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SOnar 2.2 Native's B4 and WinXP SP-1

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My system developed a serious problem after upgrading Sonar. Suddenly there would be fatal error messages resulting in B4 not working at all. Re-installs did not help. I did a clean install of XP and everything is in order. After a few weeks, problems again and I am now unable to use B4 at all. Cakewalk responded with a procedure to clean the system of Sonar, this resulted in Gigastudio not working...Native gave me the very informative answer that something was wrong with my system... Anybody having similar problems with this? The errors from B4 mentions certain tonewheels not working, keep asking for the B4 CD before copping out. Removing B4 from the registry etc does not help. Thanks Erik
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[quote]Originally posted by Gulliver: [b]The moral of the story: if it isn't broken - do not upgrade.[/b][/quote]So, you're still at Win 3.1 or something? You update because you want the additional features in an app, like asio drivers for Sonar. The point is that it worked quite nicely for several weeks, then suddenly kaboom. I also wanted to know if someone else had the same problem, maybe there is a solution to this.
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[quote]Originally posted by Erik Nygaard: [b]Native gave me the very informative answer that something was wrong with my system... [/b][/quote]They might be right,either that or copy protection gone awry.I don't use the B4 or Giga per se,but I haven't experienced any problems with any of my soft/synths since upgrading to 2.2 which tells me it probably isn't Sonar.Since Giga "and" the B4 suddenly don't seem to be operating,I'm leaning toward copy protection/install and possibly even the XP activation.
"A Robot Playing Trumpet Blows"
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I am leaning towards copy protection as well since B4 keeps asking for the original CD. Also I've changed my old DVD/CDW for a new DVD-writer, there may be something here. Still, I don't know why it will work for a couple of months then suddenly stop. Thanks anyway. Erik
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[quote]Originally posted by Anderton: [b]I've heard rumors of Giga/XP problems. Anyone know about this?[/b][/quote]I've been using GS & XP since the start, no particular problems. XP is more resource hungry especially re Ram and this will hurt GS since it can only access 1GB under XP. This appears to be a Microsoft issue. Also some users had problems with a specific error (can't remember the specifics) wich was fixed with the latest GS update last week. There have been isuues with soundcard GSIF-drivers under XP, but these also appears to have been ironed out. I can get 1.5ms latency in Sonar/GS on my XP-system running an Audiohile 2496.
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[quote]Originally posted by Griffinator: [b]You're definitely dealing with copy-protection problems - I deal with them on a regular basis with my NI products. I end up just removing and then reinstalling the NI plugs. It's a pain, but it's the quick and easy solution.[/b][/quote]That's why I won't buy NI B4. I actually want it but copy protection is not worth the hassle.
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I've been running 2.2 XL with GS and a few other things without any major bugs - bear in mind that I'm a light user, though. The only bug I've had is I've been bringing in some tracks I put together on an old Korg T3 before I put it out to pasture on eBay so I've been recording 8 MIDI tracks at once. I've been using Edirol VSC as the softsynth because it's easy as a scratch pad type of tool. Once I get the midi tracks into sonar, I get some weird playback problems. The actual play tempo doesn't match the now time location shown in the track view and the audio is transposed. If I change tempo, the audio changes inversely to the tempo. This is especially weird because it's a midi track. My workaround has been to go into the audio options and change the latency. This consistently fixes the problem - even if I change the latency to something new then change, close, then change it back to the original setting. It's very odd.
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