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Posts posted by JMcS

  1. Jim, do you use the 2UBE with stock tubes?


    Yes. I've been meaning to try other tubes in it because I understand the stock tubes are not that great but haven't gotten around to it yet.


    Update: I bought a set of ElectroHarmonix 12AX7 tubes to replace the stock SovTek tubes that came with the EH 2ube stereo preamp pedal. Didn't seem to make any difference.


    Try old 50's/60's era tubes.

  2. The Hammond website has a list of their sales reps and partners:




    Call the person/company whose area covers where you are. Get somebody who probably has a revenue target to hit on the case.


    The tech support # is:


    (630)543-0277 ext 17.


    Try it and if it goes to voice mail call back and try another extension until somebody answers and then ask that person to get the person you need to speak to on the phone.

  3. I would prefer to use the FC-7 with the SK1. Mechanically it's the best pedal of the lot and it works great with the Stage 2. But the curve is wrong for the SK-1 - everything happens in the first 25% of pedal travel and it sorta flattens out after that. The curve on the EXP 50 is better, though still not ideal, and the EXP 50 physically has much less travel.


    I don't see a menu item anywhere to change or select the expression pedal pot curve. Has anyone figured out a way to get decent performance out of an FC-7?


    The Expression curves and other Expression settings are in the Control menu (Pg. 78 & 79 #'s 4 - 10). The Exp-50 should be set to Ped(Norm) and I think the FC-7 may need to be set to Ped(Rev). Check to make sure the monitor reaches 127 just before the pedal is at full on travel. If not or it gets there too soon, adjust the Gain.

  4. some SET files not showing up on SK1 menus


    OK so Jim was gracious enough to provide his TW custom set file to me, and I managed to grab some from a Yahoo users site.


    I copied them to my SK! formatted USB stick, that has been working for OS upgrades, patch and set filing and the like.


    When I tried to load some of the TW set files over half did not show up on the SK! load menu, but they are there.


    His set does show up but a lot of the Yahoo ones don't, any suggestions?

    BTW they all have the correct SET file suffix


    Do you mean the XK-3 Yahoo group? If so there are only 2 setup files in the SK setup file folder. One of them has a standard file name: Setup05.SET. If your USB drive already has one with that name it may not have overwritten it. Is it possible you also downloaded the XK-3c setup files too?


    actually I found these files there:












    Most of those are XK-3 or XK-3c setup files. The SK's won't recognize them.


    Only the 1st3UPs... file is an SK setup file.

  5. some SET files not showing up on SK1 menus


    OK so Jim was gracious enough to provide his TW custom set file to me, and I managed to grab some from a Yahoo users site.


    I copied them to my SK! formatted USB stick, that has been working for OS upgrades, patch and set filing and the like.


    When I tried to load some of the TW set files over half did not show up on the SK! load menu, but they are there.


    His set does show up but a lot of the Yahoo ones don't, any suggestions?

    BTW they all have the correct SET file suffix


    Do you mean the XK-3 Yahoo group? If so there are only 2 setup files in the SK setup file folder. One of them has a standard file name: Setup05.SET. If your USB drive already has one with that name it may not have overwritten it. Is it possible you also downloaded the XK-3c setup files too?

  6. There is a new library available (Melodion) here:




    Click on the button to the left of the one labelled Special.


    Here is the ReadMe file:


    Hammond SK Voice Library

    VL-SK015 "Melodion"


    The Parent Company of Hammond Organ is Suzuki Musical Instruments, maker of fine Harmonicas, used by Professionals and Amateurs Worldwide. One of their most distinctive instruments is the Melodion, which is essentially a Harmonica played with a Keyboard. The professional range of Suzuki Melodions (including the Industry Standard M-37C) has been carefully sampled to provide the voice of this rare keyboard gem.


    Baritone Keyed:

    Baritone Model B-24C, without vibrato.


    Baritone Vib:

    Baritone Model B-24C, with vibrato.


    Bari / Alto:

    This Split Voice sounds the Baritone B-24C model below middle C, and the Alto M-37C model sounds its above.


    Alto 1 Keyed:

    Alto Model M-37C without vibrato.


    Alto 1 Vib:

    Alto Model M-37C with vibrato.


    Alto 1 Twin:

    Hybrid "multi-reed" Melodion Voice, with Octave voicing in the lower to middle range, and detuned unison in the Upper Range.


    Alto 1 Overdrv:

    Alto Model M-37C with Overdrive. You can add a "Wah-Wah" effect by turning the [EXTRA VOICE EFFECTS AMOUNT] knob.


    Alto 2 Keyed:

    Alto Model PRO-44HP, without vibrato.


    Alto 2 Vib:

    Alto Model PRO-44HP, with vibrato.


    Soprano Keyed:

    Soprano Model S-32C, without vibrato.




    Extravoice instruments that contain "PCD" in their description feature Hammond's exclusive "PROCHORD" function which adds complex harmonic voicing to single notes played on the UPPER manual based on chord structures played on the LOWER manual. In using the PROCHORD voices, allocate the "PCD" voice to the UPPER section, and using the SPLIT function, assign an Organ (TW,Vx,Farf or Pipe) registration of your choice to the LOWER section. (On the SK2 use the UPPER and LOWER manuals). The PROCHORD function will still work if you do NOT assign an Organ sound at all to the LOWER section/manual. No complex harmonies will be added to single notes played on the UPPER section/manual when nothing is being played on the LOWER section/manual.



