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I want to look cool when I play!


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I used to play rather low myself for a few weeks when I got my first electric plank. After that, I raised it to a fairly high level. Same for playing bass. If ya don't know by now, it's not the same way my avatar goddess holds her lovely G&L custom bass. ;)


To see what I mean, look here .

Though I'm seated, when I'm standing, the 24th fret of that guitar sits an inch or so above my bellybutton. The guitar covers up quite a bit of my "six-pack" (not that I have much of one hehe). Definitely not low by any means.


The person that said Vai plays it up is misinformed. If you look closely at how he has it strapped on, it's relatively low, though not as much as, say, James Hetfield. Go look at some pics from vai.com if you don't believe me.

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Originally posted by Sunshy:

I have my guitar right above my waistmy belt when I play out live, but I realize I look like a "nerd" (or an old jazz player yipee!)

Heh, grow your hair out like mine! :D


Seriously, though, my reason for holding the guitar like I do stems from listening, and being inspired by, jazz and classical players (both old and new). I've got eons to go before I sound like any of them, though! ;)


Besides, even Slash and Jimi (when he was a mortal) have said they both like classical music. :)

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HA! You guys kill me. Thanks for all the replies. My post was a little in jest. I really can't play with the guitar down there. Hell, I even have one of those foot stools for proper posture while sitting down! I alwys practice sitting down too, so this probablyl doesn't help when standing up. Anyway, I've sent away for the "be cooler in 30 days" program (with the money back guarantee). Wish me luck :)
"Pray for the dead . . . but fight like hell for the living." Mother Jones
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Originally posted by Sunshy:

HA! You guys kill me. Thanks for all the replies. My post was a little in jest. I really can't play with the guitar down there. Hell, I even have one of those foot stools for proper posture while sitting down! I alwys practice sitting down too, so this probablyl doesn't help when standing up. Anyway, I've sent away for the "be cooler in 30 days" program (with the money back guarantee). Wish me luck :)

Maybe, instead of the little footstool, you could wear one big platform boot (a la Gene Simmons) - that could be 1/2-cool... ;)

May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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By that logic, NMcGuitar, having one side of your jeans looking like Angus Young's schoolboy-uniform knickers would look half-assed! :D -k

Ask yourself- What Would Ren and Stimpy Do?


~ Caevan James-Michael Miller-O'Shite ~

_ ___ _ Leprechaun, Esquire _ ___ _

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Originally posted by CaevanO'Shite:

By that logic, NMcGuitar, having one side of your jeans looking like Angus Young's schoolboy-uniform knickers would look half-assed! :D -k



May all your thoughts be random!

- Neil






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the monty python guys had a good solution for this:


1. Go to France

2. When you get to the customs desk, look at your phrasebook hesitatingly and say, `je suis une espion`

3. If they give you a weird look, repeat phrase.

4. By the time you`ve hung by your arms for about nine hours, you won`t even need a strap...

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I like my guitar low. The body of my LP sits right on top of my crotch. If I wear it any higher, my hair gets caught on the headstock or covers the strings. I'm lucky... I've been playing my guitars at this height for a long time, so it's really natural for me.


However, you gotta do what's right for you. If you can't play with your guitar low, then don't do it. As everyone has mentioned, plenty of people wear their guitars over their bellybuttons. Whatever works for ya.


I think being a good performer has a lot more to do with the way you present your material (attitude, connecting with the band and audience, etc) than the height of your instrument.


Having said this... I personally feel that wearing guitars above the belt buckle looks kinda dorky... and yeah, that means I think Beck, Hendrix, SRV, etc look dorky. I didn't say they sucked... I just think they look dorky with their guitars up so high.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I'm trying to find some of those photos of some of those Brit invasion bands who wore their guitars almost at shoulder level. There's a shot somewhere of Lennon with his Gibson acoustic/electric (what was the model, a J-60 or something) that looked like the thing was almost right under his chin.


Funny thing about fashion, though...even guitar fashion. It changes. What looks cool now might look dorky in 20 years, and vice versa.

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Hey Tedster,

How do I put up an avatar in this forum? Do I need a certain amount of posts or something before I'm allowed? :confused:

Can't find anything about avatars in my profile....

Rista brød med geitost, nam.
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Originally posted by Schnert:

Hey Tedster,

How do I put up an avatar in this forum? Do I need a certain amount of posts or something before I'm allowed? :confused:

Can't find anything about avatars in my profile....

