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Posts posted by ITGITC

  1. Jimmy's (BluesKeys) Hammond is available. I think it's an M3. It does not come with a Leslie. One owner besides Jimmy. It's in great shape.


    His lady friend and close companion, Jackie van de Linde, mentioned this on the thread I posted on Facebook about Jimmy the other day.




    I don't know if she is selling it, or giving it away. You'll have to ask her.


    If you're interested, contact her on Facebook. She is in Raleigh, NC.


    Please stay safe, my friends.



  2. https://www.facebook.com/blueskeys



    I posted a couple of photos and a music video from 2007 on Jimmy's Facebook page. I believe it's open for everyone to view. Click the link above.


    Jimmy was one of those guys I liked the first time I met him... And I met him on this forum.


    We were friends... good friends. And that's rare.


    For all of you - do me a big favor. Wearing masks has become politicized. Once we are out of the woods and all this is behind us, we'll still need our friends. Try very hard not to let politics come between you and your brothers and sisters. It's just not worth it. Look beyond politics to remember what brought you together and do everything you can to hang on to that.


    Jimmy and I were friends... really good friends. And good friends are hard to come by.


    Rest in peace, my friend BluesKeys. I love ya man! :cool:



  3. Rocky Mount Instruments. The manufacturing site was just a couple of miles from my home. I purchased mine in the early seventies as my first "combo organ". I also bought the RMI 140A amp. Inside were two 15" JBL woofers and a couple of Allen organ tweeters.






    I got to know Dave Kirk, their salesman. He often played as a guest organist at our church. Of course he tried to sell us an Allen organ when we were looking to replace our old electronic organ (I forgot the brand we were using at the time. Perhaps it was a Baldwin.) The church decided to raise the money to purchase a custom made pipe organ instead. It was a beautiful thing.


    I also got to know an engineer at RMI and asked him if he had a Leslie effect I could add to my Electra Piano. He gave me an outboard unit that was a prototype. Very cool. Of course I disassembled it to see how it worked. It had an oil tank inside it! To this day I still don't understand the technology, but it was a lot of fun.


    The RMI and Allen organs truly are built like tanks. Very impressive when you look inside. In Rocky Mount, they built the cabinets for the Electra Piano as well as some of their Allen organs. They also had the first solder bath I had ever seen. They were producing circuitry for the RMI and their organs. I was about 16 years old and, for me, this was very, very cool. :cool:


    I later purchased a Wurlitzer 200. When I got to college I bought a used, then a new Fender Rhodes. I replaced the RMI transistor head with a Fender BandMaster head to use with the JBL cabinet from RMI. It was big and heavy, but the sound of the Fender Rhodes playing through the tubes of the BandMaster going into those 15" JBLs was gorgeous!


    Music is cool. :cool:


    Stay safe!



  4. For me, I know what I've got to do: get up, get out, wear a mask, see people but keep a respectable distance, get some exercise and a good night's sleep.




    I think I speak for many when I say I'd feel much more comfortable if you included putting on your pants.




    Yes... forget this sometimes. :idk:


    Lucky for me, most of you are no longer surprised by this. (I DID, in fact, turn the camera away when I got out of the shower on Friday's Zoom party. You're welcome.) :blush:


    Thanks for the reminder, Mark. You're a good friend.


    ITGITC? :cool:

  5. Yes. Same here.


    I call it the C19 Lethargy Blues.


    Good to know: Everybody's feeling it.


    Even better to know: This too will pass.


    For me, I know what I've got to do: get up, get out, wear a mask, see people but keep a respectable distance, get some exercise and a good night's sleep.


    The body and the mind are interconnected, we've all heard. I'm pretty sure this is true.


    I have been dealing with the C19 Lethargy Blues since the beginning of time in one form or another.


    To combat it, my regimen includes anything that helps - within reason of course.


    Think positive. Stay well. Surround yourself with others who do the same.


    You'll want to play again. Your musical mistress is there whenever you're ready to return.


    My best to you, BbAltered.



  6. Samuel B. Lupowitz, thank you for continuing to make this happen. I always have such a great time hanging out with everyone.


    The conversation is always interesting. However, a few times that I dropped in, I noticed that Theo was providing transition music as people came and went... an exciting twist. We all wanted to join in with him - but then got on the topic of the nasty latency when trying to jam via the 'net. I want this to happen (without latency) so badly, but was again reminded that it will continue to be a dream and this topic has been covered ad nauseam.


