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Posts posted by Bobadohshe

  1. This is the Dizzy Gillespie classic "Con Alma".

    It alternates between 3/4 and 5/4. Really meant to played w/ a rhythm section but hopefully you can get the idea.

    The blowing section I changed to all 3/4.








    Alas I'm on a Mac and can't listen to WMA files! Well I'd have to boot up my older PC solely for that purpose. You don't have MP3s do ye?

  2. Man, I wish I owned a label. You'd sure be on it.


    I'm listening wondering what the Yellowjackets and Russell Ferrante are doing on Dave Ferris' Myspace page :thu:...


    He probably knows them. Seriously. DF seems to know everybody in L.A.! He keeps popping up in liner notes and in conversations with other musicians. L.A. isn't such a big town after all.

  3. I agree with Tony. They might not call you back and you shouldn't see it as rudeness neccesarily, it's kind of the way that thing goes. They might not make a decision and might want to keep their options open anyway, and by the time they do find what they're looking for you will have assumed you didn't get the gig and it all works out.


    I went on an audition 2 weeks ago in L.A. and wanted to share this story as it's relevant to this thread. I also didn't get called back.


    I was actually hanging out with Jazzwee and Dave Ferris on a Wednesday when I got a call from this British chick based in L.A. who needed a keyboard player and got my number from a guitar player I know. She said she was on a label in NY and was putting her band together and was having auditions at S.I.R. on Sunset in Hollywood. Sounded super legit. She sent me 3 tracks to learn for an audition that was 2 days later. The tracks had SICK production on them with 54,320 synth parts- kind of a cross between Goldfrapp and the Killers. So I feverishely shed the stuff, diligently programming 2 Motifs and my MS2000 so I could play all these parts and blow their minds.


    I show up for the audition and start rapping with the band a little bit. I get a nice repore going and they help me unload my car and set up. I'm excited as it we're at one of the most prestigious rehearsal spots in L.A. and it seems legit and I know this stuff and at least on the CD, it sounded great. Well the band starts playing, and within 2 seconds I realize that things aren't what I hoped. The drummer's time is wobbly. The guitar player is uncertain on parts. The bassist is too aggresive. And the chick is missing all kinds of notes that she nailed on the CD. It was a classic case of producer takes average artist and makes killer track.


    So after nailing what I needed to nail more than the rest of the band actually, she say's 'okay thanks very much. Can you rehearse everyday? We start Thursday'. And even though they were paying $75 a rehearsal, I simply cannot drop my life and rehearse with this average band everyday. So I said 'well probably not, but call me later and we'll talk about it'.


    They never called me. I nailed the shit more than they knew I had, I knew the tunes better than they did, I had a great laid back, confident and friendly vibe, but they never called me.


    And I'm not bothered about it.

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