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Chit Chat away, Brothers & Sisters! :wave:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Hey, I just noticed that the original "ignore" thread is completely gone now! :eek:


When I tried to post to it earlier, I got the error message, but the thread was still there. Now it's not even showing up in the Topics list. :confused:

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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I must fess up. I asked Myles to delete my photoshop thread.


He accidentally deleted the Ignore thread too.


It's my fault, because I did not give him the name of my thread, but only told him it would be obvious since it was the only recent one that I started. I edited the title to read, "MOD- Delete this thread". I should've given him the title too. So, it's not his fault. He did not delete it on purpose. He probably saw the "ignore", and thought that was the obvious one to delete.


Sorry guys.


BUT, it was fun while it lasted. :thu:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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BiC, that's too damn funny, ain't it?


I cracked-up, laughing out loud and everything when I read your "fess up"-post!


Yer alright, BiC! I don't care what yer mom told the FBI about ya!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by A String:

Anyone else want to say a few words?

I'm just too overcome with emotion. :cry:

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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Azz... The Ignore Thread... passed... through the... shadows... of geetar row, it... fee-ared no... eeevil.


Yessss.... she wuz intuUUned....


She wuz feearless...


She wuz, as she wuzzz ...


:cool: >>> Thee Ignore Thread<<< :cool:








poOst-it, post- oON , my Brothers!!!

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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ARISE MY LOVE.... ARIIIZZE!!!!!!!!!!!!


ALIIVE!!!!!! SHEEE'S ALIIIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Now HOooooooold on thar!


Am I supposed to post on this thread, a soon to return old thread, or a whole new thread?


Is this Ignore resurrected the New Official Ignore II or what? Help me out here BiC!


And thanks for 'coming out'. That was a noble and decent thing to do.


Here I thought it was some sinister plot to 'show them darn kids a lesson!' Scooby Doo type thing.


Now I can enjoy my weekend! Ahhh, the simple things. :cool:

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wtf? It's like deja vue all over again. Or maybe more like Groundhog Day.


2 can be as bad as one, it's the loneliest number since the number one. :D

I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken...
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I hacked out a stone and bought flower and everything... you night crawlers dig it up, toss a banjo in it's hands and set it off again like you own the world or something. No respect for the dead heads or dead threads.



Should I ask for a refund or just keep it 'til next weekend?

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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damn, damn, damn! Why the ignore thread? Why not that What color is your strap? thread?


Speaking of old threads, ever seen this one, on the SSS- How long has Phil Collins sucked? , it doesn't have as many pages as the ignore thread but it is much older, started in Sept of 2001. Every once in a while somebody just bumps it. Feel free to insert your opinion about how long Mr. Collins has sucked.

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Originally posted by TheWewus:

How long has Phil Collins sucked?

When was he born for starters!


If the music industry was one of those shiny chrome tube probe things with wires coming out of it, Phil would be the first guy climbing into the firking space ship!


I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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I know that the "Ignore" thread bothered some people (With all of the counting and stuff), but I think it's a good idea to have an "Open" Thread. A thread not just for goofing around, but for talking about general things. I don't mean heavy topics like religion or politics, I mean simple, friendly topics. We could use this area for posting general chit chat like we seem to do, without feeling guilty about highjacking someones thread. A place to hang out as it were...

Just a thought. ;)

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Originally posted by guitar geezer:

" http://www.teamtatham.com/lynntest/badgers.jpg "

http://www.musicplayer.com/ubb/icons/icon2.gif(CLONK) "Badgers? We ain\'t got no badgers. We don\'t need no badgers. I don\'t have to show you any stinking BADGERS!!"

________________________ http://www.longcamp.com/gifs/facethatkills.gif

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by A String:

I think it's a good idea to have an "Open" Thread. A thread not just for goofing around, but for talking about general things. I don't mean heavy topics like religion or politics, I mean simple, friendly topics.

I was thinking of that last night in the shop as I listened to Saturday Night Blues on CBC radio. The host, Holger Peterson does a great job of digging up recordings of the blues from every time place and artist that walked the earth. It was something I wanted to mention here since everyone doesn't listen to CBC day and night like I tend to and might not know the program.


It's on CBC Radio 1 right after the 11:00 news but is rebroadcast on some APR stations for those in the USA.


Anyone else know of dedicated Blues programming preferably on public radio let me know.


CBC.. is it glue?

I still think guitars are like shoes, but louder.


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Yeah... good idea! Let's just have it as a chit-chat thread. The Ignore thread was fun while it lasted. It's now time to let it RIP. :cool:


I'll edit the title. :wave:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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