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What's your favorite pick?


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Originally posted by jlh:

I looked at your site after you commented that you had switched to the jazz style. Is that one of the 'mandolin' picks you show or do you really make the Gibson jazz style picks standard?


No, I still don't have them up on my website yet. If you'd like a pic of them, I'd be happy to email it to you. I'll probably be adding them on to the site in the next few days.

You've got the best guitar

You've got the best amp

Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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Pointy Jazz III's... but hey, shouldn't there be a law against using mammoth tusks for picks, before you know it they could be endangered, and


.. oh, right.


Thank you thank you, I'll be here at the Pistaschio Ward all week, drive safely.

Guitar Lessons in Augusta Georgia: www.chipmcdonald.com

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/ "big ass windbag" - Bruce Swedien

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Originally posted by Chip McDonald:

Pointy Jazz III's... but hey, shouldn't there be a law against using mammoth tusks for picks, before you know it they could be endangered, and


.. oh, right.


Thank you thank you, I'll be here at the Pistaschio Ward all week, drive safely.

Actually, Mammoth tusks are one of the very few legal sources for ivory. It's the only source that I know of that is legal even across international borders!


Dunlop Jazz III! My favorite!


Saucyjack--I got a black "sharpie" (1.35mm) from my local music store a little while ago. I was just looking for some of the most popular shapes, and that was one of 'em.

You've got the best guitar

You've got the best amp

Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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Heck yeah! As long as it's the same size and shape as the black one, I can do it in pretty much any thickness. Just so you know, it will most likely be sturdier (stiffer) than the Dunlop, and the Mammoth Ivory picks are a tad more expensive than plastic (I just don't want you to be too shocked when your look up the prices). On the other hand, how many chances have you had in your lifetime to get your hands on something as unique as this?

You've got the best guitar

You've got the best amp

Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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Originally posted by Tuskbuffer:

On the other hand, how many chances have you had in your lifetime to get your hands on something as unique as this?

Have I ever told you that you are such a shameless plugger? I think so, but Tuskbuffer, you're one shameless plugger, my friend. Just to let you know. But it's all good in da 'hood. Nothing wrong with that. Peace.
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The thing is Patrick you have to sell like 5000 picks to make any money so you have to be constantly pitching the product. "Hey Mom, how you doing, want a buy a pick?"


  • Tusk at his child's school on the Public Address system-"Good morning children, would anyone like to buy a pick?
  • At the grocery store- That'll be $35.76-"Do you take picks, do you want a buy a pick"

Well you get the idea, the man's just trying to make a living, and the pick game is a mammoth eat mammoth world.

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Patrick, ya know, you ah-ight! Seriously, I don't know about anybody else, but I've always used wierd things for picks; I mean WAY beyond the bread ties and coins, looking for that perfect, unique sound, feel, etc. These are IT!!! Maybe that would be a cool string "What's the wierdest thing you've used for a pick" or something like that. I think it would be too shameless for me to start something like that, though!


Anyway, I really started this string to find out what the most popular style picks are in this group. This is an awesome group with a lot of different tastes and styles, and I really appreciate everyone's input.

You've got the best guitar

You've got the best amp

Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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Originally posted by TuskBuffer:

Patrick, ya know, you ah-ight! Seriously, I don't know about anybody else, but I've always used wierd things for picks; I mean WAY beyond the bread ties and coins, looking for that perfect, unique sound, feel, etc. These are IT!!! Maybe that would be a cool string "What's the wierdest thing you've used for a pick" or something like that. I think it would be too shameless for me to start something like that, though!


Anyway, I really started this string to find out what the most popular style picks are in this group. This is an awesome group with a lot of different tastes and styles, and I really appreciate everyone's input.

Yeah, man. It's all in the name of the game. Me, I'd be pushing these things like drugs... Selling them to school children after class and stuff. But I've never sold picks, much less drugs, to school children. I sell sandwiches... And I'm trying to get something done so I can get a radio spot for a commercial, jingle, etc. There are some news guys that come in the shop and plug it on TV, and the such, but a commercial would be nice, with a little music and the such. I'd even let the owner be in it...
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I prefer thin picks, Dunlop Tortex is what I use most. My favorite is a thin copper pick that I seldom use outside the studio (had it for +15 years now, it wears out strings in no time flat and scratches the paint like no other pick but the tone I get is just incredible).


The company/organisation I work for have bought several thousand Gibson medium picks with our logo printed in gold, we use them for PR purposes but they do also get a lot of real use.


BTW, Sharkfin picks are still manufactured. The original designer, Landstrom, sold the assets of his company to a guy that lives in a town not far from mine, he converted his garage to a pick plant! (He's also got an awesome guitar collection)




What do we want? Procrastination!

When do we want it? Later!

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Originally posted by skip:

Hey Tuskbuffer-

I was thinking-would it be possible to send you one of those Dugain picks, and ask you to fashion one in the same shape? I really like the ones I have but a heavier one would be perfect for me.

Absolutely! I love making special orders! Just send me a pick to model it after and I'll get right on it. Contact me at savageblade@eriecoast.com or PM me and we'll get it going.

You've got the best guitar

You've got the best amp

Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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Man, thanks for all the excellent info! Has anybody ever played with a "Dawg" style pick? I've never seen one outside of eBay, but I've had people ask me about them. Would this be more of a mandolin pick or something?


By the way, for those who prefer the Jazz, I just put up a "Jazz" page with a few to choose from. I've also added an Ivory Nut blank page.


