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What's on your pedalboard? (if you have one)


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Self-explanatory. Just wondering what everybody likes here. My pedals, right now (not all connected at once... yet):


BOSS DS-1 distortion

E-H Big Muff fuzz

BOSS DD-3 digital delay

BOSS OC-2 octave pedal (though I WANT one of the new OC-3s... full polyphonic octaves, as opposed to single notes :thu: )

BOSS PH-3 phaser (which I hardly ever use, but it's fun to play with)

Crybaby wah

Morley volume pedal


They've all served me pretty well. I really like BOSS. They're just really well made, and always seem to have exactly what I want. I need to get an overdrive and a reverb pedal, and I think I just might be getting a tuner pedal (super handy) for Xmas. Fingers crossed. Anyone have any opinions? Love/hate/general apathy for a specific pedal or manufacturer? General suggestion, prehaps?




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It's all good. I like Boss too. I think they have the best designed pedals. Not necessarily the best sounding, but price per tone you can't go wrong.

TU-2 Tuner -> Keeley modded DS-1/Metal Zone/BD-2 Blues Driver -> Boss EQ -> BF-3 Flanger -> CH-1 Chorus -> RV-3 Reverb/Digital Delay


I love the Keeley mod DS-1, and the new BF-3 Flanger is the best flanger I've ever heard. I get great vintage and cutting edge tones with it.


I'm thinking of getting the BD-2 modded by Keeley, as I am very happy with the DS-1 results. Anyone own one of these or used one?

Shut up and play.
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NYC EH Big Muff Pi

DOD Mystic Blues Overdrive

DOD Death Metal Distortion

Tronix DS-710 Distortion (modified)

Rocktek CHR-1 Chorus

Dunlop GCB-95 Crybaby (modified)

homebrew Tremolo

homebrew Fuzz Face

homebrew Distortion

homebrew Auto-wah (in the works)


I need to build a Distortion + clone. Randy Rhoads used one, or so I've been told. I heard a clip of one that this guy built. He played Crazy Train and totaly nailed Randy's tone! :thu:


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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TS 10 Tube Screamer Classic

Morley Big Foot Power Wah (big sliver monster w/ AC cord.)

Boss DM2 analog delay

Boss OC 2 Octave

Custom A/B/Both pedal into:


Silverface Master Volume Twin with a clean Mod. The Master Volume is now a placebo knob, and a Leslie 147 w/ a tube preamp pedal.






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FullDrive II, Clyde Wah, Johnson J12 controller for the GSP2101, occasionally a Morley Volume and an old DOD Stereo Chorus. All powered by a One Spot adapter (these are the greatest invention since canned beer).


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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Ibanez Tube Screamer (the sound-tank one)

Danelectro Chorus

Boss Tremolo/Pan


Of the three, the Tube Screamer gets used the most...but I like having the other two for the occasional special effect.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Lessee . . .


Budda Bud-Wah

Arion pedal tuner

Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble

Zoom 508 Delay pedal


That's it. Wah is between guitar and amp, everything else is in the FX loop.

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STURGEON'S LAW --98% of everything is bullshit.


My Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Jackhammer of Love and Mercy.

Get yours.

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I like the analog delay a lot. I bought it new 15 or 16 years ago, when the DD1 or DD2 digital delay came out. The local music store let me take 'em both home for the weekend. I prefer the analog delay because each successive repeat decays in quality; they are not perfect but quieter replica like the digital delay of that era.


That's my preference, others may vary differing opinions.








