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freting two notes help


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I've been struggling with this little five note riff for a few hours now and its driving me insane. It involves me playing two notes simultaneously on the same fret but on neighboring strings(B string 5th fret(E) and E string fifth fret(A)). My question is, after playing the first note would I lift my index finger completely off the string and fret the next note, or would I kind of push my index finger down a little and fret both notes at the same time, kind of like I was playing a double stop but playing the notes seperately. I've been able to actually play the notes at a decent speed but they always come out sounding weak. When I lift my finger off completely the riff sounds choppy and when I press both down at the same time I can't get my other finger to reach up the the eight fret. I've been practicing these five notes for hours now and i just can't seem to get them anywhere close to as "fluid" as they sound on my books accompanying CD. Sorry if my description is a little vauge and I know this would probly fall under the practice makes perfect category but any help would be appreciated. thanks
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IF it works, do it. I am sorry if that seems vague, bit I am not just yanking your chain. Technique varies from person to person, some of it because of physiognomy, some of it because of ignorance, some because on sheer dumb luck (or the lack of it). One of the cool things about guitar is that here are so many right ways to do the same thing. Do what works for you.

Always remember that you are unique. Just like everyone else.





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Picker is right in that the "right" answer depends on what works for you, but also it depends on what will happen after these two notes and what happens before.


My first instinct is to consider playing it with your pinky on the E String and your ring finger on the B string. I practice fourths walking two and three and four fingers across the strings. Another thing to try is laying down a finger to hold both, typically the pinky or the index but any of the four will be worth exploring-- depending on the context of the music.

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My Unitarian Jihad Name: Brother Broadsword of Enlightened Compassion.

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musicalhair said,

Another thing to try is laying down a finger to hold both, typically the pinky or the index but any of the four will be worth exploring-- depending on the context of the music.

I was going to suggest using the ring finger to cover the two strings, which is the way that I play the open A chord (and therefore ingrained in my muscle "programming").


[edit] In my new position as Gibson MAD Developer that would be MMMP (pronounced "triple M, P) My Musical Muscle Programming :D

Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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From your post it seems like you must be having trouble reaching across to the 8th fret because of how your hand's anchored but it's hard to know what to advise without knowing what note you're going for...
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I have been working on a riff in th minor scale. starts on the octave of the scale. I use the third finger on that . Then the second finger on the fifth of the scale. then the third finger on the third of the scale. Finally the first finger on the first of the scale. Don't know if that helps. It is kind of a crossover (finger wise) and I pivot off of the second finger.
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I finally managed to get this riff sounding halfway decent. I wound up laying my index finger permanently across the fifth fret on both the b and e string throughout the whole riff. I tried to use the pinky to reach the 8th fret, which was easier at first, but since I have to bend the eight fret up a whole tone and my pinky isn't that strong I settled with using my ring finger. That actually raises another question. how often do you use your pinky when soloing? Do you use it as a "back up weapon" when you get backed into a corner or do you use it as much as the other fingers? thanks for the input.
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Most people don't use it as much as they can without making a conscious effort to do so.


Not to chase this detail too much but I still wonder what string you're hitting at the 8th fret.

Am I missing something? I can't understand the difficulty if this is all happening on the upper strings...

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What D just said.


I don't understand how reaching the 8th fret is a problem. I'm sitting her with my guitar, placing my index finger at the fifth fret, rolling from first string to second string, and I can grab the eighth fret on the high E, the B, or the G string, with my ring finger, and bend it a whole step immediately. :confused: what am I missing?


Look at your thumb position. is it acting as a pivot point. Don't strangle the neck - just enough gri[ balance your fretting pressure.

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The problem was both reaching the eight and having the ability to bend it up a whole step accurately, as well as being able to do the riff smoothly at the correct tempo without "hitting" other un-needed strings. I have this problem where im always picking strings above the string that im bending. Maybe its just that the action is too high on my strat, because when I play the old jazzmaster that my dad has i don't "pick" strings at all. Keep in mind that im new to playing(around two years) and that I haven't really began focusing on lead techniques like bending untill about a month ago. Lately I've just been trying to teach myself any solo i can get my hands on, any suggestions for good begginer solos? so far I've done the hey joe solo, the solo from cream's-strange brew, and I tried red house but lost my patience after a few days. thanks.
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