TheWewus-- At the grocery store- That'll be $35.76-"Do you take picks, do you want a buy a pick"

Believe me, I've tried that. They just kind of look at me funny.......

You've got the best guitar

You've got the best amp

Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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Originally posted by Mats_Olsson:

The sharkfin guy I just told you about, traded picks for a Gibson SG in a local store a couple of years back.



Sounds VERY cool! I'd like to try a sharkfin pick. How can I get in touch with this guy?

You've got the best guitar

You've got the best amp

Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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When I use picks, I use a Fender 351 celluloid thin (biting treble squeel). Other times (90%) I use my fingers.


In any case, since you have said so much in this forum on your products, why don't you have a "forum special" of some sort, like 40% off single picks or 3 for the price of two?


If you check with a lot of folks here, at times I have given out a lot of totally free tubes, pin straighteners, and tube pins at functions where forum folks have met, or individually, so I am not asking you for something I would not do, or have not done myself :)

Myles S. Rose






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Originally posted by myles111:

In any case, since you have said so much in this forum on your products, why don't you have a "forum special" of some sort, like 40% off single picks or 3 for the price of two?



Thanks for the input, Myles! Actually, I have run specials exclusively for this forum a couple of times already. I'm sure I will again, as soon as I can make up a bunch more picks. My shop is out in my unheated garage, and shivering in the cold, Ohio winter while working with bandsaws and other power tools tends to have some disadvantages! The local newspaper just ran a big article about me & my picks on Sunday, and I've been getting some orders from that :thu: I just want to make sure I have enough to last before I do another exclusive special, which will be "$10.00 off the top for two picks" or something like that. We'll see.....


The weather should improve soon, and I'll be a pick makin' fool again! Thank you for your blessing to start a thread of that sort, by the way!


LadY: How much would those picks cost?

They range from $19.00 to $24.00--expensive buggers, I know, but you will NOT be disappointed! I had some "Bargain" (imperfect)picks available for $10.00 each, but those got snatched up in a few days time. Keep checking the site for more Bargains, and watch out for the Forum special sometime in the near future!

You've got the best guitar

You've got the best amp

Now get the best pick!


TuskBuffer Mammoth Ivory Guitar Picks

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Very cool picks, but I lose far too many to justify spending $20 on a pick I'd most likely lose, hehe. I'd probably keep it with my BR1180 supplies, hehe. But right now I use Clayton picks, those whitish ones with the eagle on it, .63 for bass and .80 or 1.00 for guitar. Still, beautiful picks, small GAS attack coming on...


several catalog places sell picks made of cymbol brass, some kinda of agate, and jade. The cymbol ones are like 5 bucks, but the stone ones are roughly $20. There's a market for your picks at least :D . Maybe you'll be the next "He started his work out in his garage, toiling away tirelessly by himself, crafting his by hand. Now, he sells his multi-million dollar business to some corporation who screws it all up" :D . hehe. I've got my eye on one, but I may wait and see what comes out of your garage next :)

"Beware the wrath of the quiet man."
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  • 2 weeks later...
I can't believe nobody mentioned Ernie Ball nylon picks. I used to use Jim Dunlop 1.0 black nylons then I ordered from Musicians Friend by accident the Ernie Ball 1.0 black nylon, at first I thought well they are shaped the same probbably the same pick with a different name but oh was I wrong. The Dunlop pick after a few hours of playing seemed to lose its stiffness where as the Ernie Ball just keeps the same feel, I have yet to throw away a EB pick on purpose, of course I've lost hundreds, and all the Dunlops that would keep reapearing in my pick pile would go straight to the trash. They are just no comparison after a few hours of use. The sad part of the story is a couple of years ago looking through my new Musicians Friend catalog I noticed no EB picks listed I immediately called them up and ordered 500 picks they had not sold yet. I dont know if there is any more out there available but if you are a Jim Dunlop 1.0 black nylon pick user do try to find some they are a world of difference between the two. If any one reading has connections to Ernie Ball products ask them to renew production or if you have a Jim Dunlop connection have them change their formula.
When in doubt, BEND IT!!!
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MY favorite would be Howard Stern!


Whoa! Wait...that's PICK! NOT prick!!


Well, then, it would have to be my Fender extra heavy. I have several, but I still have an older one with the printing wore off. Seems just a c---hair heavier than the newer ones I have.



I started out with NOTHING...and I still have most of it left!
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  • 3 years later...

I would have to say a FAVORITE pick depends on what I was playing, and the guitar - of course.


I play an Adamas and for different sounds, my two favorites are/were a Landstrum Design Sharkfin pick, grey (.80, I think), made in Sweden; and there is this odd-thing, called a STRUM ROSE that is good for some things.


Normally, I use a .73 or .88 Dunlop Nylon pick, which is adequate but, but I digress:


The Sharkfin is great for fast work, like cross-picking, bluegrass, or basic strumming. And it is nice and narrow, helping in the "need-for-speed".

The Strum Rose is actually a row of picks, in descending order(s), molded into a thick "handle" and it actually comes close to imitating the sound of a 12-string on a 6-string when used correctly. It is a little hard to hold so fast guitar work is not it's forte and yet it does draw attention.


I still have a Strum Rose and am searching for a supplier for that and for some of those original Shark Fins (NOT for the American copy by Dunlop, which is too big for comfort).


Does nyone know how/where/how much I can get these babies now-a-days?


Stay in Tune!

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