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Posts posted by overcomer

  1. hi, i the new 6L6ge's from rick on monday, and he said you were"in the building" at the time. anyway, i told him about what you had said that "get some matched 12aT7's" to which he replied "you dont have to match preamp tubes" i was unable to explain what i meant. i ordered two 12at7s from him also to retube my super reverb. iwant to spend the right money on it now and get it fixed up so i wont have to spend any later. I think maybe i see now that what you meant was to get some balanced phase inverter tubes from watford or another place. right? well, thanks again for you replies,,
  2. well, what i meant to day and didnt was that the term conscientious used to be known only in the term "conscientious objecter", in the days of the draft, which dates me, my number was high in 1970. i am glad you are putting this info out, it is a great resource. it seems the tube world, and also the UPS, USPS, and fedex "gods" of this realm are taking their due of our dollar, but i dont fault the tube world really, with modeling amps and things coming in, tubes are really taking a beating. my amp tech, the one i will take my super to, does not use tubes that are over 40 bucks a pair, he is a super "rebuilder" from tulsa named rick potter, and quite good and really, i am glad that new tubes are available. it would be a shame to have amps with no tube tone. one fellow came into the music store i visit and was talking about how he was looking for a solid state amp because his peavy classic 30 fell off the back of the seat of his car and it messed up a tube. his idea of amps is, if it has the least bit of problem it is no good. i have a 100 watt harry joyce head with 4 el34s and 4 ei 12ax7s, but i cant find a rectifier tube on it, it must have a solid state in there. i am through amp searching, but thought it would be a good idea to find a way to lower the head room on this super, use it in conjunction with the joyce, which is mammoth clean and also overdriven. it is a beast like no other i have ever played, harry joyce is dead now, but i am glad i got one of them. it is great for huge stage clean, but then again, so is evans, hah, but tubes have the warmth. well, i have rambled, and again, this is a great resource...i meant to say that it is very cool that you are conscientious, as many are not, it is a gift. sorry for the multiple posts...
  3. oh yeah, that is a tremendous help, i had thought ( while i was waiting for your reply) about getting a pair of the new groove tube 6L6 ge's. and the info you have given is really quite extensive. too bad i live so far away, i would definitely give you some business. now all i have to do is advise my sometime tech, who is very capable, of your insight and go from there... thanks again.
  4. hi myles,i, as others, appreciate all the time you spend giving out your help. i have a 69 super reverb with rca tubes, sounds very nice, i like it loud and clean, BUT, i have heard of all the cool mods that can be done with certain 6L6s to cause a very early breakup, and also know about 5751s and 12ay7s and 12au7s,,, but, when i take it to a good tech i know for an adjustment, what tubes should i go with to get this tone out of it? i know it has to do with the right v2 preamp tube and the right 6L6s. what would the best tube compliment be along with the right "running hot" bias? thanks james in kansas,,,
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