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Not that I don't appreciate the giveaway offers, but the good people that frequent this forum for the free exchange of ideas, information, and fellowship. In my opinion, just keeping the thing running and listening to ideas to improve it is all I need. And this ashtray...
I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken...
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Originally posted by Dawill:

Not that I don't appreciate the giveaway offers, but the good people that frequent this forum for the free exchange of ideas, information, and fellowship. In my opinion, just keeping the thing running and listening to ideas to improve it is all I need. And this ashtray...

SSSHHHHHH! The mans talking freebies



But you are correct :thu:

Lynn G
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If you want to give away something, how about cool, useful software? Like recording, processing plug-ins, music notation and tab, sequencing, synths/samplers, music lessons, stuff like that?


If it's downloadable, a sense of instant gratification could be had by the winner of such a prize!


And, speaking of lessons, how about subscription to some of the better on-line ones? There's gotta be some out there!


As for hot-rodding the Forum, perhaps some well-known "names" could be persuaded to either post a few threads- as well as "hang" for a bit- or at least provide a one-shot "article" to be "published" here? I'd like to see some of the writers from Guitar Player pop-up here, too; Andy Ellis, Michael Molenda, Joe Gore, Dan Erlewine, and- a natural- Craig Anderton... all, and many I haven't come up with here on short notice, would be great to hear from and even interact with here!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by Caevan O'Shite:

If you want to give away something, how about cool, useful software? Like recording, processing plug-ins, music notation and tab, sequencing, synths/samplers, music lessons, stuff like that?


If it's downloadable, a sense of instant gratification could be had by the winner of such a prize!


And, speaking of lessons, how about subscription to some of the better on-line ones? There's gotta be some out there!


As for hot-rodding the Forum, perhaps some well-known "names" could be persuaded to either post a few threads- as well as "hang" for a bit- or at least provide a one-shot "article" to be "published" here? I'd like to see some of the writers from Guitar Player pop-up here, too; Andy Ellis, Michael Molenda, Joe Gore, Dan Erlewine, and- a natural- Craig Anderton... all, and many I haven't come up with here on short notice, would be great to hear from and even interact with here!


May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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I'll tell ya this- if you could get Dan Erlewine's participitation here- even very occasionally at all- it could be a wonderful addition to this forum. He's a Hell of a knowledgeable and experienced luthier/repair/tech who's come up with or influenced a lot of the ways that guitars, especially electrics, are repaired and modded. He's the guy who got a sunburst Gibson Les Paul into Michael Bloomfield's hands, fercryin' outloud! He spends some of his very busy time at the Les Paul forum. They won't lose him without a fight, and that shouldn't have to be, anyways. He's all of that, and he can write well, too!


And Andy Ellis has proven himself a very savvy musicologist and guitar-teacher's guitar-teacher, no doubt! Very versatile, well-written, and just plain cool.



Hey, bananas- maybe you should start a new thread here, panning for input on these matters? I would bet that many either don't check in here on this one thinking they've already read the "explanation", or don't bother to at all in the first place.


Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by Caevan O'Shite:

If you want to give away something, how about cool, useful software? Like recording, processing plug-ins, music notation and tab, sequencing, synths/samplers, music lessons, stuff like that?


If it's downloadable, a sense of instant gratification could be had by the winner of such a prize!


And, speaking of lessons, how about subscription to some of the better on-line ones? There's gotta be some out there!


As for hot-rodding the Forum, perhaps some well-known "names" could be persuaded to either post a few threads- as well as "hang" for a bit- or at least provide a one-shot "article" to be "published" here? I'd like to see some of the writers from Guitar Player pop-up here, too; Andy Ellis, Michael Molenda, Joe Gore, Dan Erlewine, and- a natural- Craig Anderton... all, and many I haven't come up with here on short notice, would be great to hear from and even interact with here!

Thank you for the feedback. I'll be in San Mateo, CA talking w/ some of the writers and editors next week. I'll see what we can come up with.
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Originally posted by Caevan O'Shite:

I'll tell ya this- if you could get Dan Erlewine's participitation here- even very occasionally at all- it could be a wonderful addition to this forum. He's a Hell of a knowledgeable and experienced luthier/repair/tech who's come up with or influenced a lot of the ways that guitars, especially electrics, are repaired and modded. He's the guy who got a sunburst Gibson Les Paul into Michael Bloomfield's hands, fercryin' outloud! He spends some of his very busy time at the Les Paul forum. They won't lose him without a fight, and that shouldn't have to be, anyways. He's all of that, and he can write well, too!


