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Live Tone: Gross generalizations and over-simplifications


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My most patient comrades-


I'm looking for really gross generalizations here. I'm not sure I even know what I'm talking about :


in shopping for a Live amp I've been drawn away from the

EL-34 -ish sounds and have become more interested by the

6L6 -type sounds. Talking about medium to hi-gain sounds.


To my ears, whats setting these two types apart, is EL-34 types are punchy and sort of boxy-sounding/tight, and the 6L6 types wide open and big bottom/brighter hi's.


But Live, in a heavy rock 3-piece with Bass and drum, which will "cut " through better? Is it all in the Mids ?


I hear the Soldano, Engl, XXX, etc.. and I hear shiny notes within chords and the voice of the Gods. Then I hear the Rivera, Marshall, VHT-50/CL, etc.. and I hear punchy tight and downright bossy/authoritative. I love both. I know clips are subject to players' techniques and Mic technique/recording technique. I picture these two types of amps live, and wonder , if I tweak the mids on a 6L6-type, can I get the growly punch I hear (I think) from an EL-34 type? I'm worried about the stellar 3d sound I hear from the Soldano/XXX/Engl being too wide and unfocused. (?)


I have done searches with key word "cut" and Live and have gotten a hint but not much detail.


can anyone help with some broad strokes here- cutting through Live, whats the number one thing in your book?



Rivera + Fender Strat
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I'm sure there is an answer to the question, but if we're talking about a trio and your the only guitarist and there is no keys (or cello or viola through effects pedals), then you're going to "cut through" because you're not competing with any other instument for territory in the frequency spectrum.


Go with what you like to hear, either way you'll cut through.

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My Unitarian Jihad Name: Brother Broadsword of Enlightened Compassion.

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I play in a lot of 3 piece situations and I like the fullness in tone of the EL34's. Especially the Strat mid pup chunk.


But for that brighter surf 6L6 sound, I like Fender Super Reverbs combos(4X10's) and for the 6L6 scream & squauk I like the Brown Face early 60's Fender Bassman combo's.(4X10's)


Oh, and turned right up, full blast.


That Supro J. Page used on Zep I is pretty hot too.

Don't sell anything. Just keep it all. Let it pile up and see it grow tall. Up thru the roof and into the sky. More is always better so pile it sky high.
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