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Signal of Pod XT is weak going into DAW


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The signal is so weak. I have to turn the vol and overdrives all the way up to the max, just to hear the guitar.

I need advise on boosting the signal. should I install a preamp in the chain. Any suggestions for a better way to record guitar direct?

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To answer your question, I'm not familiar with the Pod's features. I haven't had a chance to "get inside of it". I need to deal with this weak signal first.


The chain is RME 9652 digiface, Mytek converters, Nuendo.

I have various pres (Phoenix audio, Manley etc.) but, I wasn't expecting to have to use them for Gtr.

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The first thing I'd check is your cable from the POD to the DAW. How long is it? Is it high grade? Was it working before? I have a J-Station that works great with a short cable... but putting it 15' away, with a 25 foot cable, results in the same problem you are having.



Everything I know is wrong.


Brian White


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Originally posted by Infusion:

The signal is so weak. I have to turn the vol and overdrives all the way up to the max, just to hear the guitar.

I need advise on boosting the signal. should I install a preamp in the chain. Any suggestions for a better way to record guitar direct?

Infusion ..........


I have never had this sort of problem, the signal is more than strong enough for most any preamp input or effects rack input.


Many of my personal clients with PODs run DITTO boxes for tube warmth, and up to 30db of gain. The DITTO will also allow very long cable runs from an onstage POD to a very remote house board.


Using the DITTO between the POD and a guitar amp or board, also warms up the signal quite a bit, as the DITTO is all tubes and transformers. They are also used by a lot of keyboard players.

Myles S. Rose






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I just got a POD XT (and have a J Station and original POD)... and it's my understanding that the XT has both +4 and -10 output level capabilities. If you have it set incorrectly for the computer interface you're using, that could definitely explain your level problems.
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