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Books - your favourites


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OK, I'm looking at my library of books, which is pretty large, and I'm realizing that I have a lot of essentials, but not a single one of them is guitar-related. The only music-related one, even, is a book on The Jam. So, throw some recommendations at me. Repair and maintenance, amps, instruments, instrument history, whatever. I need something new to read, anyway. :thu:


So far, I want the Tube Amp book, from Backbeat Books. Looks like a good place to start for me. I've also seen this massive Illustrated Guitar Encyclopedia, which is nice, but hugely expensive, and a "History of the Blues", again massive and illustrated, but this time on clearance for 30 bucks CDN. :thu:

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My favorite books of all time is: Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, and just about everything by Eilene Pagels (except The Gnostic Paul, which seems more suited for a "professional journal" than a book for general audiences), a way out of print book called The Death of Jesus by I think the guy is Joel Carmicheal, Zen and the Art of Archery, In the Parish of the Poor by Jean Bertrand Aristide, Death in Venice by Thomas Man, Everything by Hemmingway.


Oh guitar books: Chord Kahncepts by Steve Kahn, George Van Epps Harmonic Mechanisms series, Aaron Shearer's Slur Ornament and Reach Development Exersices, Ted Green's books (all of them), Mick Goodrick's the Advancing Guitarist, and Joe D' Orio book on Giant Steps, and Mark Levine Jazz Theory book is looking better the more I go though it (after seeing MR"NJGG" praise the book and in my head I was like, 'it wasn't that good but rather typical of other similar books I've seen' I looked at it again and am seeing it in a much more favorable light, it is really good), Harmony by Walter Piston (like the Levine book, it appears similar to other text books that try to cover the same material but he does it better (still full of stuffy prose but I almost think you can't cover this stuff well without that arrogant air of self-importanct these guys write with-- you can actually learn to love it.

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The Archer's Tale - Bernard Cornwell


I like all of Bernard Cornwell's books, but I like these three series the best:


Sharpe's Rifles - Napoleonic wars

The Starbuck Chronicles - US Civil War

the Archer's Tale series - Hundred Years Wars


I used to be into the Tom Clancy books, but he kinda went off on a tangent.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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I love Jules Verne. Journey to the Center of the Earth is my favorite out of him. As for books I also like are Dante's Divine Comedy and Ayn Rand The Anthem. Both are very powerful.


As for guitar books, I love the Erlwine repair guide shown above. I also like The Electric Guitar. I don't remember who wrote it (it's at home, where I'm not), but Mark Knopfler does the foreword. Very good book on the history of the electric guitar.

Shut up and play.
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Music related:

Zen Guitar by Philip Toshio Sudo

The Art of Mixing : Visual Guide to Recording, Engineering and Production by David Gibson

Head Om by Julian Cope


Non music related that are on my book shelf:

The Road To McCarthy by Pete McCarthy

Theosophy by Rudolf Steiner

A Peoples history Of The US by Howard Zinn

Also a bunch of infant books as I have an 8 week old daughter now.


I also have to confess to having the Queer Eye book (and yes, I bought it for myself).

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Lemme think here.....


The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson


Any of the Hobema Indian Reserve books by W.P. Kinsela, (the guy who wrote Shoeless Joe).


I like Molly Ivins essay and commentary writings. I don't necessarily agree with her on everything, but I like her stuff.


The Boomer Bible - I forget who wrote it, it's brilliant.


The Complete Beatles Recoding Sessions - again, I forget the author


Until You Are Dead - It's a book about the questionable conviction of teenage Steven Truscott, who was sentenced to hang for a murder he most likely did not commit. Canada has it's share of wrongful/shameful convictions too. he eventually got the support of the same legal team that freed Reuben "Hurricane" Carter.


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance -Robert Pirsig.


On the Road - Jack Kerouac


Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel -childrens book, I forget the author.


The Sweater - Roch Carrier


Errrrrrr, that's it for now.








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Anything by Douglas Adams is hilarious. Read 'em all!

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert M Pirsig

On the Road - Jack Kerouac

Siddharta - Hermann Hesse


That's it for now. I'll probably remember lots of good books for the next few hours or so.. :rolleyes:




Originally posted by funkjazz:

the tao te ching

everything by tom robbins

everything by pablo neruda


for guitar/music you have to read the miles davis autobiography, even if you don't like jazz.



Is that "Miles"? There's a ton of Miles books around, just checking

Hmm. I was wondering that myself. I'm currently reading "Miles Davis" by Jim Carr.

- Bob Freebird


A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. -Douglas Adams

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