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Everything posted by davio

  1. T.G.I.F. Time-Waster from my Page-A-Day Calendar. This week: Whack a Mole! Remember, my boss gave this to me.
  2. Samurai swords, crossbows and magnets. I used to have my room decorated like that.
  3. Haha...I just saw this one on the net so I'm cheating a bit with one I already know is taken: Platonic Bondage
  4. Well I was planning out what to make for dinner when I get home but after looking at that I think I'll have to go watch Saw to get those images out of my head.
  5. Yeah the Stingray design is what I knew them for. I played a few at gutiar shops and liked them.
  6. I was looking back at rizzo's new ATK pics and thinking "man, I hate that headstock...I'd rather put an OLP neck on it" when I tried going to www.olpguitars.com Did anybody else notice that they stopped making them?
  7. Gaaaahhhhh!!! Why didn't I ever think of that??? I once opened for a band whos bass player later went on to front a band called Pistol Boot Randy...they used the Pabst Blue Ribbon logo for flyers.
  8. I Photoshoped a diagram of a kidney to look like the Rolling Stones' lips (complete with tongue and replaced "Rolling" with "Kidney") for a friend in college who wanted to put it on tshirts for some stunt he and his friends were pulling. I don't know if they ever went through with it.
  9. Man! Nice catch, rizzo! I let that one slip right by! It was kinda slippery.
  10. That's what I'm here for.
  11. Dang it! I got sucked back in!
  12. Murphy the Chicken Escape From The Fall Of The Son Of The Daughter Of The Return Of The Conquest Of The Planet Of The Hat People Goes To The Moon Versus Mothera
  13. I wish I could manage that. On a different note: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/esperanto1.html
  14. Unless it's more like "Flick: The Piebald Emu" like Toad the Wet Sprocket.
  15. That's not snow, man...that's white dust. I can still see the rocks in your yard!
  16. http://www.freakingnews.com/Name-Game-Pictures---1510.asp Ken might enjoy that one.
  17. Funny, the first band that came to mind when I read "not-highly-respected band" was Nickelback :grin: I was going to say that Creed didn't do "Zilch" but came down with a bad case of posting hesitation.
  18. I can relate to that. Last time I spent serious time in a studio, the drummer couldn't get the hang of a transition that we had been working for a month beforehand and we thought he had it down. It was just adding an extra beat to the last measure of the loud section and ending up right in the soft section...after about an hour and 1/2 it ended up being a 9/8 bar instead of 5/4 (or 10/8) and we just retracked everything else accordingly out of frustration. He just kept trying to make it more difficult than it was. After the first 20 minutes I went out on the porch with a beer. It was the first time I had sat down and enjoyed the blissful escape I got from a beer. Maybe it was just the escape and not the beer. As a side note, that was also the occation where I ended up hanging with the TSO guys! Congrats on getting through the painful part!
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