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Everything posted by poly

  1. I started writing this tune about 10 years ago and just finished it now. I wish I could eat/drink that slowly It's called "Silence In The Garden Again", and was written after another disapointing season for one of my teams.... http://www.sonicmusic.net/Silence.mp3 Cheers! Larry B Sonic Music
  2. Instrumental piece featuring the piano. Other instruments used were Minimoog, Prophet-5, and a Yamaha DX7. * The only thing older than my equipment is me;) http://www.sonicmusic.net/Pluto.mp3 Larry B
  3. Here's the latest from my "other band" the Weed Brothers featuring Tony M. on lead guitars. As with my band Sonic Music, all parts are played live using outdated analog keyboards "Here Comes The Pain Again" http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=24540 Cheers! Larry B
  4. For those interested in progressive, I'm on a German podcast for today, Wednesday Feb 8. http://nsonic.podspot.de/ Larry B
  5. For those interested in progressive, I'm on a German podcast for today, Wednesday Feb 8. http://nsonic.podspot.de/ Larry B
  6. Progressive keyboard CD release..... After a year and a half of a LOT of hard work and my hard earned money , my CD has been released. It's in the vein of older Genesis, Yes...etc. with just a touch of pop. Analogue synths are the focus. There's pics, audio samples, links, etc at my site....poke around. http://www.sonicmusic.net My CD is officially up at CDBaby http://cdbaby.com/cd/sonicmusic Cheers!!! Larry Benigno Sonic Music
  7. This song was originally done around 1980 when I got my first Minimoog-I owned a Moog Sonic 6 at the time, but it had become unstable-like it's user, and I was forced to buy a Minimoog for 'backup'. This song was written exclusively for the mini and was first recorded using multiple cassette players-dubbed back and forth countless times until the amount of added noise was unbearable. With this remake, no midi sequencing was used with the exception of a few drum samples triggered by the DR-008. The passing of Robert Moog had inspired me to re-record this song again. http://www.sonicmusic.net/Sonic_Symphony.mp3 Cheers. Poly
  8. This was a 'quickie' I did before I went on vacation...yea, I know-I shouda stayed there All tracks were first takers! Not as progressive as my other stuff, sorry. "Nothing That You Said" http://www.soundclick.com/bands/8/sonicmusicus_music.htm Instruments used: Fender Rhodes Prophet 5 Minimoog DX7 talk about old sh*t Oh.....plus a cheap bass geetar and a Korg O1W. Cheers! Poly
  9. Thanks for the kind words! Most of the parts are played "live"....Heheh...I don't have a choice....my Mini ain't MIDI ps...I like your stuff! Poly
  10. Wednesday I had one of those days where I was constantly fiddling with things when I was suppose to be mixing a clients project. After a couple of hours of getting nothing done, I just sat down at the Rhodes and banged out this tune about my present day being like a dog chasing his tail-never getting anywhere-and it made me miss the days when you didn't have all this shit to contend with-just a piano and a microphone....oh, and something to plug the microphone into I waited till the next day for the clients work...good thing she didn't need it till Saturday http://www.soundclick.com/bands/8/sonicmusicus_music.htm Cheers! Poly
  11. Steve: I added this link for the first song. http://www.sonicmusic.net/ImFallingDown.mp3 Poly
  12. Thanks Steve! Hmmm.. yes there seems to be a problem on that first link(it's been working for months-don't know what happened). Try copying the link and paste it in your players browser-I used winamp and it worked fine. But for some reason the first one comes up with a "The dada that the plug-in requested did not download successfully" I'm workin on Poly
  13. Hmmm... I'll have to take another Progger's advice and go back and check 'em out again. I haven't heard those two albums in YEARS... I might listen with a new attitude. I was more from the 'jazz/fusion/canterbury crowd...Mahavishnu,Egg,Bruford,National Health (Dave Stewart was always my favorite-after Hendrix )! Thanks Dave! Poly
  14. Thanks Dave. Yes. I have heard both. But for some reason Kansas never hit my hot spot. Go figure Cheers Poly
  15. Thanks Dave! I take that as a compliment.... Funny, I have no Kansas albums and maybe two Genesis albums. Cheers Poly
  16. Thanks Gulliver! That's me on the vox. I get the Phil Collins thing all the time! Hey, he's got more $$$ than I do so that's OK with me Thanks again for the kind words.... 'preciate it! Poly
  17. Did I mention that I love sports Poly
  18. Thanks! A Yamaha P22 is an acoustic studio piano. I still do my Hanons every day! ......and I love sports Cheers! Poly
  19. For those of you who are old enough to remember the progressive music of the 70's(but with just a tad more pop), check out these two songs from a 'CD-in-the-works' by my band "Sonic Music". The first one was dedicated to Gentle Giant. Most of the lead lines are minimoogs with no midi;) (The solo towards the end is a keyboard) http://www.sonicmusic.net/I\'m%20Falling%20Down.mp3 http://www.sonicmusic.net/Closer.mp3 Thanks for listening! Poly
  20. Howdy! I am the keyboardist for the band "Sonic Music"-which is a progressive/rock band reminiscent of 70's era bands like Yes, Genesis, Gentle Giant,etc... I have been around longer than I care to remember. I have backed up oldie artists such as The Platters, The Coasters, and The Angels. I am a classically trained accordionists (hehe...no laughs, please-It got me great chops-at least for my right hand) My current setup consists of: Moog Sonic 6, Mini Moog, Prophet-5, Yamaha DX7, Yamaha CLP560, Yamaha P22, Korg O1Wfd, Fender Rhodes. I have been a professional piano technician for over 25 years, and have taught private piano instruction since 1978. Oh....and I married my HS sweetheart Cheers! Poly
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