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OT: Pulling (wisdom) teeth

spiral light

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Tomorrows the big day, I lose my remaining three wisdom teeth. At least this time I will be out for the extraction (I was awake during the last one when my root was in the gum at 90 deg. to the rest of the tooth, ouch). The fun begina @ 12:15pm ET although I am looking forward to the drugs they give you afterwards. :D
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I still have all of mine. After two years of pain, they just stopped hurting. I always meant to get them done (mainly to avoid being one of those guys with that story. The one about having to have your wisdom teeth removed surgically because the root has grown around the jaw...) Anyway, lack of money (and courage) has kept me far away from the dentist.


Best of luck with your procedure and may some of your courage rub off on me!

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The worst thing is not being able to eat or drink for 12 hours before the procedure. It would be great to sleep in to help ease the hunger pangs but I just know I'm going to be on early morning baby duty since I have the day off work and my wife wants/needs more sleep.....

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MIne turned out to be easy. I went on a dove hunt and shot up two boxes of 12 gauge shotgun shells the next day and managed to eat a Wendy's double cheeseburger 3 days after it. (Neither of those feats pleased my oral surgeon a bit.) Hope your procedure goes as well as mine!


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I was in college when mine started coming in, and waited way too long. The pressure actually shattered one of my molars.


The actual extraction went quite easily (even though my teeth apparently had two extra roots ... mutant teeth, whodathunkit), apart from some residual tenderness. I have an awesome dentist who's handled my teeth since they grew in.


Good luck with the choppers, spiral light.

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Ha... Good luck with that :D


All 4 of mine came out on Friday and they were severely impacted :eek:


I thought I'd wait until I was in my 40's to get them out that way I could have all of this lovely bruising down either side of my face and neck :evil:


I stopped the pain killers (percocet & Tylenol 3) on Monday morning because I wanted to be able to go to the john before the holidays!


These were in deep and I expected some jaw damage but everything went great. The color is to be expected from that kind of trauma.


Things to avoid: coughing & sneezing fits, sucking anything into your mouth where you create a vacuum in your trap because it will suck the clots out of the sockets and you don't want a dry socket. Keep the gauze pads or what ever you select to put pressure on them for the first few hours in for about 15 - 25 minutes because it takes that long to set up a mess pot in that hole. Otherwise it will just start pumping out again.


Good things: Frozen bags of peas or corn. Split them into separate zip-lok bags. 4 bags for rotational purposes.

Pain killers, staying inside out of the cold, avoid bending over & cold drinks.


Any chunky soup or if you can stand canned pasta will taste the same going down when blended and at least you know it's got solids in it and amounts to something in the belly.


I'm still chewing with my front teeth after a week so get used to an altered diet.


I wish you luck :thu:


Wisdom Tooth Removal

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Good luck!


I had four impacted, all out at once in one trip to the hospital.


Couldn't open my mouth for quite a while, and after more than 25 years I can still feel the pits in the corners of my gumline and a flap of scar tissue inside my right cheek, where I'm thinking the oral surgeon had a slip of the wrist. :rolleyes:


BTW, somebody told me the post-op stiff jaw is because they have to dislocate your jaw to get the bottom teeth out. Old wives' tale?

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Originally posted by Dennyf:

Good luck!


I had four impacted, all out at once in one trip to the hospital.


Couldn't open my mouth for quite a while, and after more than 25 years I can still feel the pits in the corners of my gumline and a flap of scar tissue inside my right cheek, where I'm thinking the oral surgeon had a slip of the wrist. :rolleyes:


BTW, somebody told me the post-op stiff jaw is because they have to dislocate your jaw to get the bottom teeth out. Old wives' tale?

i had all 4 outted at once also. after a day i was fine. no pain whatsoever. i do think the jaw thing is fake though

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Best of luck. I was very lucky compared to some of the other horror stories here. I had mine out when I was 18, and since they were all coming in properly (none impacted) the dentist was able to just pull them. He did it in two visits, pulling two each time. The recovery was minimal.


Hope your remaining three go as smoothly.

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a real man would buy a pair of vise-grips and pull em out himself :mad:

Ibanez SZ520QMBB loaded w/ Seymour Duncan Super Distortion Humbucker

Ibanez RG7420BP (looking for an EMG 707)

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"I'd rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in." -Refused

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Originally posted by spiral light:

Tomorrows the big day, I lose my remaining three wisdom teeth. At least this time I will be out for the extraction (I was awake during the last one when my root was in the gum at 90 deg. to the rest of the tooth, ouch). The fun begina @ 12:15pm ET although I am looking forward to the drugs they give you afterwards. :D

You still have wisdom teeth? I'm rather proud that I still have teeth period.



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37 years old. Never had any of my 6 wisdom teeth pulled. I don't have an overly large mouth, but I've never had a problem with them and my bite has always been perfect. (No braces.) I've had a few cavities (Because I eat way too much candy. Always have.), but by all rights I should have lots of fillings.


So dental considerations have, thankfully, been a bright spot for me over the years despite having taken awful care of my teeth before my 22nd birthday.


Guess I dodged a few bullets.


Don't hate me because I have strong enamel. :D

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Well, I survived. I took the option of being put to sleep so I got a head start on the drug aspect. My lower jaw and tongue are still very numb but they are coming around slowly. It also feels, from the minor recon I've been able to do, that I have stitches where two of the teeth were. I also have a feeling that the hydrocodon will be in demand in a few hours (I'm showing my age when I look forward to the effects of prescription narcotics).


