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Everything posted by sgguitarzz

  1. Thanks Myles. I actually was more interested in one of the reissues than one of the old 60's models because I want to use it for gigging and do not know if such an old amp, even one seemingly in good condition, can really be relied upon. Am I wrong?
  2. My quest for a good, reasonably priced amp continues. In addition to the Sunn T50C and Reverend Hellhound I am also now looking into the Ampeg Reverborocket. I prefer the 2x12 model if I can find one. I remember the old models sounding great and have read nice things on the reissues. I have always felt that Ampeg was such an underrated amp. I have never heard a bad sounding Ampeg. Great clean tones and reverb. I am curious as to your comments on these and what tubes would work best. Thanks.
  3. Thanks for your reply concerning the Sunn T50c and Reverend Hellhound. Would you know if the Sunn is the same amp as the new Fender Pro Tubes Pro. I know Fender made the Sunn and the features look virtually identical.
  4. As per your request Myles I am posting this here. I am interested in one of these 2 amps. Both seem to get great reviews. The Sunn is a few dollars more and seems to have more features such as low power switch down to 12.5 watts and seems to be built a little more solid. It also weighs a ton like my Boogie and I am getting old for this. The Hellhound is light, one channel (which is okay) and has nice tone. I may be inclined to go for the head in the Reverend but I am open. I would be interested in your comments on these 2 amps Myles (plus anyones else's). I would probably be going the Ebay or used route to save a few bucks. Thanks.
  5. Hey Myles. Still searching for that small amp. I have decided that the Blues Jr. is too small. I am now currently checking out the Peavey Delta Blues amps but can't decide on 1x15 or 2x10. Do you have any experience with these and tube recommendations? Thanks. Dennis
  6. Dennis, Thanks Myles. The Blues Junior looks like a pretty good pick at that price. Other considerations would be a Peavey Clasic 30, the new Carvin Vintage 16 and someone mentioned and H&K Edition. ANy thoughts on the Fender vs. these amps? Dennis
  7. Hey Myles. What do you think of teh Fender Blues Junior? I am considering getting a low power tube amp to use in very small clubs/bars. Volume is always such a problem and my Boogie Mark IIB is just way too loud. With something this small I can actually drive the power tubes for some nice smooth tube distortion. I am a little worried about the 15 watts being to low (I have never used anything this small) but my guess is that in some places it will be more than enough. We play classic rock. I understand that changing the tubes and speaker really make a big difference in this amp. I already have the speaker and a set of JJ EL-84's are cheap. I have some preamp tubes to try also. Dennis
  8. Hey Myles. Thanks for the tips. I was able to pick up two of the GT 12AX7C's at Sam Ash ($14 each). I checked and the both have the round halo thing under the silver getter flash. I was amazed SA had them. I will try putting the 5751 in V1, 12AX7C in V2 & V4, and put a 12AT7 in V5 (I have an Amperex Bugle Boy and a JJ to choose from). I will switch out the V3 Brimar and replace it with a JJ 12AX7 I have. I guess we will see what happens. Well I did all the above as you have suggested and had nice results. This combination of tubes did bring down the overall output - not tremendously but a noticeable amout. Depending on the tone controls settings and EQ I could get a pretty decent range of base sounds. The way I had things set up the amp had kind of a Fender vibe to which worked real well on clean and also with my various effects. I could do the early Eagles country clean thing as well as the Neil Young distortion. Pretty cool. The band liked the sound and not one person complained at all about the volume. Thanks very much for your help. Dennis
  9. Just a suggestion - come to NYC. We could use you here also. I will be first in line . Dennis
  10. Hey Myles. Thanks for the tips. I was able to pick up two of the GT 12AX7C's at Sam Ash ($14 each). I checked and the both have the round halo thing under the silver getter flash. I was amazed SA had them. I will try putting the 5751 in V1, 12AX7C in V2 & V4, and put a 12AT7 in V5 (I have an Amperex Bugle Boy and a JJ to choose from). I will switch out the V3 Brimar and replace it with a JJ 12AX7 I have. I guess we will see what happens. As far as using one speaker the problem is the Alltones can only handle 50 watts and the Boogie is on the 60 watts setting. That is why I always used the two speakers. I have a gig Saturday night so it will be a good test. Dennis
  11. Thank you Myles (got it right this time). I appreciate your very detailed response. You make reference though to my use of the JJ tubes but actually I am really not using the JJ's 6L6's. I replaced the two outer tubes with the Yellowjackets (which are using JJ EL-84's) and the two JJ's on the inside are not really used in the 60 watt position (I believe they are kind of in standby) so I do not think they have any influence on the sound. I will try your suggestions on moving the 5751 to the V1 or V2 spot. I mostly use the clean channel anyway so I guess V1 would be more appropriate. I will also look into getting a matched 12AT7 for the phase inverter from Watford Valves. Any suggestions for which one? I have one or two 12AT7's around to replace it with for now. Also, any suggestions for the 12AX7C's? How do these differe from the 12AX7? As you said these guitars do sound nice with this amp. I will probably upgrade the pickups in the Santana with something stronger. You mentioned the PRS Dragon II's. I was thinking of a set of Rio Grandes (Texas for the neck and BBQ for the bridge). What do you think about this? The amp is very quiet. The only time I had a hum was in the reverb circuit once which turned out to be a bad tube. I do love these Reverend speakers but they are very efficient. What would be a better match and would the difference be worthwhile? I know I have asked a lot of questions. I do appreciate your time and expertise. Dennis
  12. Hey Miles. I am hoping you can help me. I was hoping you can give me some tube advice for my Boogie Mark IIB. It sounds okay but we are all always looking for better. It has the 60/100 option which I always use on 60 which is still too loud anyway. I use it with two Reverend Alltone 1250's (one internal and one external). I really like these speakers. Great versatile and warm sound. It also has reverb and equalizer. I was using 4 JJ 6L6GC's for the power tubes but switched out the outer two and replaced them with THD Yellowjackets. My preamp tube setup is as follows: V1 - Telefunken ECC83 V2 - Mullard CV4004 V3 - Brimar CV4004 V4 - Telefunken ECC83 V5 - RCA 5751 Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. I play classic rock so I need to cover a lot of sounds and I cannot go too far in any one direction. Also, my main guitar is a 69 Gibson SG backed up with a newly aquired PRS Santana SE which I like. Finally, I use a pedalboard with various effects such as wah (Teese RMC1), overdrive/distortion (Visual Sound J&H), chorus/echo (Visual SOund H20), EQ (Dano Fish & Chips), Flanger (Ibanez FL9), Phaser (Akai Intelliphase) and booster (MXR micro amp). Sorry for the long post. Thanks. Dennis
  13. Myles - Thank you very much for your quick response. It is much appreciated. You are providing a valuable service for all of us out here. Dennis
  14. Myles I hope you can help. My Mark IIB has a 60/100 switch. I use it in the 60 watt position. According to the Boogie manual when used this way only the 2 outside tubes are being used. I believe the 2 inside tubes are kind of in standby. When in 100 watt mode all 4 6L6's are being used. Is this correct? I have just put some Yellowjackets in (2) so I put them in the two outside slots and left the 2 inside as they were (2 JJ 6L6GC's) but the THD guide says in a 4 power tube amp to put them inside when using 2 YJ. Dennis
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