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CD (Music) available for GP Master Series MAY 2004 ?


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Dear Myles,

Just purchased the GP Master Series MAY 2004 issue at the stand in Utrecht the Netherlands.

Badly need the (CD) music which goes by the music published in this issue : Heroes of the Electric Blues. The mag is very very nice but as I cannot read music badly need a music source ( CD or online etc).

Can you plse help me on this issue ?


Albert van Deursen

The Netherlands

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Dear Sir,

Thanks yr offer and reply. Truth is that I can read some music but hanging mostly on the TAB.

Above all still the real MUSIC once played by the teacher in many of my cases sounds really "as should be" whereas my own interpretation is far less bluesy as I want it to be.

Thanks anyway yr offer !

All the best

ps many Guiters mags offer on line services if they do not attach the CD to the mag. Had hoped this also to be the case with GuitarPlayer

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Hi, well yeah I have looked for a "link"between this mag and the contents on this site but though I found many interesting lessons etc I could not find a clou / link to this particular master series May 2004 calles Electrical blues.

Strange ( as it is an all USA original copy , no difference I can see between this copy and copy "made for Europe".

Anyway thanks the reply.

ANy idea where I could ask this in other forums ?



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