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E. D. Brown

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Everything posted by E. D. Brown

  1. Dave and all, My name is Dennis Brown, and after roughly 17 (indirect) requests by you I'm also finally ready to come out of the closet and say "Hi" to you and everyone else here on this interesting forum. (BTW, Dave, allow me to say that I think you do a great job handling the forum.) I'm 51, but read at a 53 level, and I play acoustic piano and a Kurzweil PC2X. I'm an amateur jazz pianist, but occasionally do gigs. When I was a teenager I went from accordion to Farfisa Combo-Compact to Hammond C3 to Rhodes 73 suitcase. I like jazz mostly, including the all-time greats -- Bill, Oscar, Art, Herbie, Chick, etc. -- as well as many of the somewhat lesser knowns -- Dick (Hyman), Clare (Fischer), Monty (Alexander), etc. As for rock/pop, I can summarize my tastes as follows -- in the 60's I liked Blood, Sweat and Tears; in the 70's the Crusaders; the 80's, Steely Dan; the 90's, well, Steely Dan again. I also have a thing for Brazilian music -- absolutely love it -- I don't know where that came from, because I never heard much of it growing up. I'm married with almost-grown children (3 in college right now), and my wife and I run a small software business. I'm the proud owner of a new 16 by 24, fairly well isolated and acoustically treated music room (which is part of a recent addition to our home). In my new room I have my grand piano, the Kurzweil, and a PC running Cakewalk Pro Audio 9 with an Aark interface. And speaking of wrestling with monsters (the subject of another thread), I use GigaStudio, which has to be the most cantankerous piece of software I've ever used! Thanks for coaxing all of us shy guys (and gals) out of our shells and into your forum. I, too, will try to contribute something useful, if at all possible. Dennis Brown
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