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Back on line! Comments on Guitar Center/Sam Ash, Offspring tone?


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:wave: Missed you guys!


Got massive jet-lag. Just got back from 11 days in Florida. Weather was perfect and man o' man do they have some awesome radio stations in the Tampa/St.Pete area!!! 98-Rock, 2 classic rock stations, 80's station, alternative rock station- I think I blew the speakers in the rent a car. I found myself driving around just to listen to all the cool tunes. :P


Sam Ash/Guitar Center-

I was all pumped up for these musical superstores! There are 2 Sam Ash's and a GC in Tampa/Clearwater and I hit them all the first day I was there and then again a week later. What a disappointment. Very few historic or high-end Gibson LPs!!!! Damn! The few they had were all much prettier than the guitars we get over here, but they ALL played like mediocre LPs.... even the historics. To be fair, it could have been the amps that left me unenthused. I mean come on- not even ONE JTM45 or Bluesbreaker amp!?!?!! No DrZ, No Riveria, No THD!?!?!?!! WTF????? Those places are great for buying cables and little what nots, but I was greatly disappointed by the high-end guitar and amp selection. Oh well, maybe I hit them on bad days. They did have an awesome collection of acoustics and low-mid priced guitars.


The Offspring "Self Esteem". How can I get that tone?

Heard this song for the first time while I was driving around. What a great guitar sound! I bought the CD and don't really like any of the other songs, but I really dig that song. I'd like to fool around and try to tweak out a ballsy sound like that. What does he use for that tone? Hot humbucker bridge pickup with a Mesa? Anyone help me out here?


Brought home some Fillmore pickups and some Jensen capacitors for the Goldtop. I'm going to redo the wiring and pickups this weekend. Wish me luck! Also got the tube mic from Myles and can't wait to try that out!

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Offspring Gear

James - don't get discouraged by one or two guitar stores. I've had bad and good days in both the superstores around here. The thing I like about Guitar Center, is I can go in there, jack around with the guitars and amps for 2 hours, and then walk out not buying anything. And nobody still cares.

Mom and Pop shops are great because the salesman aren't usually as high pressure. And they usually know their stuff, especially with vintage gear. Only problem is I always feel guilty not buying something after I go in an play for half and hour.

Shut up and play.
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Hey, mi pisano! (Didda gettit raht, y'all?) ;):D Glad to see ya in fonts again!


Perhaps the Gibson Europe branch is mo'fussier; who knows. I know that my LPs have their shortcomings and QC issues, but they have enough of what I want at the price I could pay for'em at the time, so they'll more than do 'till I can afford total custom Utopian axes. (Hmmmnn... how's a-bout dem Real McCoys dere, Jimmah?) :D:freak::D )

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by Dances With Werewolves:

Dude, DUDE, dude... ! You've gotta keep me posted on the Fillmores and Jenson caps! By the way, if you like those Fillmores, and ya got dem covered Gibson Humbuckeries layin' about an' pine'n for the fjords, waddyagonna doowiddem, boyo? (Sorry, I'm in the throes of a sort of "Pythons of New York" mixed-metaphornacational moment here! Can ya just see Bill "The Butcher" hopping around, bellowing "It's just a FLESH-WOUND, ya bastids!" :freak::D )


Fillmore web link

I'm pumped about trying these new pickups and caps. I bought 2x0.010 and 2x0.022 Jensen Pure Copper Paper in Oil caps. I'm gonna start with the 0.022s in the GoldTop and the 0.01s in the Custom. Or maybe I'll try the 0.01s in the neck pups and the 0.022s in the bridges. My jet-lagged brain is spinning!


I'm really confused about what way I should wire them up. Guys on the LesPaulForum rave about the 50's wiring, but Jim (who winds the Fillmore's) gave me a different diagram. :confused:

I sent an email to Jim asking him to shine the light for me. He responded in about 5 minutes with some insight, but no "shining light".... He said to try them all until I find what is right for me.


I'll definitely keep you up on how it goes. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with the Burstbuckers yet. Some people call them the BrightBuckers cause they really are bright and sometimes I like them, sometimes I don't. Maybe I'll have to buy another guitar to put them in! :P If the Fillmore's turn out to be "the pickup" then I may just give 'em away, know anyone who'd want them? :D If not, I'll probably keep them around as a spare. Something tells me I'm going to be playing around a bit....

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No hard feelings at all James. Just thought I'd tell you my take on American guitar stores. I know I do it all the time, where I expect something great and end up dissappointed. And not just with places either.

Anyway, good luck with your quest. Have a good time with your Les Pauls.

Shut up and play.
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Pretty soon you can open your own store james!

Look's like you have nicer gear than I've seen around this area.The search for the ultimate tone

never ends.Will you adopt me?pretty please........

............. :love: please.......................

The story of life is quicker then the blink of an eye, the story of love is hello, goodbye.
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The Offspring "Self Esteem". How can I get that tone?

Heard this song for the first time while I was driving around. What a great guitar sound! I bought the CD and don't really like any of the other songs, but I really dig that song. I'd like to fool around and try to tweak out a ballsy sound like that. What does he use for that tone? Hot humbucker bridge pickup with a Mesa? Anyone help me out here?

I think that's just pure Marshall tone there, kinda in the fully cranked JCM 800 ballpark. I think it's probably the non-covered pickups they put in the Ibanez guitars, they've got a bit more treble than the Gibson PAF's. The JB jr. in my Strat will get as close to that tone as anything I've heard.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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The JB jr. in my Strat will get as close to that tone as anything I've heard.

I keep hearing more and more about the Seymour Duncan JB pickup. Hamer used to use it in the bridge position of their Studio, along with a '59 in the neck position (now they use two '59's). I keep hearing of it in other forums, threads, articles, etc.


Just an FYI.



Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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Originally posted by Dave th Dude:


The JB jr. in my Strat will get as close to that tone as anything I've heard.

I keep hearing more and more about the Seymour Duncan JB pickup. Hamer used to use it in the bridge position of their Studio, along with a '59 in the neck position (now they use two '59's). I keep hearing of it in other forums, threads, articles, etc.


Just an FYI.



I've heard good things about the Little '59 pickup in the neck position of a Strat. Might be my next major purchase. :)


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by SinisterJames-Italy:


I don't mean to be down on GC/Sam Ash. It's just that I only get to the states once a year or so and I was really looking forward to playing some hot guitars. I'd been planning on buying the '57 Reissue in Florida, but now I'm glad I bought the one I found over here in Italy.

It's cool. In your case, it's probably better that you got your 57 LP in Italy. It'd be too much of a hassle to send it with you on the plane.


I wouldn't want to have luggage personnel handling my precious piece, unless of course, I could send it over with case1 inside of case2 .

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