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About dboomer

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


  • occupation
    Senior applications engineer, RF Venue, Inc.
  • Location
    Visalia, CA
  1. The answer is a bit tricky. It depends where in the circuit you are when boosting as to how much the noise floor will increase. It is all about gain structure. If you increase the signal as a whole then the noise floor comes up by your increased amount. But with tone creating as with a synth is you “rescale” the forming signal with reference to gain structure there will be very little to no increase to the noise floor.
  2. OK, but how is treating your electric service gonna fix your noisy synth problem?
  3. If you had to boost 15-20dB you have a major gain structure issue and not interference in your ac lines. Looks like you are gonna spend a lot of bucks correcting the wrong problem. You need to improve your dynamic range and not boost your levels which automatically boosts your noise levels.
  4. Do you have a particular problem you are trying to solve? Otherwise you are probably just throwing away money. In my experience, using power conditioners that cost less than $1K are generally useless and really only show improvements to video gear and not audio gear. Most all gear produced in the last 10-15 years uses switch mode power supplies. This style supply is pretty much self regulating and is susceptible to problems when connected to power conditioners. You may be creating a problem you don’t currently have. YMMV.
  5. I wouldn’t expect any impedance issues given bridging inputs. But you will likely need to adjust gain structure.
  6. with reference to sundials … for most of the Earth the sun is never directly overhead at noon 😉
  7. Maybe out of place for this forum … but I have always wondered if animals have a soul (whatever that is)? Or even some fraction of a human soul? Just guessing, that would be a pretty difficult thing to measure 😉
  8. I wonder if they play to follow up with a regular winter show 6 month later?
  9. I would think you need to take into consideration whether you are hearing from an engineer is the “stereophile” business or in the “live sound” business as I’m guessing they have different points of view going in. There is no doubt that almost without exception transducers change after some time has been spent flexing their surrounds. The question is does that make a discernible difference to a listener? And does that even matter? Because your hearing perception changes quickly with ever one degree of difference in ambient temperature and humidity.
  10. @C Without doing double blind testing you are likely fooling yourself. I have fooled myself many times. So if you wanna step that game up find and load yourself an “ABX tester app” Basically it lets you audition A or B as many times as you want. Then it randomly plays one or the other and calls it X and asks you which sample that is. At that point if you can repeatedly pick the right answer 10 times in a row you can hear a difference.
  11. i think our statements are opposites. Mine is - just because you can measure differences doesn’t mean you can hear them. And your example is even though they measure the same, they sound different. To which I would simply add, they didn’t measure the thing that made the sonic difference even though many other factors measured the same. So with respect to “breaking in making an audible difference” …remember that in general you need about a 3dB difference for very trained listeners to hear a difference. That would mean something after break-in would have to double or half in the process. Typically what “breaks in” is the surround/compliance. Doubling would be a pretty big change for simply breaking in. So certainly the designers would be aware of this. I can’t imagine a releasing a transducer that I knew was gonna double or half.
  12. I can say with certainty that speaker components do undergo some changes after break-in having measuring a few dozen. But it should be a very small amount. Measurable yes but actually perceiving an audible difference, not so much. In my days as a designer, if I had put out a product that you could hear much of a difference, I would have considered that product to be defective. Day to day changes in temperature or humidity I would expect to be making a bigger difference in perception. Changes in mojo? Well, whatever makes you happy w
  13. Well then my vote is for a more heavy handed approach to moderating. Tolerance and understanding of how others think and feel is in extremely short supply on internet forums. The way I see it, there are about 10 guys who regularly post here that we all know their political opinions. I am guilty of posting some of my opinions a few times. But for that group of frequent flyers keep bringing up the same comments over and over and over. To those guys- we heard you the 47th time you said it. How about saying something else or not saying anything.
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