here think the energy is lower with Palmer is that lake's voice had fallen by then, so it is performed a whole fourth below the original!.



    Nope. It is lower energy because Palmer sounds terrible on it and they took a slow song and made it slower. He is the most overrated drummer. His fills sound like an 8th grader in stage band. (And I am an ELP fan from way back.)

  12. Mitch, you are killin it, as always!

    To echo Josh:


    Damn you, man!


    I am considering a second try of the Seven down the road, possibly an A/B with the new Viscount 70s for my casual Rhodes gigs.

    Def either board with a MS 612!


    Damn your eyes!



    Ha! Jim, I know you were less than happy with the feel of The Seven when you tried it, but, surprisingly, I think the TP-100 feels great with the Rhodes models.

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