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"Desert Island" topic


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Ok, be nice to me and just assume that there's a way to get electricity on the island! So, accepting that, if you could take just one of your guitars, one of your amps and one of your pedals to the island, which would they be and why?


I also know I'm being presumptuous here, and that not everyone owns multiple guitars, amps and effects, but then again, looking over many of the postings, there's some serious GAS in this forum! :wave:

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Fair enough, Revolead, but I'm also sure there are at least a few "newbies" like me who haven't gone through all of the archives and might want to discuss this ourselves. I expect that this happens from time to time, but thanks for pointing it out.


Now, as soon as I posted my question, I realized that I hadn't given my own choices.


Guitar: I'd take my mid-80's G&L Asat. I love Strat bodies and Les Paul-ish humbucker warmth, and the ASAT has a Tele body and ceramic single coils, but the darned thing nails so many tones that I have to give it its due. Flat out its a great country guitar, roll the treble back on the bridge and dirty up the amp and it's an amazing rock and blues machine. Keep the tone control rolled down a bit, switch to the neck pickup, and it does a really nice jazzbox vibe. Whodathunkit?


For the amp, I'm taking my Budda Twinmaster. People have described it as a "baby Marshall," and that says a great deal about it. Clean it pretty damned sparkly sweet and overdriven it answers every request I make of an amp. Plus, it's control layout is so simple that even I can't screw up a happening sound.


For effects...wow, I had a harder time committing to this one than I thought I would. I've recently fallen in love with my H and K Rotosphere, and my Fulltone Supa-Trem is killer, but in the end I'll have to go with my Fuzzface. There's no escaping my Hendrix roots, and a Fuzzface through a slightly cranked vintage-style amp is a thing of beauty.

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i'll bite, i would take my Godin Lgsp90( new purchase) and my DG100 and i would be happy. i can cover alot of ground with these two. i am still finding cool tones on my LG. i am discovering my love for mahogany and this is my first axe with p90's. i wish i had tried them long ago. no pedals needed , i have chorus, trem, reverb(3 types) and "tape echo" in the DG100.
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Well, once I'd gotten an adapter for whatever crazy outlets and voltage this island would surely have ;) ("Gilligan, the Professor has finished his new electrical-grid made from coconuts and bamboo; do me a favor, little buddy, and go grab my Strat and my Twin, will ya? And round up Ginger and Maryanne, too! The ol' Skipper here's gonna teach ya the ins'n'outs of GROUPIES!!")...


...I'd doubtless take my Les Paul (Classic, Premium-Plus, Cherry Sunburst), bf '67 Pro Reverb, GT Electronics Speaker Emulator, Lexicon Vortex (yeah, I know it's not a pedal, but I use an "expression pedal" cc and a couple of switching pedals with it), Carvin stereo (tube) power amp and a pair of cabs. If I still had it, I'd bring an old Electro Harmonix Small Stone phaser. It would've been my fault the Minnow sank, bringing too much gear onboard...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Ginger is a pretty sweet second-prize, but I always went for Mary Anne, myself!


Beatles, or 'Stones?


PC, or Mac?


Fender, or Gibson?


PRS, or McInturf?


Pancakes, or French toast? (Thanks to Mike Myers, some sort of schmoke is optional with either. Thanks to NYS- and the tobbacco companies(!)- you gotta go outside if you wanna light-up.)


Betty, or Veronica?


Betty, or Wilma? (Fred's gonna whoop yer @$$ cave-man-style, if he recognizes those ink stains on your shirt!)



Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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So I can get electricity on this "Desert Island", eh? Cool.


Easy :cool:


guitar: Custom Strat made of Warmoth parts, 24 frets, maple fretboard and neck done in a U shape (like a 1957 Strat), angled headstock, Duncans for pickups (59 n, Classic Stack strat mid, JB bridge). Alder body with ash veneer top, finished in translucent purple. Wilkinson trem, graphite nut, and Sperzel locking tuners. Mini switches for switching the humbuckers from series to parallel mode. I don't have one like this, but this is the guitar I'd want with me.


amp: Tech 21 Power Engine 60 powered combo-sized cab with the ZOOM GFX-5.


The Power Engine's a 60 watt powered cab with bass, mid and treble controls, plus level (volume) control. The ZOOM GFX-5 is a multiFX unit with analog circuitry for the amp simulators.


Done. :)

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Dear Revolead,


I like you take on the fantasy even better. If it could be anything, not even just what we own, what would it be?


Then it would be a particular '62 Strat I recently played, a Marshall Major and Demeter Fat Control Mid-Boost (I've recently fallen in love with Blackmore's early to late 70's tones), a Uni-Vibe, Fulltone's new take on the Echoplex, and Maryanne, Carol Brady, the blond twin sisters from "Quark" and the hot Brit femme who occasionally appeared on Monty Python.

