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Posts posted by picker

  1. You tube has a rather good video posted of Fanny's appearancew on Beat Club back in the 70's. For those who don't recall, tnhey were the first all girl band that got signed to a major label and recorded albums. Their recordings weren't "great", but they were good. Even they said and still say that they didn't approach what the band was about live. There are a couple of more recent interviews on You Tube as well. I think they are a perfect example a band that got caught in the machine and didn't come out as well as they should have, They had great four-part vocals, a really good keyboard player and bassist, a pretty good drummer and an good guitarist, which is to say she played really good rhythm guitar, and adequate lead.

    I think this performance is much better than most of what I heard on their records. But they were a much better band than they were ever allowed to be.

    Check 'em out.

  2. Unless you are playing a strat most of the time, I wouldn't go with the Tube Screamer. They have a hump in the midrange I don't like with humbuckers.


    Have you considered A Zvex Super Hard On? The are a really good semi-clean boost. They will overdrive the front end of your amnp nicely.

  3. Naming is always a pain be it bands, forums, pets, kids, etc. Guitar Player Forum seems adequate, but is the forum still run by/affiliated with/whatever wih Music Player Inc. or whatever IT'S named? If not, maybe a change wouldn't be out of line.

    But don't ask me what it should be.

  4. Old tuners are a sore spot, the plastic rots over time. I once attempted to solder the coil end of a vintage Gibson P-90 back onto the lead wire. It burst into flames, celluloid. Hosed that puppy!!!! :laugh:


    Wow, celluloid? I didn't know they used celluloid in early P90s. It must have been REALLY early.

  5. This is my second Rick lap steel. The first one was like a stuident model, I think. It had a mildly trapezoidal plank body, and was splatter painted in kinda tan and pink and yellow. It had the horseshoe pickup, but it was narrower. I mention it because it had similar problems with the tuner buttons. I just had the tuners replaced with a cheapo set. Later on, I found out the vintage value too a big hit because of that. The "vintage" dude who told me about it said I shouldn't have replaced them, I should have just had the buttons replaced. Collectors and vintage dudes are fanatic about everything being original. They even get weird about solder joints on pots, for crying out loud!
  6. I went into debt to buy a 1930's Rickenbacker Silver Hawaiian lap steel, don't ask how much. It's beautiful! Chrome plated metal body, hollow, shaped like one of the Ricky bakelite steels David Lindley used with Jackson Brown. got that horseshoe magnet pickup that sounds so great. I was on tenterhooks for it to get here from California. It was already missing one of the tuner buttons. The plastic gets old and deteriorates. Considering that i0t's around 90 years old, that's not hard to understand.


    But when I got it home and tried to tune it, three more of the buttons crumbled like an old cookie. AUUUUGGGGHHHH!!!


    I did some measuring, and it would appear a set of Kluson 3 on-a-plate tuners would be a direct drop-in replacement. I did look into getting replacement buttons, but the process of installing them looks like a bit much for me, and a bit specific about having the correct tools, which I don't. I will, of course, retain the original tuners against he advent of a need to sell it. But, it looks like I'll have to be patient for a bit longer before I can slide into lap steel heaven on my new electric skateboard...

  7. ...about the Analog Man King Of Tone pedal? I saw an interesting video on You Tube about "The Five Overdrive Pedals Every Guitarist Needs to Hear", but the guy only played a Strat through it. Wonder what it's like with 'buckers?
  8. The in-person lessons is a good idea, but the main thing is to pick the silly thing up and play it! And don't be too dismissive about learning songs. The way I learned was by learning one song, then another, and another etc etc. I started seeing similarities in the way songs were put together, and how doing a particular thing in one song carried over to another thing in a different song. Finding out that a I-IV-V progression could start anywhere on the neck and the relationships of interval between the chords stayed the same even if the key of the song was different was total revelation to me.
  9. I was very interested to read an article about the 1918 pandemic of Spanish Flu. It apparently came in 3 waves.


