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Why do you play guitar?


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Just curious. Why do you continue to play guitar? Most of us got started after being inspired by the Beatles or Kiss or Van Halen or...whoever. Some of us (myself included) got started to meet girls. What is it that keeps you playing? Musical aspirations?...The fun factor?...Habit?

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I've loved music from a very young age, and the guitar was accesable. It is a very versatile and expressive instrument. You can play chords but you can also bend notes like a vocalist. There aren't many other instruments that can even attempt that. If I had lived 50 years ago I probably would have played something else, either saxaphone or piano, but the guitar is THE instrument of my generation.
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For me, the act of playing guitar - even just noodling around - is a personal expression that allows me to disconnect from a lot of the crap in life. I really think that's the reason I've always played some sort of instrument. Music is both a release and a road to somewhere else.
Everybody knows rock attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact. - Homer Simpson
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Originally posted by A String:

Originally posted by Jedro:

Music is both a release and a road to somewhere else.

Nicely put.
Thanks. Been listening to a lot of Springsteen lately!
Everybody knows rock attained perfection in 1974. It's a scientific fact. - Homer Simpson
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Hey, I wanna be a rock star!


Yeah, I know I'm too old. I guess I'll open up an cabinet shop instead... :rolleyes:


I play guitar because I love playing and I love guitar music. I appreciate good guitar playing almost as much as I appreciate the female form (almost). I also love being able to express how I feel through the sounds emanating from my guitar and amp.


I don't make any money at it anymore and it costs a good bit. But I enjoy doing it. I enjoy playing the guitar, I enjoy working on the guitar, I enjoy working on amps, effects and cabinets.


It's my hobby. And it's a lot safer than drag racing... :D

Born on the Bayou


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Is there anything cooler than being guitarist in a rock and roll band???


Music has been in my family for generations. Plus, as a kid growing up the older guys on the block were into playing and even had a band together. They helped me along starting off and I eventually became their lead guitarist when I got a bit older and better!

"Spend all day doing nothing

But we sure do it well" - Huck Johns from 'Oh Yeah'

Click to Listen to Oh yeah

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I don't ever remember a time before singing and playing musical instruments. First it was piano, then guitar. Most of what I wished to accomplish musically, back then, involved guitar, so I stuck with it. It's personally satisfying to see people tear up in enjoyment of a song I'm singing and playing. And when no one is around it's wonderfully meditative.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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I have no idea why I play guitar. In fact, I don't even realize I play guitar or even music in general. It's happened to me that people at parties will ask me what I'm "into" and I'll hem and haw trying to think of something and then my wife will step in and say "he really loves playing music".


Playing serves no practical purpose and It's not as if I'm a genius or anything either. I enjoy playing but it's more like a nervous tic or a way of walking.


I'm not too sure why I even started.


The main reason was that when I was a little kid, my father bought a $10 guitar off the newspaper and like most people do, he had a couple of strums and gave it up.


I was completely horrified by the utter waste of $10 and decided to take up the guitar so it wouldn't be a total loss. But since then I've spent several thousand dollars on guitars, amps, strings and so on, so there's obviously more to it than not letting $10 go to waste.

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I play guitar because I enjoy it, and since I (think) I have a modicum of talent, I believe I have something to offer.


I get a big kick out of an audience enjoying themselves to my music.



"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the World will know Peace": Jimi Hendrix


The Geoff - blame Caevan!!!

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Our family is musically/artistically inclined, especially on my mother`s side. My uncles and cousins play (not necessarily guitar though), my brother has taken lessons for longer than I have and he`s a corporate banker with a regular gig through his church.

I had thought of being an illustrator (still pull out the pencils sometimes), been published as a writer. If it wasn`t music it would have been another branch of the arts.

It`s strange, I had originally played as a meditative, private sort of thing. I never thought of playing in front of people but as I`ve done that more it seems like a totally natural (if not totally smooth) transition. I`ve seen a packed club go nuts over what we played as a band. It`s one of the most addictive feelings I`ve ever had. Even with the risks and hassles I can see where someone would not want to give that up.

Same old surprises, brand new cliches-


Skipsounds on Soundclick:


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Originally posted by Jedro:

Music is both a release and a road to somewhere else.

I think almost everything posted here applies to me as well, but Jedro's statement sums it all up better than I ever could have.

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I remember as a strapping young buck in the early eighties (81-84) before I started plaing in '84; listening to Blue Oyster Cult's Extraterrestrial Live, Iron Maiden, AC/DC for those about to rock, Paranoid, Ted Nugent Great Gonzos, Stevie Ray's Couldn't Stand the Weather, Def Leppard Pyromania, Van Halen, Rush etc. .


For those years i had trouble falling asleep at night because of the urge to want to play guitar, and when I finally did start to play, that urge continues on . . . .

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For me there are four things in my life that make complete sence to me. My faith,family,music,work. My faith lets me know there is something better ahead,my family lets me know the reason God created us,my music is my passion given to us to enjoy and make the bad things in life lessen, my work provides the means to sustain my family and proves hard work is good for society and your soul.
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The reason I like this topic so much is that it brings you or me back to when we were younger and psyched to play.


This thread reminds me to "stay psyched" like when I was a kid.


I think a lot of cats(myself included) get discouraged when they enter the music business and get ripped off, cheated, stolen from, backstabbed, ridiculed, spat upon, beaten, etc


The thing is to NEVER forget WHY you wanted to play.


Keep the fire burnin' guys and don't let all the let downs in the business hinder your desire to advance as a musician, let it feed you and make you more aggressive till the adrenaline flows out of the pores of your skin

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I love music and noodling with musical instruments. I actually started on drums and harmonica, and took up guitar so (as I've said on other posts) I could make more constructive arrangement suggestions during band practices than merely saying, "That part should be, um, higher and go weedly-weedly." Also, now that I have two kids, ages 8 and 6, and there is always somebody in the house, I play much more guitar because it's a hell of a lot quieter than drums and I can play it after the kids go to bed. Now that the older boy is taking piano lessons, I'm planning on abusing keyboards next.
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