And Andy Ellis has proven himself a very savvy musicologist and guitar-teacher's guitar-teacher, no doubt! Very versatile, well-written, and just plain cool.



Hey, bananas- maybe you should start a new thread here, panning for input on these matters? I would bet that many either don't check in here on this one thinking they've already read the "explanation", or don't bother to at all in the first place.


We know people who know people. We'll make some calls.
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Hey, bananas- maybe you should start a new thread here, panning for input on these matters? I would bet that many either don't check in here on this one thinking they've already read the "explanation", or don't bother to at all in the first place.


You're starting to read our minds... get out of there you're freakin' us out. We are actually trying to come up with a permanent way of posting an "Annoucement" section to the entire forum. We have a ton of things in the works, we need your feedback on all of them, would love to get suggestions for new ideas to implement but... we are looking for ways to post these annoucments so that you see/can easily find them but they don't get in the way.
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Caevans suggestion of recording software is a great one. For more extravagant hardware, how about USB Soundcard interfaces, such as the Tascam US-122, allowing people to use their existing computer to record would be great!


Things that will empower the Forumites will eventually also bloom on the forums. If someone was lucky enough, and deserving enough, to win a little package like the one mentioned above, I would imagine the forum demanding to hear said winner demonstrating his spoils!


You would get regular musical contributions from existing members, rather than giving them something that wouldn't come back around to the forum like I-Pods or such.


Hopefully this would encourage those already in possession of such equipment to use it. Bringing a flourish of activity, focused around music!


One other thing. This forum has no option on each individuals post saying, "Report This Post To The Moderator" I would think that in times such as these an addition such as this could be very helpful.


Certain posts from certain individuals invoke all kinds of real emotions in people, emotions that are not easily forgotten. Unfortunately the threads these often appear on are. So if each post had a little motif, much like the "Profile" and "Send Private Message" buttons, perhaps a more accurate record of the offense that some people cause may be built up?


Therefore when the general concensus is that someone has crossed a line, chances are the post reports will reflect that, without the need for those affected to trawl through mountains of similar threads looking for the evidence to cut and paste. One Small Button!


I would imagine that it may inspire those posting thoughtless nonsense to think twice if they know that the person they are attacking can contribute to the case against them with One Click!


Hey, cannedbananas thanks for giving us the opportunity to throw some ideas your way. This forum feels as though it is really on a knife-edge, there are more valued and respect members than not, but as is all too often the case, "One rotton apple can spoil the barrel."


Our respected members are not trapped in said barrel. They will eventually leave if the stink gets bad enough. How bad is bad enough? Well for some we've passed it already, whilst for others it could come today, maybe tomorrow? Me, I like this barrel and I like 99% of the other apples, I think we mix well like a great cooling summer cider!


Please make our barrel better protected against those who would wish to destroy it from the inside. I would have never thought the solution for a rotten apple would involve canedbananas! :D



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Canned Banannas,


Yes, I've been scrolling by this thread figurin' it was just SOS. I'm glad I saw a reference to the new direction this thread is takin' on another thread. You need to get this "out front" so to speak.


Keep up the good work :thu: Thank you very, Very, VERY much :cool:


The free software idea is cool :cool: It's not that expensive for the company that produces it (other than giving up a free license), and gets their name out in the hands of a "connected" user.


Thank you again for your efforts on our behalf, Dave.

Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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Why not start a "Suggestions for the forum" thread Caevan? Start the thread with a summary of what you've suggested thus far, then invite folks to contribute their ideas and collate them for our friend, cannedbananas in one list.


A lil' cut'n'paste could inspire a few more responses and even provoke that diamond suggestion?

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Hey, thanks for the encouragement, Tea', but, for now atleast I'll leave things as they are...


Originally posted by Caevan O'Shite (that's me!)

"Hey, bananas- maybe you should start a new thread here, panning for input on these matters? I would bet that many either don't check in here on this one thinking they've already read the "explanation", or don't bother to at all in the first place."



Originally posted by cannedbananas:"You're starting to read our minds... get out of there you're freakin' us out. We are actually trying to come up with a permanent way of posting an "Annoucement" section to the entire forum. We have a ton of things in the works, we need your feedback on all of them, would love to get suggestions for new ideas to implement but... we are looking for ways to post these annoucments so that you see/can easily find them but they don't get in the way."

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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