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My guitars first go into a Whirlwing Selector, then either to a Fulltone Fulldrive or a Blackstone Mosfet, next into a Demeter Compulator and Demeter Fat Control, a Hughes and Kettner Rotosphere, Fulltone Supa-Trem, Korg Dynamic Echo and finally a E-H Holy Grail reverb pedal. Everything is powered by a Voodoo Labs Pedal Power.
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- BOSS Metal Zone


- Ibanez Tube Screamer Classic


- Ibanez Super Stereo Chorus


I really dig the Metal Zone! You can dial in all sorts of tone! :thu:


Merry Christmas :)

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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morley little alligator volume pedal


boss ds1 distortion


boss mt2 metal zone


dunlop cry baby wah gcb-95


boss rc-20 loop station

have fun now!

whatever the mind of man can concieve & believe it can achieve!

study it as a science/practice it as an art!

luck...that's what happens when preparation & opportunity intersect

properly percieved every situation becomes an opportunity

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I run my guitar through a Dunlop Original Cry Baby and a Pro-Co Turbo Rat, and I run a Yamaha DG-Stomp (effects only) in the effects loop. The DG has great sounding and easy to program effects but I use it primarily because it has tap tempo capability. I used to use all Boss pedals on a homemade board and then a Digitech multi pedal but the Yamaha is more versatile than the board and sounds much better than the Digitech.
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Originally posted by daddyelmis:

All powered by a One Spot adapter (these are the greatest invention since canned beer).

AMEN!!! :thu:


my leetal reeg iz lyke zeees:


ernie ball volume pedal

boss auto wah 3

voodoo labs sparkle drive

marshall supervibe

roland loop station

korg digital tuner


occasionally i use the danelectro reel echo for country and blues stuff.


like daddyelmis, all powered with the one-spot. all the cables are red george l's.

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I don't have one, but have been wanting to build a little one. All I have pedal wise is a Boss SD-1, Boss Stereo Ensemble Chorus, Boss Volume-wah, an old Rat, and an old Big Muff Pi. I'd like to have a Tremlo pedal of some kind. But you'd have to buy one of those power supplies too I guess. Probably another of the reasons I rarely use pedals! :)
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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I used to use a number of effects when I was a lead guitarist. Flanger, delay, distortion, occasional chorus.... now I'm playing keys and some guitar and the only effect I really use anymore is the Boss Super Feedback/Distortion pedal. Helps me get those liquidy backing lines.

I used to think I was Libertarian. Until I saw their platform; now I know I'm no more Libertarian than I am RepubliCrat or neoCON or Liberal or Socialist.


This ain't no track meet; this is football.

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Boss DD3-Delay

Line 6 Distortion mod

Voodoo lab proctiva

voodoo lab sparkle drive

VOODOO lab microvibe

Danalectro chorus

Boss Tuner

70's crybaby

Any body want a EH Blackfinger from the 70's

maybe we can trade.


The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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Originally posted by Geenard:

All I have pedal wise is a Boss SD-1, Boss Stereo Ensemble Chorus, Boss Volume-wah, an old Rat, and an old Big Muff Pi. I'd like to have a Tremolo pedal of some kind. :)



My home-made tremolo sounds a lot like the trem in a Blackface Fender (to me. I'm using the same neon/LDR type setup as the Fender). I can draw up a schematic for you if you want, or I could wire a circuit board up for you. It uses two 8-pin chips, one LM741 amplifier and a 555 timer. The gain of the 741 is set at 5 so you can get a little boost if desired, and the trem has a good range, from slow to fast. There's no depth control though, but one could be included easily enough.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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All Boss pedals:


Chromatic Tuner (TU-2)

Digital Delay (DD-3, usually used on my clean channel)

GE-7 Equalizer


I also use a standard Crybaby wah, but that's separate from the pedal board.

"I look for whatever will cut the deepest... whammy bars and wah wah pedals can't be used as just gimmicks. They have to reflect and express your feelings." - Jeff Beck
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Originally posted by Green657:

Boss ME-50


All I need...

Oh a tuff guy huh?I don't need no stinking ME-50

either just a guitar,chord and a amp that's

it...ok maybe a pick but that it...well maybe

electricity..that's it.


The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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I get crap from the "purists" for having the ME-50 (being a multi-effects pedal). But I don't listen. It's a great pedal that does a whole bunch of cool things, without going overboard. Plus it is supremely easy to use (for a doofus like me).
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