    The first was was in the spring, and they had folks wearing masks and staying in. After a couple of month though, folks started forming anti-mask groups and saying the government was infringing upon their rights by making them wear masks. Sound familiar?


    The 2nd wave came in the fall, and it was much worse than the first. Everybody thought they were done with it, but that was wishful thinking. About 685,000 people caught it, and about 1/5 of them died. I guess those masks might have been a good idea after all.


    The 3rd wave came in the Winter and Spring of 1919, and it was worse than the first, but not as bad as the 2nd.


    I'm hearing what seem to be suicidal yo-yos out there saying it's not right to make people wear masks and stay 6 ft from each other. I hear folks from all sides of the political fence blaming the other sides, and calling it a conspiracy. Of course, there are folks screaming conspiracy if they hear that a chicken crossed the road, so that's nothing new.


    People, just remember, viruses don't care who's in the White House or any other office, they don't belong to any party or ideology, and they don't care about anything but taking over the host they have infested. IF you don't wanna wear a mask, don't, but stay the freak away from me!

  10. It arrived, and it's pretty nice. There is a pretty obvious repair to a crack in the top, but it's fixed well. I've tuned it down to D, because it looks like the bridge is starting to pull the top up. It's not bad, just noticeable. I'm thinking about getting one of THESE installed. I wonder if it will fit with all those bridge pins sticking down.



    Looks like it will fit.

    I've never installed one (I'm a guitar tech).


    I haven't read any terrible reviews though, so that's good.

    What gauge strings did you use for the Low Bs?

  11. I wish Fender had used / would use, that Strat bridge and string through tremolo system on the Jaguar and Jazzmaster where the upside down body concept came from...the stock ones leave a lot to be desired IMHO. :cool:


    When I was just out of the Navy and pretty much broke, a guy gave me the pieces of a Jazzmaster. Fortunately it was most of the pieces, and a fellow I knew in Hannibal Mo found a brass aftermarket bridge. which it needed, that had been sitting on the shelf in a local music store for a very long time. It even had a brown Fender hardshell case. A different friend had a local tech put it together for me. There were only two original features of the guitar I liked; the neck pickup and the trem. I guess that bridge made a difference in keeping it tune, which I understand was a problem with the original trem/bridge set up. The trem didn't have a lot of range up or down, certainly not as much as a strat trem, but it had enough for what I was doing, and after I figured it out, I was able to use it effectively for what I wanted. It ended up being one of my favorite trems to work with.

  12. Most my Strats run 3-way switch Memphis wiring. The middle knob is the fade knob for the middle pickup.

    That sounds eminently practical to me. When you say "fade knob" does that mean you fade between two of the pickups? Is there a diagram of this Memphis wiring available?

  13. I'm still haunting my apartment, but more out of a lack of motivation than fear for my health. Things are starting to open back up in KC. I could hit a jam this afternoon, and quite a few nights during the week, and I could stay late for most of them, because I'm only working one day a week. So, no worries about getting up in the morning. But it just doesn't seem worth it when I start thinking about getting ready to go. Sit for an hour or two, get up and do three songs, and sit back down. Did you ever sit in a bar and not drink alcohol, when everybody around you is drinking alcohol? BOOOOR-ing.
  14. I have been thinking again(I know I shouldn't, it never ends well), looking at one of my strats, I wondered "Why two tones and one volume?" What was in Leo's mind when he set it up that way? And why didn't he put one on the bridge pickup, which needs one much more than the middle? I know the wiring can be switched that way easily, but what was Leo, usually a very practical designer, thinking with all that?


    Who knows? But tone controls remain a bit of a mystery to me. Beyond knocking a bit of the edge off of a tele bridge pickup, all I've ever done with them is whip them all the way up and ignore them.


    Does anybody here or elsewhere use them in any way beyond that? Especially on a strat; is there some combination of settings that involves that middle pickup tone knob in some noticeable and practical way that I've never found?



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