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Posts posted by Aidan

  1. Hi guys, I'm aiming to pair my SK2 with my PC361 for an upcoming project, using the SK exclusively for Hammond sound but also to control some fairly complex orchestral splits on the Kurzweil.


    I have them paired up and speaking (SK2 out to PC361 in) but for some reason the SK2's keys don't appear to be sending ANY velocity information. I can't right at this minute see where you turn this on or off within the Hammond's menus can anyone help, please?

  2. Very cool. Thanks. The first clip is lip synced so the organ was probably just a prop. Sure sounds like a Hammond/Leslie through a wah wah. Some pretty interesting rhythmic fills in the second clip. He sounds a little like David Clayton Thomas.


    Yep this is mimed but according to the comments section, that was actually Phillips' own Lowrey. There's another video of someone demoing one for sale and the wah effect is demonstrated on that, so it was a stock function rather than a mod.

  3. I'm not sure how much, if at all, this trio penetrated into the US market but during the 60s and 70s in the UK, they were on TV quite a lot on various variety shows. I was too young to appreciate them first time around but just rediscovered them and my God, what a band.


    Roy Phillips is great organist, who actually started out on guitar for Joe Meek's sessions. Anyway, here are a couple of vids, the first is interesting in that Roy's playing a Lowrey Berkshire, as used by Pete Townsend, and I think the wah effect is built in to that model. Second is on a Hammond (model?) but also hot as hell (love the drummer's stick-twirling).






    Edit: well, they penetrated the US psyche enough for this to be used on Breaking Bad, it appears...




  4. SSM, I had an EXP100F, which I used with my XK system. The EXP 50 is basically the same pedal as that but without the kick-switch for the Leslie speed.


    The EXP100F was built like a tank and felt very authentic compared with an FC7 (which I also own). However, unless you're a Hammond purist or you need to attach it to a Hammond pedal set (both the 100 and 50 come with their own mounting brackets for that job), I think you'd be perfectly happy with the Yamaha.


    Put it this way. I haven't felt yet moved to order the EXP 50 for my SK1 yet. :)

  5. If I were a classical pianist and needed a digital substitute, I would find a keyboard with an action I liked and supplement it with True Keys.


    Or indeed, any other software piano of your choosing. But I get the feeling dxb is looking for an all-in-one, turn it on and play solution at the moment and is perhaps a bit intimidated by technology (I trust I'm not being unfair or patronising, dxb, just the impression I got from previous remarks!)

  6. MBK, good call on the Artis, though I've not played it yet. No idea how available the Kurzweil brand is in the UAE. Tee, I honestly think a classical pianist would be unimpressed with the PC3 pianos compared with the current top end Roland and Yamaha models. Sits OK in the mix, but not a soloist's piano, IMO. The Fatar actions on the Kurzweils are also some way behind the cutting edge, unfortunately.
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