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Everything posted by Ouizel

  1. Learjeff, First off, thank you for listening, and thanks even more for the critique! Somewhere is a first run, "Ouizel didn't know how to mix" mix, it has a few mistakes, and everything is panned dead center and sounds muddy accordingly. I do plan on re-recording it, and I'll use the advice. I like the bass line (thanks for the complement btw) but, I'm really not a drummer. The drums are tapped into my keyboard, and not looped, but I need to sit down and plan the drums, and then either perform or program them and make sure the dynamics are there. I guess I'm having trouble making sure that the drums and bass are a cohesive unit. It's kinda odd, because when I play bass live I don't have that problem. I'll work on it. Fire is a first run, "Ouizel is getting a clue about mixing" mix, and sounds a bit better. Less muddy. If ya wanna play with it, that's cool. Just let me know first. Thanks again!!
  2. Well, I thought that I'd hung around long enough that it was time to share. Be gentle, but I would like feedback. Enjoy!! Somewhere in the World Fire At Will
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