    Duet Pcd:

    Alto Model M-37C in Duet Harmony with vibrato.


    SmallCombo Pcd:

    Trio Voicing with Soprano model S-32C on melody, and two Alto model M-37C's on harmony. All parts sound without vibrato.


    Quartet Pcd:

    Quartet Voicing with Alto PRO-44HP model on melody with vibrato, and Alto Model M-37C and Baritone Model B-24C on harmonies. The harmony voices sound without vibrato.



    Suzuki Musical Inst. Mfg. Co., Ltd.


  7. Can we not lock this thread at the top of the list?


    We just have to keep finding tips and tricks that are "post worthy" to earn a spot at the top of the list.


    The Hammond US website has a setup file available with some "Standard" Patches:


    "The SK1 USA STANDARD SETUP replaces the first 10 [user] Patches with Patches created by Hammond USA in conjunction with our Top Artists. These Patches represent the most requested and popular foundation sounds of the Keyboard world. Please refer to included readme file for instructions."




    This is from the Readme PDF contained in the Zip file:


    The 10 favorites will correspond to the 10 new presets.

    Here are brief descriptions of the ten new presets:


    1. VINTAGE B-3

    This is modeled aft er a road-worn Vintage Hammond B-3 and 147 Leslie

    with maximum leakage, tube amp overdrive, aged Chorus-Vibrato,

    and heightened key-click.


    2. CRUNCH B-3

    This is an overdriven Vintage Hammond B-3 with 3300-style Tube

    Overdrive Leslie.



    This is a Clean Vintage Hammond B-3 with 122 Style Leslie.



    This is a Full Organ setting of the Popular Italian Combo Organ of

    the 1960s.


    5. Vx with Rho Bass

    This patch recalls the on-stage keyboard rig of the Rock Giant who Lit

    Your Fire in the 1960s. The Popular British Combo Organ of the 60s

    on the UPPER manual, and an accurate sample of the E. Piano Rho

    Bass on the LOWER Manual.



    The sound of one of the most popular and widely used Acoustic Grand




    The sound of the Rho Electric Piano, which used tines to produce

    its sound.



    The sound of the Wurl Electric Piano which used metal "reeds" to

    produce its sound.


    9. CLAV (BD)

    The sound of the German Electro-mechanical Stringed Keyboard made

    popular in Funky Music. In this case, the virtual control panel setting

    of the two tone switches is BD as on the original instrument.



    The sound of a Church Pipe Organ with Full Organ registration.


    It looks like the Tonewheel sets are the originals and haven't been tweaked. I've only played with it for a few minutes but the Patches seem to be good starting points for further tweaking to taste.

  8. Are you holding the Control, Song and Play/Pause buttons? Sometimes people have held the three Leslie buttons.


    Did you put all the files from the update ZIP file in the System folder? I usually copy everything including the readme and PDFs into the System folder so I have them for reference later. Leaving the System Libraries out of the System folder until after the update can speed the update up if the libraries didn't have any changes.


    Have you tried saving and loading setup files to/from the USB drives?


    While the version currently installed in your SK-1 has improved the compatibility with USB drives that could still be an issue. Here is a link to some information regarding the types of memory used USB drives:


    SLC vs MLC memory


    There is no way to tell which kind of memory your USB drives use. I've never had any success with Lexar products and they also private label stuff so the Toshiba drive may be Lexar too. IIRC someone else tried a 16Gb HP drive some time ago and it didn't work either. I have an 8Gb PNY drive that didn't work for updates but did for saving setups and loading new libraries.


    It is getting hard to find small USB drives but you might try to find a 1 or 2 Gb Kingston, PNY or SanDisk USB drive.



  9. The expression pedal settings are frequency adjustments not manual/pedalboard range adjustments. It works a lot like the loudness button on stereo systems. The highs and lows don't drop as much as the mid-range does as the volume is decreased. The amount of high and low frequency drop is adjustable. There are 2 graphics on page 79 that show how the expression settings affect the sound.
  10. If the mp3 files are large, test the player/them before the gig. Large mp3 files can stutter during playback particularly if playing along with them. (See the note on pg. 126) WAV files don't have that problem even though they can be much larger.


    I recorded the XK-3c demo songs directly into a ZOOM H4 recorder a few years ago. One of the songs would act up a little in the SK-1 Music Player. I converted them all to WAV files and they all played smoothly.

  11. The memory for the OS and system libraries is different from the memory for the additional libraries. There is not enough space to hold all (or even most) of the additional libraries. First, make sure you have the system libraries (those that are in the zip update file) in the system folder - and not the library folder - on the USB drive. Second, the additional Libraries can only be loaded one at a time and the display shows how much memory remains available when you go to the install menu page.


    There are two types of setup files, "Setup" and "Whole". A basic Setup file holds just the menu parameters etc. A Whole setup file includes all the menu parameters plus all of the installed additional Libraries. This is so that any patches you create will have the EV libraries associated with them installed. You can save a Whole setup with one group of Patches/libraries and another (or many) Whole setups with different combinations of Patches/Libraries.

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