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brown iLT

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Everything posted by brown iLT

  1. hi, i asked this question in another thread and was sent this way so here goes.... I use a Selmer Treble 'n' Bass 50 Mk II head with a Fender 2x12 cab and i use an epiphone riviera with humbuckers. Effects wise i have a Blues Driver, Jekyl & Hyde overdrive/distortion, Digital delay, analog delay, reverb and a russian big muff. The problem i have is that if the volume pots on my guitar are at 10 then i seem to be using the amps full headroom so when i stomp on any distortion or overdrive there is no increase in volume, the signal just gets more dirty (but in quite a horrible sounding way). The only thing i can do to solve this issue is turn the pots down on my guitar to about half way (5-6), this rectivfies the dynamics issue but makes my guitar sound weedy. Is there a better solution to the problem? i have considered buying an MXR master gain pedal to make my guitar quieter but will this make the signal sound equally weak? i dont know much about it but would likning the inputs of the amp together help (know as 'jumping'(?) i believe). the amp was fully serviced just a couple of weeks ago and the the valves were all tested and deemed in perfect working order. the amp doesn't have master gain, and i have the volume/gain setting on between 2 and 3 of 10. i can turn up my amp volume as high as it goes and the cab still performs, it gets really loud and sounds really good, its just when i try to send the amp more signal it cant handle it. any help anyone has would be most apreciated. thanks, Brown
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