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Posts posted by Bluesape

  1. I must agree that in a gigging situation, individual units are easier to access on the fly. Never saw the need for dozens of sonic choices for a conventional gig. I rarely use more than 2 fx in a gig. When I use my wah, it becomes addictive and overused. Georgia on My Mind has no appropriate passage for a wah, but I have caught myself doing it. LOL


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  2. Recently traded a couple guitars I was no longer playing and a little cash for one of these carbon fibre acoustics. Using acoustic 9's, it's smooth and fast. Stainless frets, no truss rod, impervious material. Will play as it is 300 years from now. Getting the Parker has relegated all my electrics to back up status. Been jonesing for one a long time and a very clean used one showed up at my local shop. Will never need fretwork or any adjustments. I would never justify the 3 or so grand they cost new and didn't pass this one up. I solo on my acoustics as well, so hence the 9's. Came with a Gator hard case. Very pleased!

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  3. I have a new friend who has one of these wondrous instruments. She had taken a 40 year hiatus from playing, and found the strings painful to play for more than a few minutes at a time while struggling to regain her chops and calluses. Being the light string freak that I am, I convinced her to try a very light set on this guitar. I use D'Addario acoustic 9's on my acoustics.(Go ahead and groan. I can't hear you.) She now can play for hours, and is loving it.


    Getting back to the guitar, I was blown away by the quality, fit, and finish of it. I have never played a nicer off-shore acoustic. This thing was under a grand and surpasses almost anything at any price. The tone and playability are exquisite. The craftsmanship is amazing. I have never owned a PRS, as money and opportunity have never quite aligned. I had always thought of PRS as a builder of very fine solid and semi-acoustic electrics, and would never have given their recent line of acoustics a second glance. This was an epiphany for me. While ANY wood acoustic is not currently on my radar, I would jump at the chance to grab one if my yen for more carbon fibre guitars hadn't removed most conventional guitars from my bucket list.


    As for the 9's, they sound great and lend a playability that just can't be matched by heavier strings. I'm always a lead player regardless of what is strapped on. Because of this preference, I have no calluses after 55 years and millions of notes.


    This guitar is a worthy contender for anyone seeking a great guitar at modest price. I predict that these guitars will command a big share of the acoustic market once they are better known. I would now be intrigued to see if PRS tried to tap into the arch top market. I have no doubt they could be a success.

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  4. I can't see the wood type in a solid body having a huge impact on tone. If I were embarking on a custom build, the appearance of the wood would affect my choice, especially if it was a transparent finish. I have active pickups on a few guitars and have mixed feelings about them. These guitars all happen to have ebony boards and sound fine. One was retrofitted with EMG's before I owned it, and battery access was terrible. You actually have to remove the neck to get at the pick guard where the battery was, as no proper compartment was installed in the body. I would never retrofit a guitar like that again. I had high output Fender passive pups installed in that one, and the EMG'S now live in a different axe. Batteries can last for years, but ya gotta unplug the axe during breaks or the battery will drain way faster. My gripe is that they require that bit of extra attention. As a guy who can read schematics, you no doubt already know this, but I never gig with just one axe, and one is always passive, just in case.

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  5. Playing guitar keeps me relatively sane. I need my fix very often, and have come back from road trip vacations with at least one guitar I bought on the roads, sometimes two, cuz I can't handle not having access to an axe. This has led to amassing far more guitars than my income level can justify, but I have bonded with most of them to the point of refusing to part with them. Scary sickness for a guy who has to contend with living expenses on a slim budget. They are not living entities, but have individual attributes that force me to rationalize having all of them. Sane people wouldn't understand.

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  6. I've seen vids of Buckethead, who is 6'8" or so, and it seems he can solo across 7 frets, maybe even 8 or 9 at the upper end of the neck. Steve Vai seems to have very long fingers as well, so there may be some credence to that statement, although it shouldn't rule out everyone else. Angus, Frampton, Randy Rhodes and Leona Boyd are small of stature and awesome players.

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  7. Terrible loss!  Saw him open for BB in Toronto some years back. Nobody since Jimi had more innovative genius. Larger than life. Deeply missed forever. He set the bar so high we may never see it topped.

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  8. A couple months or so back I was browsing in Ottawa's biggest used guitar shop. I found a Harley Benton SC-450 p90 Gt classic series guitar.

    The condition was immaculate and it included a very nice hardshell case, which does not come with the guitar when shipped.The price was quite low, and all used items come with a return policy, so I got it. The action was low, as I like it. Seemed like a steal until i plugged it in at my jam that evening, where it squealed like a newly castrated hog, and it had terrible tuning stability. It played well and seemed very well built, with great frets, a flawless finish, and a nice weight for a LP knockoff; That's when I realized why it was so pristine. The original owner likely hated it very quickly and traded it at the shop, where it did not originate from, so he/she couldn't return it. The fix would have been replacing the pickups and tuners, neither of which I had lying around. The cost of good pickups and tuners would exceed the money I already had in it, so I returned it. There are numerous reviews on Youtube, most being positive, which I viewed before buying it. I know that QC with budget guitars will be iffy and you could luck out and find a good one, but I'm sure that any one of these would require some costly mods. Also, it is not a premium instrument no matter what you pay to get it gig-worthy. Hanging on the wall was a 30 year old real gold top with P90's, listed at almost 20 times what I paid for this one! As the owner of 2 real LP's, I felt silly for imagining it could scratch my P90 itch. Buyer beware!

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  9. I get mine locally. Lotsa stores here. Sometimes they go on sale if they sit too long. My string choices are outside the norm in terms of size, and I usually buy single 8's and 10's as they break. I don't buy into the theory that strings go bad. Too many guitars to keep track of how long they've been on each one.

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  10. Definitely a specialized niche product. The guitars that are good enough for top acoustic artists like Tommy Emanuel, Clapton. and James Taylor should satisfy most people. Not knocking the brand, and it's far from being the only high end company out there, but it's prohibitively priced for all but the mega rich.

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  11. That's a high end amp. There must be Youtube tutorials on how to play with the settings to get your desired sound. It's a forever unit that you'll miss as you advance on guitar.  Yes, it's heavy but no SS amp is gonna match its capabilities. The holy grail tones are in there, just gotta dial them in.

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  12. Too many great brands out there now. You haven't named a budget ceiling. If you are a novice, you cannot go wrong with a used Yamaha. They are built more sturdily than almost any brand in their respective price points. Don't be afraid to go used so long as you have a guitar savvy person along with you. Of the ones you listed, I concur with my buddy Caev.

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