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Ampeg Reverborocket


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My quest for a good, reasonably priced amp continues. In addition to the Sunn T50C and Reverend Hellhound I am also now looking into the Ampeg Reverborocket. I prefer the 2x12 model if I can find one. I remember the old models sounding great and have read nice things on the reissues. I have always felt that Ampeg was such an underrated amp. I have never heard a bad sounding Ampeg. Great clean tones and reverb.

I am curious as to your comments on these and what tubes would work best. Thanks.

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I had a R12R reissue (single 12)which was manufactured in 96'. Just recently sold it, really liked this amp, just needed to thin out the amps a bit (still have a 94' ET, HRDx & DRRI). Sounds like you already know the strong points of this amp, great clean tone & reverb, though I did not care for the overdrive channel at all (too strong, too buzz saw like) for my taste. The amp was a bit brighter than all my Fenders. Worked great with humbuckers, but really had to tone down the treble with Strat's. Mine originaly came with EL34's, which I switched out to 6L6's (GT's, but forget which model) which seemed to fatten it up a bit (Ampeg switched to 6L6's as standard around 97' I think). I had some old re-branded (Gold Dragon) audio grade 12AX7's that I swapped out for the standard GT 12AX7WA's that took some of the edge of the highs, and had a GT 12AT7 (matched PI) in V3. The only problem I had with the amp was a very bad buzz in the power tubes when it was new, Ampeg sent me (a somewhat cheezy) cage to secure the powere tubes (now standard on the amp) which did fix the problem. My thoughts on the amp were that it was great for jazz, country, blues, and classic rock, but got a bit edge with a high gain stomp box in front of it (very pedal friendly with light OD pedals though). Nice naturaly breakup on the amp, though it get's pretty loud for 50 watts.



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I would be using the amp for a classic rock situation with a pedalboard. The clean is very important to me and hopefully it will be reasonably pedal friendly. Being in a classic rock band you need to cover a lot of sounds these days. The 50 watts is plenty especially if through 2 12's.
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