All in all it was a good visit (I liked the place from the start when I noticed a copy of Mother Jones amongst the more regular waiting room magazines during my consultation visit) and none of my roots provided any problems (see initial post). Exactly one week and I have another dental appt. Luckily this one is just a cleaning. Too bad I didn't do anything more about flossing and using a water pick earlier in life, I might not have needed a mouth full of fillings and, more recently, 2 crowns.

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I've been rinsing lots, like a dozen times a day because brushing is still not cool even after a week. The water pic thing would have been great to get rid of all that crud back there.


Sounds like you're off to a good start. Hopefully you don't swell up too much over the next couple of days and everything heals up fast.


It done! And it never has to be done again!

Gotta be happy about that :D

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Originally posted by Guitars are like shoes. But louder.:

I've been rinsing lots, like a dozen times a day because brushing is still not cool even after a week. The water pic thing would have been great to get rid of all that crud back there.


Sounds like you're off to a good start. Hopefully you don't swell up too much over the next couple of days and everything heals up fast.


It done! And it never has to be done again!

Gotta be happy about that :D

The swelling has gone down quite a bit overnight, one tooth was yanked, the other two were sliced out (hence stitches). The worst part is the headache I've had since yesterday evening.


As you say, it's done never to be done again!

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Some are lucky...when folks say "it's nothing really"...they were lucky. I wasn't.


Since it is over for you I can tell you this story.


I was with my then-girlfriend, we were trying to make shish-kebab, and since we didn't have any sticks, I cut the heads of long fireplace matchsticks to use.


When eating one, I was suddenly struck with pain that made me dance around the room, swearing, and holding my jaw. My only thought was "DAMN...I musta forgot to cut off one of the match heads and it lit..."


But no...was wisdom teeth. My dentist told me he could do the whole job cheaply in his office. Great. So I got gassed, and he started working away. Beautiful buzz I had, everything was right in the world...I hear and even feel slightly that he is chiseling my teeth out...I don't care. I'm having a fine time. In the middle though, he stops and gets a worried look on his face and says "I'm sorry...this is going to cause you too much pain, it is severely impacted, and I have to send you to an oral surgeon who can put you out for the procedure"


I tried to tell him just go ahead, I was fine but he insisted. So his hygenist (whom I knew, she referred me to him actually) helped me out to her car...I was prett unsteady on my feet. She drove me to the surgeon, but the gas and novocaine is starting to wear off. I had to fill in some form and according to her later...I suddenly was white as a sheet. The pain was kicking in in high gear. She had to really plead to get them to move it and get me in there.


Once in though...I was NOT put out anesthetized...I didn't even get more gas. Only novocaine. The surgeon was bludgening me, and I could see something was wrong...the pain for one. I couldn't help but heave up and arch my back each time he hammered away (this is like dentistry back in the 1800's maybe) I have never in my life felt pain like that. It was like being beaten up in slow motion...for hours.


The other hygenist assisting, I caught her giving glances over at the surgeon that had a particular look of "what the hell are you doing to this guy?" and she kept trying to hold me down. After he removed everything, he immidiately took off his frock and put on a suit jacket and announced to his staff "Okay, NOW I am off to that golf appointment and won't be back for the rest of the day".


So that was it. If he had anesthetized me (the whole point of going to this quack) he, I think by law, would be required to sit with me for at least another half-hour until I was out of danger from the anesthetization. But he had an important date at the golf course, so I could just screw myself and swallow the pain. Bastard.


I never paid him, he threatened and I told him if he wanted to go to the mat, fine with me, I knew what he did and I was going to report it. My dentist would also be on my side.


The worst of it was, it was truly traumatic. I can handle a lot, but this had phsycological effects as surely as if I had been mugged and beaten half to death on the street. I didn't know it then but went through depression, anxiety etc.


I'm fine now, but people like that guy ought to be out of the business. It was brutal.


Glad it worked out for you though!


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Originally posted by Phait:

I still don't get Neil having 6 wisdom teeth! That's like "hey y'all, I got 12 toes!"

one of my friends has four nipples. :freak:


hah sorry, back on track though, glad everything went well for you spiral. speedy recovery.

Then you'll never hear surf music again...
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Originally posted by BluesWithoutBlame:


Once in though...I was NOT put out anesthetized...I didn't even get more gas. Only novocaine. The surgeon was bludgening me, and I could see something was wrong...the pain for one. I couldn't help but heave up and arch my back each time he hammered away (this is like dentistry back in the 1800's maybe) I have never in my life felt pain like that. It was like being beaten up in slow motion...for hours.

Ouch!! My first one was in at 90 deg, it took the dentist a while to work it out (I knew this when he stopped after a while, wiped his brow and went "wheeeeew"). That's the reason I specified to be put to sleep this time.
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Sorry, Phait! What I meant was I have all my wisdom teeth and an extra row of molars. (Which if I count right makes 1 wisdom tooth and 2 molars on each side, up top, and the same on the bottom.)


The dentist still can't believe they've never been a problem, but until they are, he says not to bother having any of them out.

It's easiest to find me on Facebook. Neil Bergman




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