Schnert...I think you've gotta have 32 posts...maybe it's 35, before you can put up an avatar. After that, when you go into your profile, you'll see an "avatar" link...
"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

I'm trying to find some of those photos of some of those Brit invasion bands who wore their guitars almost at shoulder level. There's a shot somewhere of Lennon with his Gibson acoustic/electric (what was the model, a J-60 or something) that looked like the thing was almost right under his chin.


Funny thing about fashion, though...even guitar fashion. It changes. What looks cool now might look dorky in 20 years, and vice versa.

You mean like this?




Brit invaders... Gerry and the Pacemakers!


Ride 'em HIGH!!! :eek:



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Yeah! There ya go...and I've seen some even higher!


My point is, we look back at those shots and think they're dorky...just like if you saw someone wearing elephant bells in '92 you would have thought they'd lost their mind. But now...it's back to the bellbottom blues...

"Cisco Kid, was a friend of mine"
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Originally posted by Tedster:

Originally posted by Schnert:

Hey Tedster,

How do I put up an avatar in this forum? Do I need a certain amount of posts or something before I'm allowed? :confused:

Can't find anything about avatars in my profile....

Schnert...I think you've gotta have 32 posts...maybe it's 35, before you can put up an avatar. After that, when you go into your profile, you'll see an "avatar" link...
Aha!! 4 to go then. :)
Rista brød med geitost, nam.
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sorry about the OT but I got a question about this...do you need a home page to import cool photos into this place? I wanted to post some guitar photos of mine but the program to convert them to .html files isn`t working at the moment.
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Originally posted by skip:

sorry about the OT but I got a question about this...do you need a home page to import cool photos into this place? I wanted to post some guitar photos of mine but the program to convert them to .html files isn`t working at the moment.

No, if the files are anywhere on the web, you can simply enter the "URL" of the image file location, NOT the page their on, the URL of the IMAGE.


Just right click on the image you want to show, then select properties... this should show the URL ending with .jpg, (for some reason GIF's don't seem to work, at least for me?), copy this URL in full, and then create a new post.


When you're ready to insert the image, use the IMAGE button on the menu below the text screen, then paste in the URL.


(TIP, "swipe" the http: that's already there, or you'll accidentally get "two" http://\'s and it won't work).


If you want to "double check" the image worked, you can use the "PREVIEW POST" button... if you did it right, the image should be there in your post.


BTW, if you want to FIND images easily, just go to a search engine like Yahoo or Google. Both now let you specifically search for images... or type "photo, whatever" in any search engine... and LOTS of goodies will come back for popular stuff... and more than a few surprises. :rolleyes:



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Skip, now that I'm rereading your message I see that you're wanting to post YOUR pictures.


Hmmm... then you need to host them somewhere first. They don't actually have to be on a page anywhere, just in a directory that is accessable to the web.


If you have just a few, e-mail them to me as an attachment, and I'll stick them on one of my websites. They won't be accessable to anyone there, but you can link to them and post them here...



I'm still "guitplayer"!

Check out my music if you like...



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Thanks for the assist, ya just a few. I`ll try to get them into my web mail, send from there.


right now it`s a .tif file, which I believe means it`s not on the web yet. I think that`s what the computer can`t do just now, I`ll tinker with it.

Uh, sorry about the detour everyone...

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What?!? This isn't cool, CMDN???


Hmm... nice slippers.



"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

--Sun Tzu

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I remember a recent article that many young males are developing back problems from being all hunched over their guitars that are slung low trying to look cool. Play it where it is comfortable and play it well, unless you are interested in girls that prefer hunchbacks. Reminds me of Derek Trucks playing Duane's parts for the Allmans, he can play just like Duane and arguably then some, without the faces and stances that appeared to be a requirement when Duane would play the exact same things. When you can play well the coolness factor comes naturally.
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Originally posted by Sunshy:

I have my guitar right above my waistmy belt when I play out live, but I realize I look like a "nerd" (or an old jazz player yipee!) when I do this. I want to play the guitar really low (a la Slash), but I find it impossible to do this. What gives? How can I gain some cool while keeping some decent technique?

Just being up there and playing in front of people raises your "cool factor" more than you know...
So those calluses are supposed to be there; right?
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Originally posted by James-Italy:

Besides, it's always the frontman and the drummer that get the babes. :cool:

A drummer with babes?? Interesting hypothesis. What's next, the perpetual motion machine?? Life on Mars? Beer that makes you lose weight? :D


"Fame is like death: We will never know what it looks like until we've reached the other side. Then it will be impossible to describe and no one will believe you if you try."

- Sloane Crosley, Village Voice

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