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Damn, I really wanted to at least wait until my trip to the states where they cost less.


I was at my local music store today dumping an old mixer and some outboard gear for a Yamaha AW16G. I'm waiting for the Yamaha 01X to come out and figure this will tide me over nicely for small projects in the meantime. Anyway, as I'm going to the cash register the guy says, "Guess what we just got in yesterday?" Then he proceeded to lead me to the back room and pulls out a brand new 1957 Gibson LP Goldtop Reissue (Historic) out of the box. Grrrrrrrrr! I had already decided (as I have posted once or twice) that I was planning on getting one of these. Seeing as probably only two or three of these arrive in Italy a year, what are the chances of this happening? Fate? Knowing everything there is to know about this guitar since I've been researching it so well, and that they cost the usual 30% more here in Italy than the US, I figured I'd just shrug it off and wait for my trip to the states. Me trying to play cool-dude with a sexy guitar in front of me. Yeah Right..........




I played the damn thing..... and well, you already know it. The guitar simply rocks!!!! I didn't want to put it down. Figuring I was totally screwed- I mean how can you deal when you've already decided the guitar is coming home with you? Luckily I had bought the LP Standard from this guy so he cut me an amazing deal without any song and dance.


It's gonna be a good fight over the next few weeks for the top spot in the Harem. '97 Custom vs '03 57RI Goldtop.


I'm totally hopeless.....


(disclaimer: there were no Hamers or Heritages to compare it to so please don't tell me how much Gibson sucks and how I paid for the name only etc, etc, blah blah blah)

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The '57 RI "Goldtop" has P.A.F.-styled humbuckers, as '57 was the model year that they were introduced, and the last year of "goldtops" before Gibson went to the sunburst finished "standards" of '58, '59, and '60. (There were some made in transition, and also as special request "custom" orders.)

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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You rascal, you. :cool:


Congratulations. :thu: I am green with envy :rolleyes:


In spite of all the naysayers, it's still cool to have "the original" :cool: , and even I who don't like the shape of the standard LP (I DO like the "Double Cut") like the looks of the Gold Top! :thu:


Like I've always said, but been unable to practice, ".. if you've got the money, use it; your enjoyment is all it's "good" for ..".




PS I understand that you'll be unable to answer until after the first few days (weeks?) with your new love.

Gotta' geetar... got the amp. There must be SOMEthing else I... "need".
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Originally posted by Dave th Dude:

"In spite of all the naysayers, it's still cool to have "the original" :cool: , and even I who don't like the shape of the standard LP (I DO like the "Double Cut") like the looks of the Gold Top!" :thu: -Dave

Just in case I've been misunderstood (by you, or anyone else), I was just kiddin' with James- I helped to talk him into buying his first Les Paul, a Standard. And the bit about owning more than one being ridiculous- I own two myself!

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Thanks Guy! :wave: I'm still walking around like an idiot with this damn smile planted on my face.


Wanted to tell you guys I traded in the '01 LP Standard on the GT, in my first post it wasn't clear. I got a good deal because the music store took back the LP Standard for almost what I paid for it. Thus, the 57 Reissue was a pretty good deal- relatively speaking. Didn't want you guys to think I was a LP hog or anything. Three is enough- four would have been excessive! :D


Oh and Kev- actually thanks to you I've bought 2 LP's so far. I attribute the Studio Gem with P90's to you also!!! :thu:


I played so much Saturday and Sunday my fingertips are sore and I didn't think to check up on the forum. I was also too busy playing to take any pictures, but I'll get something up shortly. Unfortunately, or fortunately for my finger' sake, I had to go to work today where they pay me to surf the net. :P Now I'm missing my guitars and have too much time to check up on the forum.


This GT is really a great guitar and I'm very happy with it. I didn't think I'd like the Burstbuckers but so far I'm really impressed. The guitar plays like a dream. Sustains forever. The neck pup is excellent and cleans up really nicely- i'ts very versatile (the 490 neck pup on the Standard was very muddy and not very useful). The bridge pup growl and is nice and hot. Not too hot like the Wolfgang's. Just the right hot. I haven't weighed it yet, but I think it 's the lightest LP I've ever played.


Will it take top spot from the LP Custom Plus? Not sure yet, we'll see what happens when the initial love affair lust wears off a bit- if it ever does. With the Custom it still hasn't.


I was also fooling around and transfering old song data from DAT and the Emu Darwin to the new Yamaha AW16G and found a bunch of mid-process originals- more on that another time.

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