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Originally posted by alguit:

Dear Revolead,


I like you take on the fantasy even better. If it could be anything, not even just what we own, what would it be?


Then it would be a particular '62 Strat I recently played, a Marshall Major and Demeter Fat Control Mid-Boost (I've recently fallen in love with Blackmore's early to late 70's tones), a Uni-Vibe, Fulltone's new take on the Echoplex, and Maryanne, Carol Brady, the blond twin sisters from "Quark" and the hot Brit femme who occasionally appeared on Monty Python.

Wow, Ritchie Blackmore, Carol Brady, Quark, and the Pythons all in one post? Not to mention Univibes and Fulltone. Maryanne vs. Ginger is erudite enough for most folks... alguit, yer a true geek's geek! And I do mean that in all the best ways!


Uhmmn, I once played a blonde twin, but it came from Fullerton...

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Well, as I stated in that previous thread, my ideal setup would be a 1958 Les Paul Standard Reissue in butterscotch through a Robert Keeley DS-1 and some sort of analog tape echo all through a Marshall DSL50.

Oh yeah and I can't forget Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley. :love::D

Shut up and play.
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Thank you, thank you,


I have long prided myself on my retention of all things trivial, irrelevant and futile.


Now, here's the part that's scaring even me...I just remebered the names of the twins from "Quark"-Cyb and Trish Barnstable...sigh...


They're probably not looking all that hot at this point, but that might just be the reason for me to try taking a shot at them.

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Originally posted by alguit:

For the amp, I'm taking my Budda Twinmaster. People have described it as a "baby Marshall," and that says a great deal about it. Clean it pretty damned sparkly sweet and overdriven it answers every request I make of an amp. Plus, it's control layout is so simple that even I can't screw up a happening sound.

Yeah I have a Twinmaster as well, pretty damn loud for 18 watts. And very toneful, especially with a Tele.
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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It doesn't matter what I'm stuck on the island with, I'd get bored with it after a while.


But, I'd probably go with a Marshall DSL-50, a good Strat style guitar w/ a JB jr in the bridge, lil '59s in the neck and middle positions, and Shirley Manson from Garbage. :) A nice set of Ludwig's would be nice too, so Shirley could borrow the strat. :thu:


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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I would forfeit bringing a guitar, and make my own guitar out of a palm tree plank, and instead bring Ginger AND Maryanne. This is a Fantasy question, right?


I tell you though Maryanne still looks pretty hot.


One thing I would take, though is a Blues Harp! If only I could decide what key....

Check out some handcrafted guitars:


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But wait, if you have two women there, how would you...ohhhhhh, ok, never mind!


Do you think that a guitar made from palm would sound best for "palm muting." Ok, that was a terrible pun, but sometimes I just pine for that kind of humor. Well, now I can't seem to stop; to bad, it just seems like such an evergreen of jokes. Then again, maybe I'll stop; I could make more tree puns, but it's a knotty issue, and I'm sick of more (sick-of-more...alright, I'll stop. I'm sorry)

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However, since it's desert island and not a dessert island, I'll go with my custom made dobro and my HD28, and call it even! Then I'll get Ginger to make me a coconut cream pie. Mary Ann, get your ass in the hut you pixie bitch! :0
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Originally posted by demarc:

One thing I would take, though is a Blues Harp! If only I could decide what key....

Take a C harp, most common and sounds pretty good too. I've got a Hohner Golden Melody C harp I'm trying to learn how to play. So far I can play "Oh Susanna" and the first few notes from Howlin' Wolf's version of "Sittin' on Top of the World". I recently bought a Hohner "Big River Harp", but I think it was a waste of money, it's harder to play.


a.k.a. "El Guapo" ;)


...Better fuzz through science...



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Originally posted by bluestrat:

Originally posted by demarc:

One thing I would take, though is a Blues Harp! If only I could decide what key....

Take a C harp, most common and sounds pretty good too. I've got a Hohner Golden Melody C harp I'm trying to learn how to play. So far I can play "Oh Susanna" and the first few notes from Howlin' Wolf's version of "Sittin' on Top of the World". I recently bought a Hohner "Big River Harp", but I think it was a waste of money, it's harder to play.
I'd say D or G would be more handy than C
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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Well, I would bring my Marshall JCM 900, my Digitech 21 PRO, and my Washburn.


Oh, and I would also take along my Bible for those "times of inspiration" in song writing. :)


Peace :wave:

"Treat your wife with honor, respect, and understanding as you live together so that you can pray effectively as husband and wife." 1 Peter 3:7


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Originally posted by guitarzan the impaler:

i don't know if its a good idea for Mary Ann and Ginger to be alone with you Norman Geinard Bates :eek: ..(insert scary music here)

No mother would love them.....wouldn't you mother? Mother, put down the knife......mother.........
Down like a dollar comin up against a yen, doin pretty good for the shape I'm in
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