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Posts posted by slowfinger

  1. I've been away from the forum and bass playing///////holding for a few years, and just popped in on a whim - this was the 1st thread I spotted :( 


    I was wondering about Jeremy - I knew he was having trouble but it seems it caught up with him. So sad. 


    My wife and I were in SF (from Australia) in late 2010 and Jeremy came over from where he lived to meet us and show us around a bit. Considering a) it was a day after the Giants won the World Series, b) and so the traffic on Bay Bridge was awful because of the big parade about to happen, and c) he was squeezing us in before an oncology appointment, we were humbled by his generosity of spirit. We were delighted to meet him - a lovely person.

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  2. It's been about a week since I used MS Windows on my laptop. It's now running a Puppy Linux (Slacko 5.29.5) - with Google Chrome, Audacious (MP3 etc player), tuxguitar (PowerTab and GuitarPro player), AbiWord and Gnumeric it does just about everything I need from a PC. Very pleased with myself.


    The linux loads from a cd (or usb) but saves onto the HDD, boots in half the time of XP and sets itself up quite easily (for a linux).

  3. How about pinching some book titles:


    Virtual Light - by William Gibson

    Thirteen Tonne Theory - by Mark Seymour (of the band Hunters and Collectors)

    Woken Furies - by Richard Morgan

    Broken Angels - ditto (to continue the Takeshi Kovacs theme)

  4. Pretty quiet around here now the kids have gone home, and so, since tomorrow is Saturday here is a couple of 'tubes:


    love this - in more ways than one:


    This is the original - got all weepy hearing it again:


    enjoy ... (I'm just going to watch them again)

  5. Note to self: keep cat away from computer.



    One Fat Freddie's Cat's tricks was to pee in Fat Freddies IBM electric typewriter, so davio's note is wise.


    In my yoof I shared an apartment with 2 guys who were the spitting images of Fat Freddy and Phineas.

  6. Put some new strings on my Epi EB3 on the weekend - first new set. They are Fender Superbass heavies - 50 70 90 110. Seems to fix the problem of floppy E when tuned down a semi, and gives it a more meaty sound. Nicer to play, too. Pleased I am.


    Seems odd putting Fender strings on a 'Gibby'.

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