    Since many of the participants on yesterday's call are engineers, it's fun to hear that side of being a keyboard player. We discussed pipe organs and their inherent latency, including how it is noted in the writing of specific music for a specific organ in a particular environment to take into account the slapback/echo within the venue and the slow attack time of the notes themselves. Not an unexpected discussion by this group, but very interesting I think. Us keyboard players (so many of us) love to wallow in our geekiness. Kinda like a pig in mud. But then you get Tom Williams and Samuel talking about distance learning, the importance of facial expressions - even at 5 fps, and programming languages... It can be a good time to make another drink. :cheers: (Love U guys!)


    And I believe we're losing db to the dark side. I don't know how many guitars he has accumulated recently (17?, 26?), but he can't stop talking about it. He says the music retail industry is booming - especially ukuleles. Playing music at home is becoming popular again. I don't doubt him. It will be interesting to see how this evolves with the new reality we're all facing. Interesting to note is that many of us said that although restaurants and other places are opening back up, not one person felt OK with going out to eat and such. There is definitely a wait & see approach regarding the new normal.


    Markyboard made the trip to Long Island to set up the internet for his dad. First time his father has been on-line! They both joined us yesterday. His dad is a classical musician. It was very, very cool to have him there. Thanks for making that happen, Mark!


    Kanker was in da house... I had to give him a thumbs-up for the Facebook broadcast he did the other day with his band - in the driveway... using only an iPhone. I was surprised at how balanced the sound was. I asked him what he had to do to get it to sound so good. He said that a lot of it had to do with the musicians themselves and how they self-mixed on stage so everyone could be heard clearly. The dude is a pro. It shows. Above and beyond that, Kevin is one helluva nice guy. Another calm voice in an otherwise crazy world.


    I don't know what it's going to take to get more forumites to try this Zoom happy hour (day/week), but I'd like to see it happen. Where are BluesKeys and ProfD? Allan Evett did join us yesterday and it was great to see him. Carlo was there - and it was a treat that he could join us. And I have to give a shout-out to xKnuckles (Anne) for putting up with the semi-locker room talk. Just having her there makes everything very proper... such a calming presence in the the epicenter of multiple whirlwinds (the rest of us guys). I'd really like to visit them one day - once a vaccine exists.


    But I can't come visit everyone any time soon. This Zoom hang has to be the next best thing... and it is! Listening to Carlo and Anne with their lovely accents, I can't help but smile. Hearing Theo noodle... he's kinda like a mad scientist in his laboratory. And seeing guys like Kanker and db in their studios with all the neat gear in the background - that's very cool. Of course, db's gear is all over the house! I tip my hat to his very lovely and patient wife, Rhonda, for putting him in charge of decorations and furnishings.


    I'd like to see something put in place perhaps every other Friday afternoon/evening. I don't know for how long Samuel can keep the connection going, but this party is definitely worth the price of admission. ;) Again - to Samuel, Joe, and db, THANK YOU for making all this happen!


    Keep the faith, my friends. You are ALL very special and this continues to be a most excellent hang. Time well spent.



    ITGITC? :cool:

  7. Too much fun!


    I too appreciate Sam and Joe putting this together!


    I am always impressed by the level of talent we have assembled. It shone brightly yesterday when the topic of famous, and infamous, synths was broached. We got down to the level of talking about digital oscillators vs. analog. We talked about envelope generators and the lack of quickness in the attack of some (Oberheim). We discussed crappy VCFs and how some manufacturers would bury their head in shame if the model name was spoken at NAMM. It amazes me the knowledge that was exhibited by those who have been in the industry most of their life.


    The Zoom meetings get me a bit antsy, so I took my laptop outside - just for a change. After standing for awhile, I finally got kinda comfortable at our table on the deck. Lots of trees around me and the birds were in full chorus. I later realized I couldn't hear you all or see the screen very well, so I came back inside.


    Because we are not physically together in a bar or restaurant, when folks stop talking and everyone's mic is muted, there is total silence. This is disconcerting. There needs to be a soundtrack playing in the background of glasses clinking, waitresses asking if I want another drink, and guys getting their face slapped and being told "NO! ...SIX FEET MISTER!". :blush:


    We should give J.Dan a prize for coming out with the most toys. OTOH, quite a few guys found a Casio synth in their back pocket. I wonder if, like a cellphone, it lives in their back pockets (or are they just happy to see me?) How many keyboards and gadgets do you guys OWN? Checking out DB's house, I'd say he owns a gazillion - plus guitars and recording equipment... (Of COURSE he does, right?) :thu:


    I really enjoy hearing the accents from my friends in the UK and Australia. I had to warn xKnuckles that some of the folks at the party spoke with a grand US Southern accent and not to be alarmed. I don't think it helped. She later said that trying to maintain proper decorum with you guys was like herding cats. I don't know what all they do for fun in the UK. I imagine herding cats is a well-honed pastime. One day, I warned, I will come visit and see for myself.


    Many thanks to all of you who stayed up way past your bedtime, or got up extra early to participate in this party. I hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me. Maybe we can get together one more time, as I think some of you were holding back revealing your double-secret sordid NAMM stories. :o I tried to wait you out, but just couldn't hang. Oh, and it was nice not having to worry about a DUI on my travels back to my bedroom.


    Stay safe!


    ITGITC? :cool:

  8. I've now seen parts of Dan that no man should ever see.



    Yeah... That upskirt thing was a bit disconcerting. Dan certainly has the toys. But David Bryce! Man, he's taken over his whole house with keyboards in every room! The tour was just what I expected though. He should repurpose his home as a museum and charge admission, methinks.


    OK... I'm ready for round two. BluesKeys - please wear pants next time!


    ITGITC? :cool:

  9. OK. I just tested this link/password. I'm set up and ready to join the fun.


    I look forward to partying with you goobers today - everybody needs to have a top-shelf beverage of choice in their hand or you will be duly chastised. :laugh:


    Take care!



    ITGITC? :cool:

  10. I can't find a keyboard that I enjoy playing more than my acoustic piano. Somehow, my mistakes just aren't as glaring. ;)


    I've still got my old Kurzweil PC2X. I'm using it with Ravenscroft 275. I like it better than forking out the cash for a new board.


    I'm not playing out much, but my Electro 3HP is so lightweight, that this is the board I'll take, along with a pair of QSC K10.


    If I needed something new, I'd probably stick with Nord.


    Stay safe everybody! :cool:



  11. Well, sure, but how's Tom gonna bring the beer? :hitt:



    Well, if it's BYOB can you put on your bunny hug and pull me a Great Western Pilsner from the LBS?




    HoLord! How am I agonna bring da BEER to you space cadets who are SUPPOSED to be social distancing (which you should have been doing all along - since your breath smells like ripe dogbutt!?) (Dammit Spock! McCoy's' the doctor on board this ship. Let HIM figure it out!!)


    How is everybody doing? I hope you're hanging in there.


    I think I would enjoy seeing you guys on Zoom. Ummmm... not ALL of you because some of you remind me of a few of my dates in college that I was inadvertently introduced to around closing time at the bar. (Funny how deceptively beautiful womens can be at that time of night!)


    Joe - if you're putting this together, kindly send me a message or something. If I'm appropriately dressed (wearing pants and such), I'll see you there!


    Stay safe my friends!


    Is There Gas in the Car? :cool:

  12. This...


    ...clubs are more than happy to pay an act that sells tickets, even desperate to

    Simply put, there are many more entertainment options available now than ever before. Why spend the money and fight the crowds to go out when there is so much to keep you at home?


    The other side of this equation concerns the level of musicianship, professionalism, and entertainment value live acts bring to the venue. The barrier to entry is low and many acts could do much more to improve the quality of their product.





  13. Has anyone checked on Tom? (ITGITC)



    A thread about beer, and he has not said a word. I'm worried about him.



    Hi Ronnie!


    Life is good!


    Honestly, you all are the connoisseurs. I'm just here for the after-party! :-)


    My best to you and Cheryl!



    ITGITC? :cool:



  14. Hi Scott! I'm here!


    I've been on again, off again - hanging out on the evil FaceBook, on occasion.


    Still loving beer, music, and good folks here on the forum!


    Thanks to Doc Tor EightyEights for giving me a heads up to see your post.


    My best to everyone on the forum!!


    Is There Gas in the Car? :cool:



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